Why Are Parents Ansy About Piercings????

Mar 10, 2007
i was just wonderin im a guy and i asked my dad if i could go and get my ear pierced and i almost got hit into the ground....does anybody else's parentsact like that....any ideas why parents have the mentality that guys with ear piercings are bad??
Some parents view it as a form of destruction and rebellion.
I have 4 tattoos now, I'm 20. First one my mother was skeptical but then realized I'm not tattooing just for the hell of it. Each one has deep meaningand I either sketch it or work with the artist intensely to get it just right.

As far as piercings go, I see you were from 1993, so that's about 15, I can see parents being a bit skeptical at your age. They're your parents firstand foremost, when you're 18, you can do what you want.
It really depends where your from (culture), and how americanized you are.

When I first got into college, I went and got my ear pierced, and at first my mother hated it. But as time went on she learned to accept it, and nowdoesn't care too much.

I'm Indian BTW, so you already know how my parents felt about their son getting an earring. My mother was the one who had a problem, my father didn'tseem to care too much.
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Some parents view it as a form of destruction and rebellion.

I know mine do. Both of them don't like my ear piercings at all. I have 2 in each lobe, an industrial in my left ear and a regular hole on the topright. After a while they realized that it's my decision and they can't really do anything about it. Once I hit 18 and come home from college with atattoo, they're probably going to have heart attacks.
I woulda thought Indians wouldnt have issues w/ piercings. But i remember when my moms threatened to kill me when i was younger when i lied that i got itpierced while she was on vacation. And now im older with them pierced, my father loves to bring up the story of me as a kid seeing some guy with it, asking ifhe was a girl.
Why would you want to get pierced in the first place?? i

if you have a proper answer to that then they should be able to understand... Other than that cut your crap
Why is my pops so ansy about me having long hair?

This is why I'm gonna cut my hair.. and get my ears pierced
I didn't ask my parents, I just did it. It's a phase you grow out of though, I hardly wear earrings these days.
Most likely because it is a very stupid thing to do.
If I had a kid and he asked me...I'd do the same thing your dad did.
Originally Posted by kash55

Most likely because it is a very stupid thing to do.
If I had a kid and he asked me...I'd do the same thing your dad did.


outta here with that bs. it's a form of expression. i see it as art. jewelry is art. hell, i cant paint so I express my creativity through my ears. stophatin son
I feel ya son (nh)
My moms told me I couldn't get my ears pierced (mind you i'm 18, and going to college in the fall). Here's the funny part though, she saysi'll never be able to get a real job if i get my ears pierced.

What you gotta understand is, my mom has a "real" job and she is a black woman with dreads and when i was 10 i used to have dreads and she didn'twant me to cut them off......so she somehow thinks that getting my ears pierced is somehow gonna keep me from getting a job more then having dreads...
. I love her, but her logic is....funny
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by kash55

Most likely because it is a very stupid thing to do.
If I had a kid and he asked me...I'd do the same thing your dad did.


outta here with that bs. it's a form of expression. i see it as art. jewelry is art. hell, i cant paint so I express my creativity through my ears. stop hatin son
Art? Oh please! Putting on huge stud earrings is not art! Stud earrings for men is one of the worst trends of the decade.
Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by kash55

Most likely because it is a very stupid thing to do.
If I had a kid and he asked me...I'd do the same thing your dad did.


outta here with that bs. it's a form of expression. i see it as art. jewelry is art. hell, i cant paint so I express my creativity through my ears. stop hatin son
Art? Oh please! Putting on huge stud earrings is not art! Stud earrings for men is one of the worst trends of the decade.


Tell that to your man,

It's a mixture of tradition and custom for my parents. My mom would rip the earrings off my ears if I get them pierced.
You want art, goto a museum and enjoy Monet or Henri Matisse...and yeah jewerly is art when your talking about the King Louis's which you can go see inSmithsonian Museum. Perhaps you want to see British Crown jewels in England which is amazing and maybe The Orloff in Russia.

Those are art, not what you kids put in your ears.

Oh and Lil Cao, find me a 2K Sports developer with earrings, then you can think your funny.
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by kash55

Most likely because it is a very stupid thing to do.
If I had a kid and he asked me...I'd do the same thing your dad did.


outta here with that bs. it's a form of expression. i see it as art. jewelry is art. hell, i cant paint so I express my creativity through my ears. stop hatin son
Art? Oh please! Putting on huge stud earrings is not art! Stud earrings for men is one of the worst trends of the decade.


Tell that to your man,

My were the same way.
With my culture it is hard for them to except it because how they grew up it was very different than now.
Now we see it as no big deal cuz everyone and their mom have their ears pierced.
But when they were younger it was strictly gang members and so on.
N e way this is how i went about it...

I bought some magnet earrings and wore those home and pretended they were real, obviously they were pissed, but them i told them they were just magnets, anywaythey kind of let me wear them and then they got used to me wearing them everyday and i just kept hinting at them once in a while about how i was gonna get themreally pierced soon, at first they were like your crazy n stuff but then they got accustomed to them and my mom actually took me to get them pierced (you gottabe 18 or w/ a parent) and then it was all good from there.

My advice:
Get them because YOU want them and are positive you want them, not because everyone else has them or because they look cool or bcuz some beezy said you lookedsexy w/ em on. Thats what my friends did and they are f-ing idiots, dont do what they did, i got mine long after they did because i wanted to make sure iwanted them. My first idiot friend got them and had to take them off b4 going inside his house everyday and when he forgot he was kicked out his crib and hadto spend the night at my house... My second dumb %+* friend got them and also had to take them off b4 he went inside his house everyday, he forgot one day andhe was not kicked out but he was not in good terms with his parents for months, me i waited and actually told my parents and didnt do it behind their back andthey were glad i did that and not what my %$%%*$+ friends did and when i really wanted them they took me to go get em. So make sure YOU want them.
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