Why are you in college/Why did you go to college?

Because if I was going to work with electronics I might as well make more than 24k a year and not get shot at while doing it.
To learn more about CS and Physics out of curiosity. Then eventually go on to get a job at R&D for a good salary
Same reasons as everyone else..

To add to that, in my area to be making the money I'm making right now without a degree I'd have to move up the ladder in some type of construction  gig or manual labor job in a factory. No bueno.
My dad worked at the school I went to so I got free tuition plus scholarship from my tribe. I honestly got paid more to go to school than I did working.
Went right out of high school, seemed like the right thing to do. Plus I didnt want to be working for 7.75 at Wal-Mart like most of the dudes I know.

Two more years and Im out (BS Economics & C.S.)
To obtain my associates in CIS. I went initially in 98-99 and then dropped out. Start back this summer to finish what I started. I'm about 20 credits away from my goal.
1) pressure from parents
2) no direction/no career path in mind
3) all my friends were going
4) its the trendy thing to do

Graduated with BA's in Economics & Communication.

3 internships and two post-grad jobs later, I still have no idea what I want to do.
To waste money.

+ smash various chicks
+ become a pothead

only to change my major twice and realize secondary education is what i'll be happy doing for the rest of my working life.
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Because I want to make enough money so that every four years I'm not blaming someone else for my financial shortcomings.
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