Why are you still up?

Jan 5, 2003
It's almost 1:00 am here in the CST, not really that late but I've got class tomorrow morning. I'm hopped up off this new anxiety med I'm on(Wellbutrin) and it's really hard to get used to the side effects... I've been stumbling around my apartment all day. I tried to smoke weed to make itgo away but it just got worse. Anyways, that's why I'm awake.
no reason, just browsing NT. Should be sleepin though, got like 4 hours of sleep last night...
Watching Robin Hood Men in Tights

And I gotta scim through NT before knocking out.
Because I took a nap at 4:15 and woke up at 6:30. I have class tomorrow at 10:30 but I'm not tired at all.
English homework. Procrastination.....

I'm going to try again. No more internet for today.
Math Exam tomorrow..

Ima say F it though.. professor drops da lowest grade anyway.. lol
its 2am on the east coast, on facebook, listening to music, got no work tomorrow so im staying up.
Originally Posted by sonunox34

I'm hopped up off this new anxiety med I'm on (Wellbutrin) and it's really hard to get used to the side effects... I've been stumbling around my apartment all day. I tried to smoke weed to make it go away but it just got worse.
You tried to smoke weed to make an anxiety med go away? Weed just makes that stuff more powerful, in my experience. Blunt + Ativan = arelaxing night. That's weird that you're hyped from an anxiety med though, they're usually downers.

P.S. I'm up cuz I'm on the West Coast as well.
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