
Oct 13, 2008
The following is a partial, incomplete list of notable Tufts University people. It includes alumni, professors, and others associated with Tufts University. See also Tufts University alumni.
[h2]Contents[/h2] [hide]
[/td][/tr][/table][h2][edit] Notable alumni[/h2][h3][edit] Government and politics[/h3][h3][edit] Business[/h3][h3][edit] Arts and media[/h3][h3][edit] Sciences and academia[/h3][h3][edit] Athletics[/h3][h3][edit] Criminal activity[/h3][h2][edit] Notable faculty[/h2][h2][edit] Fictional characters[/h2]
Help you?
What makes you more special than the thousands of other kids who attend Tufts?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Help you?
What makes you more special than the thousands of other kids who attend Tufts?
I'm just saying, I'm out here struggling to pay these loans...and I got CEOs and ambassadors who went to my school. Can they help a brotha out?
Every top 50 school has a long list of Alumni who are CEOs, Politicians, etc.

Whats you're point? You are but an ant in an ant-pile in a soccer field. They have no obligation to help one ant out. That is not logistically feasible.
 Instead, they provide water to the soil of the soccer field. (endowments).

P.S.,Some of these guys will have more cash to help your school and consequently you out if they keep their big bonuses.
Make sure congress stays out of wall-street's business.I noticed Jamie Dimon and few other top bankers went to your school
Tufts is a good school, but it has a poor reputation among elite circles. their admissions process is a joke.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Tufts is a good school, but it has a poor reputation among elite circles. their admissions process is a joke.
lol what.....it actually has a GREAT reputation among elite circles. Maybe you're referring to the fact that it's a poor man's Harvard
. Only people who matter know it's a good school. And elaborate on their admissions process being a joke? I know several people who got into higher ranked schools that got rejected from there.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Tufts is a good school, but it has a poor reputation among elite circles. their admissions process is a joke.
lol what.....it actually has a GREAT reputation among elite circles. Maybe you're referring to the fact that it's a poor man's Harvard
. Only people who matter know it's a good school. And elaborate on their admissions process being a joke? I know several people who got into higher ranked schools that got rejected from there.

exactly.. they're afraid of being used as a back-up school to the Ivies/top-20 schools, so they purposely reject kids who are smart enough to go to better schools. if thats not an inferiority complex, i dont know what is.

no hate, like i said its a good school. but it doesn't have the kind of name that can get you a job, just like that.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Tufts is a good school, but it has a poor reputation among elite circles. their admissions process is a joke.
lol what.....it actually has a GREAT reputation among elite circles. Maybe you're referring to the fact that it's a poor man's Harvard
. Only people who matter know it's a good school. And elaborate on their admissions process being a joke? I know several people who got into higher ranked schools that got rejected from there.

exactly.. they're afraid of being used as a back-up school to the Ivies/top-20 schools, so they purposely reject kids who are smart enough to go to better schools. if thats not an inferiority complex, i dont know what is.

no hate, like i said its a good school. but it doesn't have the kind of name that can get you a job, just like that.
You ARE hating....It does get you a job believe me!!!!!! I have friends who currently have jobs at Goldman Sacs strictly cause of the name. And we get a boat-load of students into Med/Law school/ Business school. Like i said people who matter know.

But let's get back to the topic, how can I get these people to send me money and free stuff.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Tufts is a good school, but it has a poor reputation among elite circles. their admissions process is a joke.

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Tufts is a good school, but it has a poor reputation among elite circles. their admissions process is a joke.
lolwhat.....it actually has a GREAT reputation among elite circles. Maybeyou're referring to the fact that it's a poor man's Harvard
. Only people who matter know it's a good school. And elaborate on their admissions process being a joke? I know several people who got into higher ranked schools that got rejected from there.

exactly..they're afraid of being used as a back-up school to the Ivies/top-20schools, so they purposely reject kids who are smart enough to go tobetter schools. if thats not an inferiority complex, i dont know whatis.

no hate, like i said its a good school. but it doesn't have the kind of name that can get you a job, just like that.

word? you tryna pop off downtown?!?!

But let's get back to the topic, how can I get these people to send me money and free stuff.

Here's a question, why should they send you money?

Whats your GPA, internships experience, leadership in school, etc.
Basically, are you worth anyone's investment....................
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

But let's get back to the topic, how can I get these people to send me money and free stuff.

Here's a question, why should they send you money?

Whats your GPA, internships experience, leadership in school, etc.
Basically, are you worth anyone's investment....................

Should I send out my transcript and CV?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Didn't know you were a jumbo my man
U went to tufts?
Nah, but I fell in like with a girl who does... used to post about her before my ex girl

add me on facebook so i can see if she's mutual..

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Didn't know you were a jumbo my man
U went to tufts?
Nah, but I fell in like with a girl who does... used to post about her before my ex girl

add me on facebook so i can see if she's mutual..


link ur fb
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