Why did she ruin her life? vol. Black women issues


Aug 22, 2007
Ok. This chick I know and talked to briefly recently ruined her life. She was feeling the kid and we went on one official date. the other times were just out as a group. But kept it 100 and told her I had a chick already. I guess she couldn't handle that. So we had a falling out. Her loss.

She's a college educated, government job, tall, pretty, raised correctly, christian woman, own apartment, pushes a white beemer too :pimp:. So last week I hear she's preggo from a dude that she went to high school with. I don't know him but everybody says he's a loser/bum. He got 2 kids by another chick, stays at home, no education, lives in a trailer park, just overall lame.

So me being the man I am I looked at both sides. I'm like yo "this dude must've had some type of game or something". But the more I hear son doesn't even want anything to do with her or the baby. I'm confused....she could've been his come up. But that's not even the case.

But everybody wants to know is WHY? Why would she date him? Why let him smash? Why have a baby? Why keep it? WhYYYYYY word to Jadakiss.

I think she just wanted a baby or was tired of being single and stooped to the lowest of the low. Funny thing is she was getting play from dudes of a high quality but she wanted that perfect relationship and was mad when dudes had other things (woman) going on also. So instead of waiting for a good dude or taking a good dude with some baggage she went and found a straight loser and ruined her life. :smh:

This really bothers me inside. These chicks want that prince charming so bad and when it doesn't happen they can't handle it. They don't even get a Prince Cool Guy or a Prince Potential. They get a Prince Sperm Donor. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Trying to use logical reasoning to understand the actions of a woman is a waste of time, breh.
They say they want Prince Charming but what she says she wants/likes and what she actually responds to RARELY coincide.
Sounds like it was your loss bro. You seem to be more hung up on it then she is/was. Either way if she's happy let it be :D


As soon as OP mentioned about the dude not wanting anything to do with her, that it could've been his 'come up'

That right there told be OP is salty that dude planted the seed and not him.
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Men settle and have children with low-life chicks all the time too.

No real reason to single out Black Women in this instance.
pics of her, her college degree, apt, white benz , and govt worker id card?

oh to the humblegragginston and self-proclaimed elusive white knight OP, do you know that some females love a challenge and are hopeless romantics? Its true, esp. women who are independent and well-off materially.
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Men settle and have children with low-life chicks all the time too.
No real reason to single out Black Women in this instance.

Naw usually a dude who has it together keeps it together. But you won't see a demographic with their stuff together and just settle for less like black women. Now she's about to be a baby momma. Another single angry black woman raising a child surrounded in that negative energy.
Naw usually a dude who has it together keeps it together. But you won't see a demographic with their stuff together and just settle for less like black women. Now she's about to be a baby momma. Another single angry black woman raising a child surrounded in that negative energy.

I wish that was the case but there are too many millionaire cats getting washed for half of their net worth by career trophy wives and reformed night walkers for that to be true.

And shorty hasn't even had the baby yet...how you jumping to those kind of conclusions?

You sounding a lil bitter fambs.
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The fact that you brought millionaires shows you ain't living in reality. Dudes with quality jobs/careers and have something going for themselves don't wife low level chicks. Maybe a dime but she's a dummy but never a chick with nothing to offer. My point was ol girl did that in this case. I never seen dude or know him but everybody uses words like bum and loser...male and female say this. I ain't jelly just sad she went out like this.
The fact that you brought millionaires shows you ain't living in reality. Dudes with quality jobs/careers and have something going for themselves don't wife low level chicks. Maybe a dime but she's a dummy but never a chick with nothing to offer. My point was ol girl did that in this case. I never seen dude or know him but everybody uses words like bum and loser...male and female say this. I ain't jelly just sad she went out like this.

What reality are you living in? Cuz I see this **** ALL the time.
This happens way too often but don't try to Marvin's Room dude. Just chalk it up and move on...
Why do you even care? It's her problem and not yours. :smh: Wasteful threads like this should get you banned for a week imo. This isn't even worth a "cool story bro" comment.
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thread backfire?
Trying to use logical reasoning to understand the actions of a woman is a waste of time, breh.
They say they want Prince Charming but what she says she wants/likes and what she actually responds to RARELY coincide.
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and remove the "black women" :smh: all females do this #$%
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might not believe in abortion, so she having the baby. for some reason plenty females be making wrong decisions when it comes to dudes. even after they find out what dude all about, they still riding wit em. they gotta live and learn. men do the same thing though - too bad for ya girl but u aint gotta concern yaself wit her no more. did this chick have her stuff together more than yo girl u was already seeing?
Men settle and have children with low-life chicks all the time too.
No real reason to single out Black Women in this instance.

Exactly !

And dam i had no idea having a kid could ruin someones life, if she has everything going for her like you said she should be able to handle this.

Being a single mom or having a loser for a mate is not a death sentence OP, its definitely not a good look but to say she RUINED HER LIFE is probly a bit of an overstatement.
LOL @ thread backfire

I'm more confused at the fact that you already have a woman and you're salty because she wouldn't let you smash on the side. And you're saying it's her loss and she couldn't handle you being with someone else like it was no big deal. :smh:
So, you got caught up, she wasn't checking for you like that even though you already were in a relationship? and then you made a thread to **** on all black women.
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