Why did the Vince Carter line fail?

still got the white/navy 2s ds.

nike should do it right and drop the white/purples.. maybe even a UNC colorway.

but yeah, shox didn't really seem to sell that well for basketball--just about every bball shox hit clearance.
Just imagine the same Upper on different Technology Tooling Platforms now...

Could be a different story... but I did like the designs.. just not the shox for ballin.
yeah his line wasn't doing so good cause Vince wasn't doing so well. same thing goes with T-mac and his line.
VC is my fav player ever since i start luving bball...
feel really sad to c the line stopped...
from the 4s... it start looking ugly~ 1 is the best looking, 2s and 3s r alrite IMO~ 4s r too plaint, doenst even looked like a signature shoes...

i believe the market determined the line had to be shut down...
the VC line failed for one reason only, HE FAILED ON US (THE TORONTO RAPTORS)
Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

Because he left Toronto
it failed cause his knees failed.... im not saying that he quit or not but having knee problems is a big thing. Especially when your game is based of explosivejumping and drives to the basket. He was on his own planet when it came to that. As a person that has knee problems (tendonitis in both knees) myself afterbeing able to fly is EXTREMELY frustrating. I can only imagine what its like to deal with that during a 80+ game season in a cold home climate like Toronto.Tall people, let alone humans, really arent made to jump let that in the first place and thats why you see some many outstanding dunkers body's fallapart..... (ie T-mac, Amare, etc) They dont dunk like they used to. There are ways to prevent that (ie D Wade) but the difficulty varies depending on theperson. Anyways........ i loved the VC II and the IVs, they both didnt make my knees hurt and allowed me to perform like i usually do.
VC was no longer the dunker he once was. He sacrificed the jumping for an all around game. That cost Nike. I love Raptor fans though. Since VC left T-dot,he's won 3 series (including smoking the Raps). The Raptors have won zero.
Originally Posted by phoenixmolochia89

VC was no longer the dunker he once was. He sacrificed the jumping for an all around game. That cost Nike. I love Raptor fans though. Since VC left T-dot, he's won 3 series (including smoking the Raps). The Raptors have won zero.
well put........ he put his jumping/dunking on the back burner to extend his career, hes still a very good player but not as exciting as he usedto be. But ever once in a while u will see a windmill or 360 with ease...
. He still got the strength in his legs but its too painful to do it all the time.
I loved the line up until the fourth shoe. After the fourth one I gave up on the line because I wasn't feeling the designs. And the comfort wasn't goodenough for me to keep buying them.
VC line aren't that great in term of performance. Imo they market for bigger players like forward and center. The Lebron, Kobe line aint helping the salesof the VC line either
VC 1-3 were amazing.

After that, the line fell way off.

Marketing was on-point too. (Rayguns, etc.)
the funny thing is, vince as a player is as popular as ever in new jersey.

but i guess jersey doesn't account for that much in shoe sales.. maybe jersey sales?
Don't get it twisted -- Vince ruined Toronto for a good minute by self-tanking -- so don't hate on Toronto fans. The doldrums the franchise faced/facesare a direct result of his tanking. When your team's "best" player stops showing up and deflates his market value so you get pennies on thedollar when you trade him, that earns undying hate.

Funny how both T-Mac and Vince have since been exposed as heartless punks. In my experience, T-Mac sold hella (ugly) shoes -- especially during his Orlandoyears. But the three stripes has been pushing str8t doo-doo for a long time now...

At least Vince got a few nice bangs in with NJ.
I always loved his shoes, but injuries really hurt his game and his sig line.

when VCs game went downhill, his sig line also came down with it..
I loved the 1 and 3. the 1 was an awesome shoe performance wise. I guess it failed because of the trade. Everything was going well until Vince got bored inToronto and stopped playing to get traded.
@ vince for that. Then theshox thing. Just never worked in the basketball area
I won a pair of VCIIs in a game of ball.. they aiight, but i am not a fan of shox AT ALL... I guess i can give these a pass though.
Besides the whole Shox debate (where the BB4, and VC2 are probably the most popular Basketball shox that were sold and would probably do just as well today ifre-released) there were other factors involved in the VC line being stopped.

Around the time of the VC4, Nike had just signed some player to a 90 million dollar contract that was entering his rookie year in the league (wonder who thatis?). On top of that, they signed another major sneaker free agent around that time as well. Not for as much as this super rookie but a pretty good amount aswell.

Add to this VC's change as being a high flying, dunk machine to a Jumpshooting player totally changed the way Nike had to market him. Sure he was still VCbut it is hard to sell to individuals like us and over a certain age group Sneakers that were always known to give explosiveness to a player and"boing" per say as they would put it especially with Vince.

You also have to look at how many players were dropped from certain player contracts around that time frame as well and given lesser Nike Contracts with PEeditions of already produced sneakers. If you truly look at what Nike has done, What current NBA players have Sneakers made for them? All I can think of is theKobe line and the Lebron James line. Every other Sneaker that is released for players like VC are just special make ups of particular shoes. We are even seeingthis now with Paul Pierce and going to the Sharkley and no longer having the P2 sneakers. (He still has his logo like VC and JO but now on a sharkley)

The inability to sell a shoe for a player that changed his game and the main purpose of the shoe had to change for Nike but also I think money played a factoras well.
Originally Posted by Rick Kang

Don't get it twisted -- Vince ruined Toronto for a good minute by self-tanking -- so don't hate on Toronto fans. The doldrums the franchise faced/faces are a direct result of his tanking. When your team's "best" player stops showing up and deflates his market value so you get pennies on the dollar when you trade him, that earns undying hate.

Funny how both T-Mac and Vince have since been exposed as heartless punks. In my experience, T-Mac sold hella (ugly) shoes -- especially during his Orlando years. But the three stripes has been pushing str8t doo-doo for a long time now...

At least Vince got a few nice bangs in with NJ.
Vince is heartless? Tell that to the Net rookies that worship him. Tell that to the players that voted him team captain. He's missed 11 gamesover the last 5 years due to injury. Don't get it twisted. The Raptors are a basketball franchse in Canada. They are destined to failure. Next to bounce isCB4. And the fact that CB4 and JO/MAtrix and CAlderon play like girls and no defence has nothing to do with Carter. Move the hell on.
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