Why do dudes be trying people on the basketball court

Jan 26, 2009
So I'm at the park yesterday and we running full court against some guys, of course these dudes are from the guttah, I could tell by the S.W.A.T.S tatsthey had. So you know there is a bunch of trash talk (yeah I trash talk LOL) but it's apart the game right ??? So the whole time everybody is going at withtheir man with words( note that I had a bunch marines on my team) but nobody seemed to mind, nobody didn't get tried except this one kid on my team he wasin high school, and pretty good for his age, so I guess he fouled dude, but he didn't call it all of a sudden dude gets pissed on some what's up typeshhhhh and runs up on the kid trying to swing on him, long story short little dude gets shook we run over and get dude away from him. Man dude was weak @%%hell for that, getting mad like we getting paid
Can't explain it but on the court there's always tension and egos I know I talk 20x as much trash on the court but it's not that serious to fightover a foul
I'm a better mid-range and three point shooter than you OP
Word, that gets me pissed off too. It's not that serious.

Always ends up in a fight unless someone breaks it up. Every time I go.

It's either that or the scrubs who think they are fire when no one is even playing seriously. That's why I barely play at the park anymore.
its the spirit of competition. emotions are always high on the hoop court. you(generaly speakin) prob shouldnt talk shh on the court or period if you cant orarent ready to back it up
I never could see why people fight over a pick-up basketball game, its just a game
Originally Posted by ericberry14

what the hell are you trying to say?

What the hell you mean what I'm trying to say???? I'm saying it's wack that's what I'm saying, peope be getting took out or beat in to apulp because of punk *** N_ getting mad because they're loosing or getting showed up. You telling me your ego is that big that you have to fight, I hate totake a lost when I'm playing, but I'm not about to fight or shoot
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

I'm a better mid-range and three point shooter than you OP

You sound crazy my boy LOL I'll give you straight up john starks action, come down the court and just straight shoot with no second thoughts LOL
One of the reasons why i never liked basketball. Dudes be gettin too serious on the court, like N_ u need to calm down brah its just a game.
You know when people think they good at somethin they take it to a whole new level.....I just play for fun with people I know mostly.
theres these goons, really young dudes that always trying to stir up a fight during pick up
dudes be swinging elbows and throwing some hard moving screens and fouling like crazy, all while talking trash
and if you do that in return or even mention to them they are playing dirty, they want to immediately throw down

needless to say, they picked a fight with some short guy on my team. the guy was a mma fighter and snapped and was looking for blood
i remember when we were around 16-17 and played w/ these 2 guys at the y, maybe 25 or so, that were YOKED

one of them tried dunking on my team the ENTIRE game. dude was just running full speed from the top of the key trying to yam it on us. one of my friends didntlike how a guy that old was trying to push his weight around a bunch of kids our age

next time the guy went up my boy speared the **** out of him in mid air. dude was on some goldberg ****

then they fought of course. the other big guy stopped it, seeing how it was ridic that a 26 year old was fighting some teen 10 years younger than him
it's funny. i dont even talk on the court. but when the dude i'm matched up against is running his mouth and I just
hit my shots and dont sayanything it seems to make them madder.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

what the hell are you trying to say?
Hes from the South, i dont think we're supposed to know what hes saying.

If you mean people fighting on the basketball court, yes..that happens all the time..not proud of it though
i never talk on the court, i just let my game speak for itself. i like it when their team gets all mad and start yelling at each other lol...
I hate playin ball in the streets, dudes don't know how to act, actin like females, they don't resepct calls but get all tight when they call somethin,its a pick up game....
oh my god i had a hard time trying to figure out what you were saying, but after years of research, i feel you fam. some dudes get hella outta pocket whenhooping
I hate that ballhog!!! One that calls foul when there isnt one....Calls a travel when there isnt one....lol i just got back from a game.

your avy bringing back memories man. Nick will NEVER air shows like that no more.

Plus rockin the wht/red XIIs wit the Tommy sweater

Why I love the 90s
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