Why do girls like to be 'Tamed'?

I am feeling generous so Imma put ya'll on some game. I remember back in the day there was this BAD chick that just wouldn't let me get it in, I mean the flirtation was there, the chemistry, I just don't think she wanted to go through with a romantic gig with me. Anyway I told my Uncle who an OG about the situation, he smiled and said I know just what will work. 
Duke looked at me, and asked if I ever went dtown with a chick solo before. I said no, he proceeded to tell me that I should take this chick dtown with my arms around her so the world knows she mine.

Mind you in my hood @ the time,  dtown wasn't the safest place, quite the contrary.

A young buck (around 18) @ the time I asked my unc why that would change anything, He said "youngin Imma put you on game this one time, looks and charm only get you so far" His logic was that dtown was in fact a rougher area n town, but also had the most security. Cops everywhere, people ect, so you have your goons on the street corner howling, but cops always 40 feet away. Long story short, I took girl dtown, did as told, had my arm around her as we walked by cats howling at her and what not, I handled that situation pretty smoothly and she proceeded to let the kid finally get some play that night. 

It wasn't my j's, my fade, or even my smile, IT was the simple fact that she felt secure in one of the most dangerous places in the city  at night , with your boy. These women don't wanna be "tamed" they just want to submit.

Some women (the keepers) believe security is a demeanor, not money.
Originally Posted by babyJs23

It's in their nature. It all goes back to the beginning of Mankind. Men have always been the dominators and the women have always been the nurturers and supporters. It's in their genes.
Women want Men who knows how to take control over things, fix problems, who can provide protection, make decisions, provide, be a team leader, and who gives answers to many problems including her own. As for women, they like to express their feelings, to be heard, and to be loved.



Rilla Gorilla, chillin in the corner with chinchillas, For rilla... what?

Anyways, babyJs got it right fam. Be the provider. She'll appreciate it and feel secure. yewp. If she ain't got no direction in life tho, it sounds like a damn headache. Pass.
Originally Posted by babyJs23

It's in their nature. It all goes back to the beginning of Mankind. Men have always been the dominators and the women have always been the nurturers and supporters. It's in their genes.
Women want Men who knows how to take control over things, fix problems, who can provide protection, make decisions, provide, be a team leader, and who gives answers to many problems including her own. As for women, they like to express their feelings, to be heard, and to be loved.

basically she is a ho, and is reaching out for a save-a-ho.

btw, somehow I survived last night
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by babyJs23

It's in their nature. It all goes back to the beginning of Mankind. Men have always been the dominators and the women have always been the nurturers and supporters. It's in their genes.
Women want Men who knows how to take control over things, fix problems, who can provide protection, make decisions, provide, be a team leader, and who gives answers to many problems including her own. As for women, they like to express their feelings, to be heard, and to be loved.
Couldn't have said it any better myself 
. Women want a manly man not a feminine man. If they want all that they would be lesbians
This thread is finished, nothing else needs to be said lol.. if you agree with this man's idea.. your already winning. Propz for knowing better
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Rilla Gorilla, chillin in the corner with chinchillas, For rilla... what?

Vanilla manilla filla for Killa Killa my %+%##
... wait... huh? What's your excuse, cuz I'm loud
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by do work son

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

I'm as "beta" as they come...  (which is funny cuz I don't see it as a second-class way of approching women). But on the real, no matter how you approach women, they always want you to be the MAN of the relationship. I'm a sensitive, caring, supportive brother. But that don't make her cum. Those are  AUXILIARY traits. But you can't sell a cake off just the icing on top.You gotta be able to give em what they want man. The "cake" under all that icing is your back bone, deep voice, and broad shoulders. Women love a "Manly" dude. Play the game to win it bro

we know, we read this


All I do is WIN though... while you "alphas" sit around impressing eachother, I'm being offered threesomes and free vices from appreciative women.

For the record, since you brought it up, 2 days ago one of my "Supporters" bought me a new tire for my car, took me to Bdubbs for wings, beer, and nachos, and had sex with me in a fishnet body suit.

I might try that alpha thing when I stop #BIWINNING though... sounds nice...

the fact that you had to justify yourself to a bunch of kids on the internet just shows how deeply insecure and how very much #LOSING  you are.

why do you owe anyone here an explanation for anything? You dont, and thats where ya dun goofed.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by do work son

we know, we read this


All I do is WIN though... while you "alphas" sit around impressing eachother, I'm being offered threesomes and free vices from appreciative women.

For the record, since you brought it up, 2 days ago one of my "Supporters" bought me a new tire for my car, took me to Bdubbs for wings, beer, and nachos, and had sex with me in a fishnet body suit.

I might try that alpha thing when I stop #BIWINNING though... sounds nice...

the fact that you had to justify yourself to a bunch of kids on the internet just shows how deeply insecure and how very much #LOSING  you are.

why do you owe anyone here an explanation for anything? You dont, and thats where ya dun goofed.
You're right.. Eh..
Originally Posted by mrkane


Biology, Evolution, whatever u wanna call it. Its the natural order of things. No woman wants a man with zero animal in him. Show her what its made fo.


Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by FDUB

^I guess. I am assuming that is why I don't get play from girls because I'm not the dominant type.. I am more so the 50/50 guy..
Man tell a broad to sit down and shut up every once in a while and watch the panties get moist 
Guidance from a legitimate source. If you are not a legitimate source of dominance and wisdom through leadership she ain't sailing on your seas. What makes you a legitimate source? That depends on the woman and her character which distinguishes her caliber.
Random: The funniest *$!#...

Like a week ago me and my girl were hanging in her back yard. Her lil brothers were on the trampoline with the 2 neighbor girls. They're cute so I be kinda rooting for my lil dudes to make a move and all
. So anyway, I lookz up and one of my lil dudes is literally drqagging this girl by one leg, face down, in circles around the trampoline. My girl gets offended. She's like "Deion, stop!". He looks up and responds, "But she asked me to..
". My girl strted in with the whole, "Well what if that was your mom" rant but I cut her off and said "WELL KEEP DRAGGING HER THEN LIL BRO!"....and so he did. And I was proud. My girl died later than day from laughter related complications. RIP

Moral of the story: If she wanna be dragged...drag her !*% then.
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by FDUB

^I guess. I am assuming that is why I don't get play from girls because I'm not the dominant type.. I am more so the 50/50 guy..
I'm as "beta" as they come...  (which is funny cuz I don't see it as a second-class way of approching women). But on the real, no matter how you approach women, they always want you to be the MAN of the relationship. I'm a sensitive, caring, supportive brother. But that don't make her cum. Those are  AUXILIARY traits. But you can't sell a cake off just the icing on top.You gotta be able to give em what they want man. The "cake" under all that icing is your back bone, deep voice, and broad shoulders. Women love a "Manly" dude. Play the game to win it bro

Lions disguised as lambs.
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