why do Muslims don't eat pork??

Originally Posted by chisoxdavid

Originally Posted by jthagreat

I cant believe the ignorance in this thread. thankfully it appears that its due to people just not knowing (ignorant) and not COMPLETELY brainwashed. 9/11 and tyin it to religious anything is not RIGHT.

S!!! The KKK uses the Bible for there Terror and other Christians dont get the same Stigma...So dont do it to Muslims.

Im not Muslim but this is BS
The KKK used the Bible the same way Terrorist use the Koran. They only use it to try to justify what they do.

thats my point, unless im missing somethin
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Wade187

You seem confused. One second your saying the mistreatment of women is not to be over looked, then the next your making it seem as if what he is saying is untrue and prejudice. Your using one person to disregard his statement as if your father represents the majority of muslims in middle eastern society. He clearly says how he feels about all religions in general so your second point was pointless. He also says being raised as a muslim in america and being raised as a muslim in the middle east are completely different so once again you make an invalid point. You claim he is blinded by ignorance, and all he is saying is b.s and propaganda yet you can't seem to find valid rebuttals. I don't know either one of you from a hole in the wall, but based off this you seem to be the one who is ignorant and blinded by religion. Either that or you have very low reading comprehension skills and are not capable of holding your own in this kind of debate.
I think you are confused and the one with low reading and comprehension skills. Don't put words in my mouth.

How can you not see the prejudice and ignorance in what he is saying?

Rest assured that I can see it completely. It's quite clear they both share specific intentions here fueled by their personal resentments. The previousresponse he replied to was clearly full of generalizations and fallacious arguments and this guy's reply just goes forth to say "every point you madeis pointless [because of what he said]" as if that provides some sort of explanation or logic.
Anyone who blindly confirms such a weak argument clearly must share the sameinclinations and prejudices...(it's quite clear to me what theirs are.) I wouldnt waste my time arguing back and forth with them. They've alreadyresorted to personal insults and attacks numerous times and that's one clear sign of a weak argument. Anyone with reasonable discernment can see where thecommon sense is.

"Your using one person to disregard his statement as if your father represents the majority of muslims in middle eastern society."

as if an individual that doesnt fit into the box youve created through your resentment doesnt dissolve the security of your prejudice.

It's largely a waste of time to go through and point out all the fallacy in this level of thought processes/ "arguments". This is aboutresentment toward religion in general so they will take whatever means they see available to tear down the focus of their bitterness....whether it be personalinsults, supporting prejudice, or whatever other fallacious argument. Not even worth it imo. just let them marinate in their own flawed conclusions...b/c theyobviously arent looking for anything truly constructive here.
if you say muslims are a peaceful religion, dont you think they kinda overreacted a little bit too much when those Danish cartoons came out that made fun ofMohammad? i mean the artist was receiving death threats, was that really necessary? yeah he insulted an entire religion and made fun of them, but aren'tmuslims allowed to look the other way or turn the other cheek? I'm not condoning it at all, but when Southpark made fun of Jezus Christ, Christiansdidn't react the way Muslims did towards the Danish artist. why is that?
you must not have read the Quran.
it calls for women to be treated like animals

Looks like you must not have read it either..

Instead, it looks like you read a bunch of exaggerated quotes taken out of context.. My guess is on the Fox News official forum.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

you must not have read the Quran.
it calls for women to be treated like animals

Looks like you must not have read it either..

Instead, it looks like you read a bunch of exaggerated quotes taken out of context.. My guess is on the Fox News official forum.

even though the Quran doesnt say to treat women like lesser beings... it still happens.. a lot.. more so with muslim men, than men of other races..
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

if you say muslims are a peaceful religion, dont you think they kinda overreacted a little bit too much when those Danish cartoons came out that made fun of Mohammad? i mean the artist was receiving death threats, was that really necessary? yeah he insulted an entire religion and made fun of them, but aren't muslims allowed to look the other way or turn the other cheek? I'm not condoning it at all, but when Southpark made fun of Jezus Christ, Christians didn't react the way Muslims did towards the Danish artist. why is that?
Some ignorant and fanatic Muslims reacted violently to the protests. They are not a whole representation of all Muslims. Muslims as awhole do not react violently. What was shown in the media was only a small minority of ignorant and fanatical radical Muslims. Infact, the majority of Muslimsprotested peacefully and intelligently not resorting to violence. There are over a billion of Muslims worldwide, and the actions of a few does not constituteMuslims as a whole. I do not know of ONE person myself that even acted violently towards the cartoons. Again, do not make general statements.

So, what about the 1992 L.A. riots...There were widespread acts of arson, looting, assault, vandalism, etc. and even a couple of murders which occured bymostly minority groups. So, then using your logic, due to the violent actions of some, you would lump all members of minority groups or backgrounds as violent?

As for you talking about turning the other cheek....Educate yourself, Islam is a continuity of Christianity and Judaism, and they also follow the teachings ofJesus, who they deem to be a prophet, and pray to the same God you do.

As for the anger towards the Danish cartoons by some Muslims...Well, that really struck a chord because in their culture, it is seen as degrading and extremelyoffensive to depict Prophet Mohammed in demeaning ways. They think the same about any other prophet, whether it be Jesus or even Moses. Holy figures, God,prophets, etc. are not to be depicted in such a disrespectful and cunning way. In the end, it also all comes down to cultural differences in the reactions. Inthe West, it is seen differently, whereas in the Eastern part of the world, it is a different cultural norm in which it does not fly. Simple as that. What isthe norm to you might not be the norm in other cultures where it would be seen as extremely offensive.

even though the Quran doesnt say to treat women like lesser beings... it still happens.. a lot.. more so with muslim men, than men of other races..

Really? You have proof of this from where????Statistics? Please, just stop while you are at it.

That is such an ignorant and foul comment.

It has nothing to do with religion or beliefs, it all comes down to the person.
BTonNT wrote:

as if an individual that doesnt fit into the box youve created through your resentment doesnt dissolve the security of your prejudice.

It's largely a waste of time to go through and point out all the fallacy in this level of thought processes/ "arguments". This is about resentment toward religion in general so they will take whatever means they see available to tear down the focus of their bitterness....whether it be personal insults, supporting prejudice, or whatever other fallacious argument. Not even worth it imo. just let them marinate in their own flawed conclusions...b/c they obviously arent looking for anything truly constructive here.

You hit the nail on the head.

I was just curious to where the hell he came to the conclusion I was the one who was prejudice, and then he completely overlooked the blatant ridicule andprejudice comments towards Islam. Right there, it shows that maybe the poster probably just shared the same views and wanted to try to steer off the topic inpointing it to me instead of the actual prejudices at hand.

I am aware of it, and I am just discussing and sharing my viewpoints. Despite the fact they might not overcome their prejudices, it is just to put them intheir place. I am also sick and have been staying in all week, so this takes up my boredom.
Thanks for the post, by the way.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

if you say muslims are a peaceful religion, dont you think they kinda overreacted a little bit too much when those Danish cartoons came out that made fun of Mohammad? i mean the artist was receiving death threats, was that really necessary? yeah he insulted an entire religion and made fun of them, but aren't muslims allowed to look the other way or turn the other cheek? I'm not condoning it at all, but when Southpark made fun of Jezus Christ, Christians didn't react the way Muslims did towards the Danish artist. why is that?

I'm quite sure most did...unless the majority of the muslim population sent the guy death threats....? Take a look at your consistent usage of"they". Since you see it fair to categorize entire sects of people based on selective incidents and individuals, would you name a perfect category ofpeople for us? since you seem to believe you have the rightful authority to judge all these 'classifications' of people. Which group of us human beingsare perfect enough for you?

I am aware of it, and I am just discussing and sharing my viewpoints. Despite the fact they might not overcome their prejudices, it is just to put them in their place. I am also sick and have been staying in all week, so this takes up my boredom.
Thanks for the post, by the way.
I see that. yqw
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

you are a woman right? do you know how they treat Muslim women in Saudi Arabia and Iran? you grow up in the USA and you don't know what it's like in other countries
That's the lifestyle and morals of the people, not the basis of the Islamic religion. Remember, there was a point in time where women had NOrights in this country. After hundreds of years of struggling to attain rights, women began to be treated much differently.

all regligions, including Islam, were spread through force. by killing, conquering, raping, pillaging and destroying countries and people who did nothing to initiate the violence.
Not true. What about peaceful religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism?

Islam, in particular, is a historically violent religion and its believers are blindly faithful, sadly.
The same can apply for every religion. There are many Christian people in South India, not because they chose to follow Christianity, but becausethey were forced upon it while the British ruled. The British forced change to happen, and it did. The same applies to South America with these"missionaries". All they needed to do was bring fancy trinkets to those with less technological advances.

I hate all religion and I think people who believe in religion are weak-minded individuals who cannot think for themselves.
Just because you disagree with the idea of common moral beliefs being structured, doesn't mean that everyone who follows them are bad. Somepeople follow religions because they need somewhere to start. Some follow because they just agree with the religion. Just because someone follows religion,doesn't mean that they can't think for themself.

By the way, after the Holocaust, have you ever heard of ANY Jewish person blow up a restaurant or hotel or building in Germany? NO

After Taliban blew up the Buddhist monuments, did you ever hear about a Buddhist person blowing up a mosque? No

The point is, believers of Islam react in a violent manner because they are taught violence in Madrasa's at a early age.
That is an example of extremists. Out of all of the many Muslim people that I know, not a single one is an extremist. Your statements are toogeneralized to be fact.

You are ignorant if you believe that growing up as a Muslim in the USA is the same as growing up as a Muslim in Pakistan.
Growing up as a Muslim in Pakistan is the same as growing up a Christian in the USA. You share the majority's beliefs and your culture is thenorm, but you are still people. I hate how people use religion as an excuse to discriminate against others.

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

It's sad because, everyone is arguing over something man-made... What would happen if right now somebody claimed to be a prophet and start a new religion? Would be called a cult right? So what makes all of these guys so many years ago so credible? Just because it was in the past we believe it all? Hold yourselves higher than that.
I've been thinking the same exact thing for the past few days. It makes a lot of sense to me and it shows how some people are ignorant tothe facts.
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