Why do people congratulate those who "overcome" things like addiction/obesity??

Everyone has their own mountain of obstacles to climb.
I'll never face the amount of struggles my immigrant parents went through to get me to where I am today.
People's addictions are their challenges to conquer and if they do, that deserves props.
coming from someone that used to dabble in frequenting bars (drinking every night) and cocaine becoming got semi-addicted, when i called people that did that mess losers and lames, i can sympathize with people with demons.
i was never the type of dude to mess with drugs, i was a straight living type dude and life started getting hectic and very bad for me and i got into the lowest position in my entire life.
and got associated with the wrong people.
not blaming my problems on my bad decisions but sometimes you make those bad decisions, no one is perfect and things like drugs and even binge eating.obesity (even though i never experienced that) due to depression can become an addiction.
i will congratulate any man or woman for over coming something that mental takes over your life.
and this is coming from a self-proclaimed pessimist.

you sir need to start being open minded. close-mindedness is a sign of mental weakness.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Just got into a huge discussion with some people about this. Guess I am just not that sympathetic.
Some people even called those things a disease 

I am an understanding dude, why can't people understand that no one should be doing those things in the first place?

Applaud someone for finally making the decisions they should have been making the whole time?

op you are one sad individual. your attitude flat out stinks.

i hope you never have children. id hate to see what you tell them if they came home with A's on their report card... "oh i would say congrats but you were supposed to get good grades!"
Originally Posted by HankMoody

You're a douche and a terrible person.


i agree with bijaldo and his posts almost always suck
thats how bad your post is op
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Just got into a huge discussion with some people about this. Guess I am just not that sympathetic.
Some people even called those things a disease 

I am an understanding dude, why can't people understand that no one should be doing those things in the first place?

Applaud someone for finally making the decisions they should have been making the whole time?

op you are one sad individual. your attitude flat out stinks.

i hope you never have children. id hate to see what you tell them if they came home with A's on their report card... "oh i would say congrats but you were supposed to get good grades!"
sounds like my dad growing up 
as a former obese person. I gotta say losing a 100+ lbs was ___ing hard as hell and all those congratulating meant a lot because it meant I was doin something right.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Sexual activity and eating way too much is now on the same playing field. Interesting.
When talking about whether a 13 year old can comprehend what he is doing in either situation, you're damn right it is.

Nice rebuttal by the way. You're a POS.
also depends on how the person who got out of the #$*&^ feels when you're congratulating him. If he is smart enough, he wouldn't like it, cuz he might think your are debasing him by acknowledging how f** he was in the past. I would not consider that a compliment myself.

Should we congratulate people who are doing better off than before - sure - but we need to look at ourselves too and understand what makes us congratulate them - is it because we are in a better off situation and want to help them out, or is it because we are envious we are still in the *&^% ourselves? =)
im not congratulating them like they completed their degree or something but ill say something like glad you got you're +**@ together.
i've done drugs, certain ones are incredibly difficult to stop. it's called encouragement and support, people that need help need it. this thread is incredibly stupid.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Never intended this to be a troll thread but you guys get so crazy, I GOTTA GETS CRAZY. I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE PLAYIN IN MY THREAD!

This thread is great.
Real talk, fat people shouldn't get a damn card for putting the fork down. Society celebrates mediocrity, it is what it is. Never got addicted to drugs, or alcohol, maybe I should be congratulated for never stepping in that pool of %#++ that is addiction. I can dig supporting them, but you better believe I'm not having an Odoul's party because Jimmy got drunk, beat his kids, went to meetings and is now working hard to combat his addiction, stay your drunk $!! home and let everyone else drink.

And another point to the Alcoholic thing, why is it a defense if a girl gets drunk and @@#+%, and not a defense if a dude gets drunk and hits his kids? Neither were in a proper state of mind, and both had adverse effects on someones life. F those sluts.
i see how one wont feel sympathetic for a person overcoming struggles that only effected them.but i do feel as tho it is worth congratulating.
I know what your reasoning is OP, but you have to consider bad parenting.

You should give someone props for overcoming obstacles created by neglectful parents.
everyones situation is different. some people had lack of guidance, lack of proper role models, and just overall lack of direction whether it be from growing up in a crappy neighborhood or having a terrible family structure, while some people grew up with an ideal life, ideal family, and ideal surroundings.

that being said some people have had everything handed to them while some have had to fight for and earn whatever they got and mentally some people are better equipped to handle adversity and struggles then others.

going back to what i initially said, everyones situation to how they got to their problem is different and i personally feel it's not my right to be judgemental of another persons situation without knowing the whole story behind it.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Pushak513

Originally Posted by Durden7

It is a disease.

it may very well be but it one you never had to encounter in your life..you CHOSE to take part in the things that gave you that disease so how can I feel good for you when you over come it if didn't have to experience it at all. Im speaking from personal experience.Ive dealt with addiction and overcame it but I don't want a pat on the back..I got myself in the situation and got myself out..no need for hugs and way to goes

You dont have to put a red carpet out for people who overcome obesity.

Feeling good for the person and saying congratulations is too much to ask for?

You have no compassion and empathy?  You cant relate to someone who has a condition that makes their life difficult and is able to turn things around?

Im sure the obese 5 year olds really made the conscious decision to be what they are. 
Exactly. Was obese from 3rd grade all the way until high school. Got so tired of looking in the damn mirror though...but in my situation, I'm going to pin most of the blame on the folks who raised me. As a kid, I didn't know any better, let alone make the conscious decision to get a salad over some fries and milkshakes. It's whatever now (sig check) but close this thread, this discussion is really not gonna go anywhere
Why don't you guys shut up already? Lulz.
I get it, you don't agree (as you shamefully glace at your enormous belly).

You guys read the first post and no further. Not knowing, in the end, my opinion changed and I lightened up.

But yes I am still a douche idiot 

Dont usually attack like this but sorry OP, your an idiot

you dont have to throw a party or anything for them but it is more for peace of mind..

peace of mind that reminds the person that they are doing the right thing.. to increase their life span and improve overall health.

its the support that one needs to keep going on the right track.

people that do drugs (addicts) probably never had "real" support comin up which is why they turned to these substances.

giving encouragement isnt too much to ask for at all..

OP you've never had problems?
Congratulate them because of all the hardships they put themselves through. I can't imagine getting through an addiction.
because most of the folks who struggle with addiction/obesity are usually very weak minded and need the constant encouragement in order not to fall back into their old ways and stay on the right path
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