Why do people from other countries hate Americans so much?

Took minute for me to see the trend with that guy lol

LOL before you race baiting NTers think my comment was about race it was NOT. :lol: I have no idea what Celticpride was getting at tho, that sounded like some racist ish to me.:lol:

We aren't all "created" equal. I truly believe some people are inherently more exceptional than others in one way or another. Of course that doesn't guarantee success.

I'm not sure if anybody already mentioned, but that original comment you posted was referring to amrjvifsyh1nike, who uses his Sparknotes mindset to come into various threads being a fake intellectual, not CelticPride

Exactly who I was thinking lol
Why is it that there are entire COUNTRIES that don't have food?? Everywhere has poor people.

Where would you rather live than America?

Norway, maybe Australia or the Netherlands.

Sweden and Canada perhaps. Switzerland maybe.
Cuz we wear new shoes to wait in line to get new shoes to add to a collection of new shoes.

and nas.
man I can't imagine moving from los angeles to a place like norway. different strokes i guess.
Exactly my point. Our quality of life is just higher.
Yes. I still keep in touch with a lot of people from the homeland. Cars and gas prices in the US are a lot less than elsewhere. In Asia, if you can afford to buy a new Honda Accord, you have a really good job. You need college jobs to work at places like Costco, called Tesco over there. Corruption is real, by the govt especially. If they want your land, they'll just take it.
Yes. I still keep in touch with a lot of people from the homeland. Cars and gas prices in the US are a lot less than elsewhere. In Asia, if you can afford to buy a new Honda Accord, you have a really good job. You need college jobs to work at places like Costco, called Tesco over there. Corruption is real, by the govt especially. If they want your land, they'll just take it.

Americans hating America is so ignorant. They have it better than almost every other country. Thanks for this post.
Everywhere else got their own problems. Japan - Insanely expensive and so crowded. Canada and the Nordic countries- besides Vancouver it's so damn cold and unless you're white you're not exactly going to fit in. I guess it's all human nature to think that the grass is greener. There's a reason why so many people want to come live in the US, you have the best shot at being successful over any other place in the world. But hey this isn't the dark ages and you can be on the other side of the world in a day. Try living somewhere else and see how you like it. It's all about whatever floats your boat.

I don't think you have to move to another country though, different parts of the country might as well be different countries. If you don't like LA, try Texas or Florida.
Is this a serious question? How about why is America's military in almost every country for starters? Just posted up like "yup, we run all this". Smh
The only fact I need to deal with is that America is the best greatest country on Earth. An everybody else is jealous.

If this were high school, America is that popular kid that all the lesser kids talk about behind their back but always want to be invited to their parties.

And you sir are like the kid that lives with their parents but complains about every thing but refuses to move out because their broke and scared.

'Murica. **** yea.

And the US will allow someone like this have a gun.
American living outside of America for 6 years now.

Not everyone outside of the country hates us.

Don't form opinions about things from Youtube comments, that's dumb.
They just mad that we #1?
What exactly are we #1 in?
Planning to study abroad. Need to get away from America. Any suggestions on where to study abroad?
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