Why do people smoke tobacco??

People smoke for alot of reasons, some being better than others.

1.) "image"

2.) alternative to dro

3.) enhancement to dro

4.) stress relief

5.) habit (see rule 6.)
6.) addiction (see rule 5.)
7.) social reasons

I basically starting smoking cigarettes cause the older dudes were doing it
... and now I guess it has developed in a mild addiction.. I smoke about a half pack of ports a day.. this happens after certain activities.. ex.after eating, after blowing a bleeze, and driving from point A to point B and back from point B to point A
or just when I feel like I need one. You gotta take the good with the bad. Itruly believe these lil things keep a lot of people from going crazy

with that said, cigarette break.
Having a boss who smokes + smoking with him = instant promotion

i just quit smoking for the new year....its hard man.

seeing other people smoke is like torture..u just wanna smoke so bad.

it's a social thing to. we all want to belong. theres nothing like taking a 15 minute break at work and going outside with some of ya co-workers andsmoking a cig. after eating a meal a cigarette is amazing. while drinking a cigarette is amazing. after blazing a cigarette is amazing. after sex a cigaretteis amazing. when you driving smoking a cigarette is amazing.

i want a cig.
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