why do skins fans still talk about ST ?

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

1. ANY NFL player is really "THAT skilled"......... that's why they are in the league. Even the worst NFL players are "THAT good" compared to you and the rest of us. So since ST was starting, that says more than you give t credit for.

2. Since when did athletic ability determine the value of human life? Some people are seriously thrown off and hurt at his passing. Let them mourn. Obviously, those that like the Skins are more affected than me and you, but still. It's not your right to determine who can be sad and for how long. If it doesn't effect you, be grateful. Don't be disdainful at those that aren't as fortunate.

3. There's never a valid reason to throw rolling smileys around after a death. NEVER. Grow up and be mature.

4. You should really be ashamed of yourself for using your lack of empathy as a weapon against the grieving party. Toying with people's emotions just because you don't agree with how they feel is immature, selfish, and plain evil.

5. With that said, I can never respect you ever again as a person or an NTer. I'm sure that means very little to you, but it's worth noting. You just lost one. Shame on you.

Fam, don't even waste your breath trying to argue this. Some people are better off left alone.
wow dude is back posting on here, he needs to go back to the real world outside of nt, where he gets got for infared 6's and is known as the texan who drides males from washington heights ny
You made a thread about this? This Guy Played for the NFL even though he wasnt on my Fav Team. he still played for my fav sport and i respect him to thefullest

Its not like ST passed because he Overdosed, he house was broken into and he happened to be in there and was shot by a bunch of stupid kids. He didnt deserveto pass and also this guy was a father to a really young kid. how can you disrespect that dude.

im not gonna lie, how can you have the balls to post this and live with yourself...

ST passed away let him rest. He wasnt even that good on the field and you guys keep talking about him like it was aikman killed in his prime
Let this over rated football
player rest jesus

and how do you "Roll on the floor laughing" i just Lost all respect for you man. grow up.
wow..... kid you need to go do some homework or something..... we have enough ignorant people on niketalk without you just sounding plain STUPID
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by ricoXstacks

ST passed away let him rest. He wasnt even that good on the field and you guys keep talking about him like it was aikman killed in his prime
Let this over rated football
player rest jesus
%$$ is wrong with you
Originally Posted by Lazy B

NaPenny's life is pathetic enough. He got a duck pregnant and she only likes him because she thinks he has money. Hoodrats think nice shoes = money. Have fun with that crappy life you are about to lead OP.
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