Why do so many of ya fall victim to da Halo Effect?

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How do you not have enough room for a clock and calendar?
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shots fired everywhere :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Shoe boxes playing Jenga

Sheets from Sears circa 89'

Time/Calendar combo like a retail breakroom

Poster of Cindy Crawford from '94

Living in denial......Priceless
Shots in here weak... >D

Recycling da same room jokes...every year.

Ya aint got no real heat for papi *yawn* :lol:
Shots in here weak...

Recycling da same room jokes...every year.

Ya aint got no real heat for papi *yawn*
That's the point man...same room...every year...since you were a child. You gotta be pushing 30 still living in a room in your mom's crib. You just don't get it man.

sittin on a gold mine. ya cats can attempt da lulz all day long....when i log off NT, i can go make more of a mess and feel absolutely fantastic about it.
Fam I don't even knock you for living there, watever, milk it...but at the very least take pride on it, furnish that **** according to what a grown man's room should look like, buy a new bed, paint, throw all them shoe boxes in storage, get a new tv...I'd be embarrassed to even attempt to bring a woman into that mess, you nearly 30 with posters on your wall...bruh...
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