Why do you dislike David Stern?

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

why didn't he stand strong on that like he did on the useless dress code?

really though, how many blown calls do you see in every nba game? you don't see that in other sports, every single game.

what happened to the flop rule?

every interview all he does is smile and say that the game is fine, and it's not.
My guess is if the refs didn't give star treatment to superstars they wouldn't get to the line as often where camera shots would put theirfaces on TV a lot more often than not. Stern needs to sell guys like Kobe, LeBron, and Dwyane to continue to make the league more internationally popular.
He micromanages everything to the point that it feels like a damn factory production line, producing whatever matchups he wants. It gets old. Refs are wack.Refs are divas just as much as the players. The whole league needs to be **#+%!% slapped. Its so PC and smiley friendly, and I blame him!!
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

why didn't he stand strong on that like he did on the useless dress code?

really though, how many blown calls do you see in every nba game? you don't see that in other sports, every single game.

what happened to the flop rule?

every interview all he does is smile and say that the game is fine, and it's not.
Whether he's doing a good job or bad, it is still every leaders responsibility to say and act like everything is under control even ifit's not.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

i don't see why the nba can't be properly reffed. david stern goes out of his way to fix things left and right, but he never fixes the biggest problem with his sport, the refs.

it's far too difficult to watch an nba game and believe that the refs are on the up and up.

while he has done a lot of good for the sport, he never fixes what's genuinely wrong with the game.
QFT .... mavs vs. heat ... more blatant than knicks / bulls vol. charles smith if u ask me
My guess is if the refs didn't give star treatment to superstars they wouldn't get to the line as often where camera shots would put their faces on TV a lot more often than not. Stern needs to sell guys like Kobe, LeBron, and Dwyane to continue to make the league more internationally popular.
and as long as he continues to alienate the fans of the remaining 27 teams, he will be disliked.

it's almost a catch 22, he almost can't win.
Hate him for many things but mainly because he let the Sonics leave
No hate for him but rather for how he's controlled the league the last 10 years.

He doesn't "fix" the ref situation because he has them alter games. I don't care what he says, the refs get more and more involved in gameplay each season.

The players are responsible for the game's worldwide growth, not him.

He's responsible for Kobe staying in LA in 04 and 07, the 06 Finals, the 07 Amare/Diaw suspensions, the Sonics leaving, the Gasol trade.

Believe: Stern would not allow any team or transaction to take place without his consent because it affects his overall "product."

He's responsible for the Disney-esque, cookie-cutter uniforms and logos.

He's responsible for the awful TV deals (espn and abc STINK!).

He's responsible for almost all of what you don't like about the NBA.

And he won't step aside because it's a cushy, well-paid job where he doesn't have to do much (see point above about players marketing themselves).
I hate him because he continues to do nothing about these whack @$% refs that continue to screw up games! The refs will allow certain players to talk, curse,and yell at them but player with a "reputation" will get a tech for farting too loud! I've seen Kobe raise his hands after a call, jump up ndown, throw a freakin tantrum and the refs dont call it sometimes. Rasheed cant even put his hands in the air without getting one called. If its a rule itshouldnt be bent by certain players! The fact that he put in a dress code to rebel against the younger generation of the NBA. "No bling"??? you paidthese dudes millions and they nothing else to buy but $75K jewelry! Nice jeans and tees with shoes are not bad...
Originally Posted by pdouly33

I don't think people hate him for legitimate reasons. They just like to blame him with all of this "conspiracy" crap when their favorite team loses.
He's done a lot for the game yes...but what I DONT like about Stern is that stupid, sarcastic, innocent tone of voice he uses when pressed about issues themajority of the basketball world has with him and the way things are ran under him...Perfect example would be when he was grilled about the draft lottery andthe process behind it, he had that stupid, $#!t eating grin on his face and used that dumb, annoying "not me" tone with every question he was facedwith....

As far as the reffing goes...there isn't enough space in this box to disclose how bad the reffing is in the NBA....my 10 year old nephew knows what atravel is....apparently that rule wasn't covered in the "must read section" of the rule book during the class these refs took....
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by pdouly33

I don't think people hate him for legitimate reasons. They just like to blame him with all of this "conspiracy" crap when their favorite team loses.
so, being that you quoted this line that has now, in my opinion, been proved false, you don't think people have legitimate reasons? did youread the entire thread?
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