why does american pizza have so much cheese?

Jul 21, 2003
theres a restaurant that makes pizza the old country way like shown in pic #1 and it tastes so much better than one that is completely covered in cheese. you appreciate the sauce and bread if they are made well and all the ingredients are equal. how did we come to put so much cheese on pizza?


Good sauces are hard to come by.. Overload it with cheese, the easy way, and hope the American appetite can't notice...

It really takes nothing to get a good block of cheese.. But the sauce.... That's magical
I had an italian style pizza before, I thought it was some salad on flatbread, tasted amazing though
Go ahead and keep your old country soup bread.

I'll keep the deep dish, cheese on sauce on pep on cheese on ham on sauce on cheese X 2.
Originally Posted by PRIME

That first pizza looks bad 

Word though - that %@%# aint nuthin but V8 and matzah bread...
... _s throw a piece of grass in the middle and charge you a extra $10 
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Go ahead and keep your old country soup bread.

I'll keep the deep dish, cheese on sauce on pep on cheese on ham on sauce on cheese X 2.

they both taste good. stop being a food snob op
I will forever love the New York style thin pizza. unless you're a slob, it's not messy and it's easy to eat. If im at a party, i'd much rather eat a thin slice than a deep dish or an old country style. It's hard to compare because I rarely eat cheese pizza. Cheese can't really overpower when there's pepperoni, olives, sausage,, mushroom and whatever to go along with it.
Because the first one looks like a piece of bread with marinara on it.  It probably tastes great though.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

You complaining about too much cheese on a pizza?

kids today man

It's not their fault they're spoiled. They grew up in a world where stuffed crust has always been an option.
I remember fighting with my younger sister over who got the slice with the most cheese! Built character.
When I was younger there weren't the fancy 5 cheese blends there are now. We had 3 cheeses and we were damn grateful!
Back then delivery took longer than fif-teeeen minutes.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by PRIME

That first pizza looks bad 

Word though - that *%!! aint nuthin but V8 and matzah bread...
... _s throw a piece of grass in the middle and charge you a extra $10 

dam i actually spit some of my redbull out on my laptop

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