why does american pizza have so much cheese?

Originally Posted by AJ from 106 and Park

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

I thought the same way till i hit up tony napoletana in s.f. I swear to the heavens the best pizza i ever had i dont eat any other pizza now its authentic italian pizza and it has different dough's and sauces and cheese i swear if anyone lives in the bay try it. U actually have to wait 30 min to an hour to be seated but its worth it
you aint lying.... this is a traditional pizza margherita.... and this one they make has the perfect amount of cheese. cant believe the opinions here. good sauce can be orgasmic

throwback pizza....they sell these types around houston st and such...i'll stick to da NYC norm though (thin crust)
- If you purchase a standard / run-of-the-mill margherita pizza from an authentic pizzeria, you will likely get something similar to option (1).  The crust quality alone on the
first option is enough to vault it to the top position in the comparo; the result of TLC and a decent wood / coal oven.  Option (2) strikes me as something you'd get from a
chain-type place
.  To each his own, though
; when I was younger, I would have probably chosen option (2).




Originally Posted by Vendetta

Cause #2 looks so good while #1 looks like soup in a bread bowl


Not that the first one doesnt look good, but the second one is tradition for us.
theres right here, was the best pizza ive ever had.
its called the longshoreman. the toppings were like 3x the pizza 

it had: onions,olives, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, ground beef, ham, sausage, peperoni, bacon  and ... something else im sure im forgetting something

bro, no lie, i had 2 slices and i was done.


I love sauce and I love cheese. Pic op posted doesn't look bad, but I would prefer it with more cheese. Too little sauce with so much cheese is 
. That's why a lot of folk dip there pizza in garlic sauce, and add a bunch of +$%# to it. 
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Good sauces are hard to come by.. Overload it with cheese, the easy way, and hope the American appetite can't notice...
It really takes nothing to get a good block of cheese.. But the sauce.... That's magical
pretty much.
i love me some cheese tho.


but i gotta try the 'old country' pizza still
Originally Posted by wcghost

on another note.....

why do non-vegetarians even order cheese pizza? it irks me so much!!!

maybe its just the Asian in me, but if you're going to spend roughly the same amount (ex. Costco), why not get the Supreme/Combo???
This is probably the weirdest comment i've ever read about pizza 
I can appreciate a regular pie with no additional toppings.
I"m glad soup came to mind like everyone else. That don't look right. I aint paying money for mostly sauce and bread.

Besides you should know American's love clogging their arteries.
I just finished my free pizza from Papa Johns... Large.. The whole thing... And it came with a free 2 liter soda... I drunk like a quarter of it... I havnt had soda in like 6 months... My face is going to brake out
And on top of that, I had a big $!@ pancake/egg breakfast that I made formyself today... And a Chic-Fil-A #1 for lunch

I'm done with junk food for a few weeks
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by wcghost

on another note.....

why do non-vegetarians even order cheese pizza? it irks me so much!!!

maybe its just the Asian in me, but if you're going to spend roughly the same amount (ex. Costco), why not get the Supreme/Combo???
This is probably the weirdest comment i've ever read about pizza 
I can appreciate a regular pie with no additional toppings.
its like going to Fuddrucker's and ordering a simple cheeseburger when you have the option to load it up with other delicious ingredients, at no additional cost.
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