Why Does Kevin Garnett Get a Gatorade Clutch Commercial Before Anything Has Happened?

...but remember that game they beat Minnesota back in December?


KG is not the dude I think of when I hear the word 'clutch'.

Let dude have his "Eli moment", then you can give him a commercial...
Im not bothered at all by it. I think they got the word "clutch" confused with "passion".

KG has the most pasion of anybody on the floor. But clutch, most people wouldnt have KG first.

Good commercial though. Good person to use.
KG has the most pasion of anybody on the floor.

Why? Because he curses the loudest? I swear everyone always talks about how passionate he is and he gets a free pass for screaming mothertrucker likethere's no tomorrow because he's "passionate."
KG is nice, but he's certainly not the person I think of when I think clutch. I canremember just one time when he's ever made a game winner (I'm sure there have been more, but I can remember numerous Pierce and Ray game winners)
I'm not saying KG is the most clutch player ever or anything, but there's more to being clutch than just game winning shots.
man im tired of the Kg is passionate/KG deserves this/KG is MVP etc...bs

yeah he plays hard, big deal. thats what he gets paid $20 mil a year to do. what have you done for me lately KG?
During an interview, has anyone asked him why he shys away from the clutch shots? Like a Jim Rome type interviewer?
I'm not bothered by it...he's KG he deserves stuff like this...I'm suprprised LeBron hasn't gotten one yet though
Originally Posted by belle155

man im tired of the Kg is passionate/KG deserves this/KG is MVP etc...bs

yeah he plays hard, big deal. thats what he gets paid $20 mil a year to do. what have you done for me lately KG?

when the Cavs meet up with him and Ray and Paul and Rajon in the Playoffs you'll know

Originally Posted by BaronDavis5

Originally Posted by NYVictory45

Don't you know this is just part of Stern's invisible push to get the Celtics the chip?

i think your on to something
Ahhh haa...... You guys are FINALLY getting it...


Because Stern gave the orders..... It is written and so it shall come to past....
KG has one and Tiger doesn't? Stupid. Tiger is the best golfer we'll ever see and KG hasn't done jack $%%%, yet they have Tiger hitting a frickengolf ball off the moon and KG gets a clutch commercial? Yikes.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

KG has one and Tiger doesn't? Stupid. Tiger is the best golfer we'll ever see and KG hasn't done jack $%%%, yet they have Tiger hitting a fricken golf ball off the moon and KG gets a clutch commercial? Yikes.

tiger has his own DRINK

at any rate, at least lebron carried his team to the finals, has KG made it out of the first round yet?
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