Why hate,negativity towards reselling/determinging value of a Jordan.Does not exist in SPORTSCARDS?

Oct 14, 2008
Why all the hate, negativity, flaming, insults, bad talk, about everyone on here who makes a comment in regaurds to value of shoe now, in the future, how itsdoing on ebay right after its released, or RESELLING. I understand where people are coming from, but I do not think it is justified. I do not understand howanything of the things I listed makes somoene any less of a collector or air jordan fan.

I can not lie I am young and I can not afford to pay full price for every jordan release that comes out that I want to buy so I take a shot, an investment,there is risk involved, and buy a few pairs to resell hoping to profit and put that towards the pair for myself.

The reason why I dont understand why all the hate towards this happens on here is and why people think resellers are not true collectors is because of myhistory in collecting SPORTS CARDS. I collected sports cards for many many years, esp basketball cards, and all people sell and trade them all the time. Partof collecting sports cards is looking them up in price guides asking others what they think they are worthe so you know what you could get in a trade or tosell them. People are always talking about how a player is doing and how it will effect the value of his cards and discussing how a rookie is doing and thepotential value the cards have if he gets better in the future. A lot of determining the value of a card is also how popular a player is. The more peoplewant a persons cards the less available they are making them more valuable. This goes the same way with jordan releases. The more poeple want a shoe the moreits gonna resell for. People do all this in sports cards to build there collection and make it better. The same thing happens with air jordans but it ishated on and not accepted. WHy is that? It makes no sence at all.

Anyways I do not understand all the hate and flaming on here about that in regaurds to jordans. It is the same exact thing although its accepted in the sportscards world and not in the Jordan world. To me all of the reselling and determing value of jordans now and in the future is part of the fun of collecting. Inany other hobby or collectable it exists and it is accepted, why not here?

NikeTalk Give me your imput, I know there are a lot of sports card collectors on here or ex sports cards collectors on here who know what Im talkign about andcould leave some imput on this topic. Maybe I am crazy. Let me know Im just curious to see what people have to say.
you have a valid point my friend. but with sports cards its luck of the draw. if you open a pack of cards and pull something great at least you know you didnthave to spend a week of your time camping for it. theres a little bit of difference but i see your point though.
Aren't sports cards called "trading cards" to begin with? That implies that nature of the hobby. Collect and trade/sell. You never know whatyou're getting when your buying trading cards unless you are going to an auction. Collecting sneakers or being a "sneaker head" is completelydifferent. Let's say you missed out on a numbered Jordan that released some time in the past. JB decideds to retro them and now you have a chance topurchase them. But you can't because a reseller has bought out the store you went to and is charging an arm and a leg for them. That's just not right,at least to me. I just need one pair, maybe two so I can make them last longer. You said you resell to make money to buy a pair for yourself. Why don't youjust save the money you are spending on multiples to get the pair you need? Thats jusy my opinion.
I see where you are coming from, but, for a few different reasons, you cant compare the two hobbies.

1) Sports cards are luck of the draw. The only people flipping them for profit is people who pulled them out of a pack, not camped out and said: "Give me5 Barry Bonds rookies."
2) The only people really buying multiples and reselling them are cardshops. (Or in this case a shoe store)
3) You cant buy from the cardshop for cheap and flip it for twice the amount because the dealer knows how much he can get, and cards dont come individually ata retail price.

All hobbies that involve collecting have their resellers, but for some reason, shoe collectors get real heated about it.

What I always thought was dumb is people complain about JB releasing limited runs and resellers scooping all of them up, but if JB released 500,000 pairs ofevery shoe, those same people would complain about the market being flooded and too many people have them. It is a lose/lose situation.

PS - I havent bought any cards for a couple years now, but I have a nice collection put up. Tons of game used cards, autos, RC's, (81) 1933 Goudeys (BabeRuth included - The cheaper one of course lol) tobacco cards, 500 HR auto ball - 11 sigs, pete rose ball, A-Rod bat, Ripken bat.......The list goes on and on..
Good point. IMO, everybody wants a bang for their buck or in other words they do not want to pay high prices for the kicks they want. Not that I am a reseller,but the hate comes from those who have yet to obtain the pair that is being re-sold overpriced. The ordinary consumer gets mad when a reseller "bought outthe store" and lessens the opportunity to get the pair they want all while everybody else and their momma is looking for the exact same pair. Re-sellerslook for a profit but they are consumers first just like everybody else and what they do after that purchase is their business. If it's overpriced by areseller, don't pay and keep searching. No one is forcing anyone to buy. Your money so your choice. Kicks aren't worth half of what we pay for anyway,everything is one stain away from being considered ruined remember that lol.
Originally Posted by ehbball88

Why all the hate, negativity, flaming, insults, bad talk, about everyone on here who makes a comment in regaurds to value of shoe now, in the future, how its doing on ebay right after its released, or RESELLING. I understand where people are coming from, but I do not think it is justified. I do not understand how anything of the things I listed makes somoene any less of a collector or air jordan fan.

I can not lie I am young and I can not afford to pay full price for every jordan release that comes out that I want to buy so I take a shot, an investment, there is risk involved, and buy a few pairs to resell hoping to profit and put that towards the pair for myself.

The reason why I dont understand why all the hate towards this happens on here is and why people think resellers are not true collectors is because of my history in collecting SPORTS CARDS. I collected sports cards for many many years, esp basketball cards, and all people sell and trade them all the time. Part of collecting sports cards is looking them up in price guides asking others what they think they are worthe so you know what you could get in a trade or to sell them. People are always talking about how a player is doing and how it will effect the value of his cards and discussing how a rookie is doing and the potential value the cards have if he gets better in the future. A lot of determining the value of a card is also how popular a player is. The more people want a persons cards the less available they are making them more valuable. This goes the same way with jordan releases. The more poeple want a shoe the more its gonna resell for. People do all this in sports cards to build there collection and make it better. The same thing happens with air jordans but it is hated on and not accepted. WHy is that? It makes no sence at all.

Anyways I do not understand all the hate and flaming on here about that in regaurds to jordans. It is the same exact thing although its accepted in the sports cards world and not in the Jordan world. To me all of the reselling and determing value of jordans now and in the future is part of the fun of collecting. In any other hobby or collectable it exists and it is accepted, why not here?

NikeTalk Give me your imput, I know there are a lot of sports card collectors on here or ex sports cards collectors on here who know what Im talkign about and could leave some imput on this topic. Maybe I am crazy. Let me know Im just curious to see what people have to say.
I only read until the bolded part and I already can give you an answer.
This thing is for collecting, not an investment so that you can earn your money.
There are people who want to own the shoes more than you do.
You want investment, go to forex trader or buy some stocks.

Don't sell because you want to; sell because you have to.
I tried to focus on collecting a few players. I collected Jordan, but focused on Kobe. I didnt jump the band wagon either. In 4th grade my freind brought apage of cards in to school. This was in 1998. It had 3 ray allen, 3 stephaun marbury, and 3 kobes. He chose starburry an d I chose Kobe. Still looking for aKobe Bryant Auto. Anyone have any cards or pieces from upperdeck auto for under $100
Ebay ruined the world. Now anything of value is bought up and sold at ridiculous markup. Why flame people that are trying to "resell"? We care aboutthe shoes, "resellers" care about the money. Why should I tell someone how much money they are going to make? Everytime I've seen some clownbuying 5 packs of some CDP's I pray he makes nothing. I'm not "hating" on him, I just think it's ridiculous.

If you are buying multiples for yourself I can understand; that makes sense to me. But anyone who asks me how much I think a pair of shoes is going to be worthor how popular of a release I think it's going to be is a reseller or a hypebeast, both of which I could do without. Just like in baseball cards, a shoe isworth what someone is willing to pay. And I hope you NEVER make your money back for the shoes in your sig. You buying multiples of that shoe stopped someonethat would have actually enjoyed them from having them.
man, i say flip what u want. i have no problem with resellers. its a job, hobby, and a passion. and at the end of the day, all that matters is the MONEY. ifsomeone wants to resell some DS grapes for $500 (i know its high but just for the sake of makig my point) n someone is dumb enough to buy em lmao, thats good.if someone has that much disposable income and not that much knowledge about the purchase they are making then they DESERVE IT. point blank period. n ppl getall mad when resellers buy like 10 pairs of the same shoe n sell em...uhhh they have the SAME mouse and internet as u do, obviously the reseller jus wantedthem more.
The reason resellers p*ss people off is because, unlike trading cards, most people who buy sneakers ARE NOT BUYING THEMFOR A COLLECTION. They're buying them to have something nice to wear. In my opinion, resellers only help JB by showing them how much they can reallycharge people for their product, and showing them exactly what shoes to do it with.......

Space jam '09=175$

Top 3 reasons the sneaker games is so effed up right now:

1. Resellers: Helping JB jack up prices by buying out and reselling already overpriced sneakers

2. Hypebeast: Will by any sneaker at any price (Which is just helping resellers who are just helping JB) as long as it's considered "hot".

3. Jordan brand: A money hungry company that feeds off the stupidity of the two previous mentioned reasons.
Originally Posted by bdub253

Ebay ruined the world. Now anything of value is bought up and sold at ridiculous markup. Why flame people that are trying to "resell"? We care about the shoes, "resellers" care about the money. Why should I tell someone how much money they are going to make? Everytime I've seen some clown buying 5 packs of some CDP's I pray he makes nothing. I'm not "hating" on him, I just think it's ridiculous.

If you are buying multiples for yourself I can understand; that makes sense to me. But anyone who asks me how much I think a pair of shoes is going to be worth or how popular of a release I think it's going to be is a reseller or a hypebeast, both of which I could do without. Just like in baseball cards, a shoe is worth what someone is willing to pay. And I hope you NEVER make your money back for the shoes in your sig. You buying multiples of that shoe stopped someone that would have actually enjoyed them from having them.

?? who is to say some other reseller wouldn't of bought them if he didn't? n above that, if those ppl who u say really want the shoes, they can buy emfrom him. yea, its gonna be at a higher price but as they say, the early bird gets the worm. if u woulda beat the 'reseller' to the store, uwouldn't have that problem. bottom line is, this is present in any business where there is a rare good at stake. its economics, its the way the worldworks. if u dont like it, stop cryin over it n find out a way to get your shoes before u gotta buy em at resale prices lmao....its that simple.
Completely different things. Cards are meant to be collected and traded. Yes there are limited cards, but you have to be lucky enough to pull them.
I wouldnt get pissed at someone if they pulled the prized card from a set, as oppesed to if some lousy reseller got two pairs of a limited shoe and it
happend to be my size and im left with nothing. It's not justified, its selfish
i dunt think there is anything wrong with buyin an extra pair or 2 jus to make an extra few bucks. maybe even to help some1 else out who couldnt get a pair.the problem is that most resellers buy like 10 pairs or so of a release then sell it for $50+ over retail. it doesnt give everyone a fair chance to cop thejordans they may have been waiting for for a long time or maybe a release they had missed. thats y i appreciate most of the ftl's, champs, fta's onlyallow one men's purchase and one GS per visit when it comes to some heat dropping.
some times u have to realize, some of the hardcore geeks on niketalk just dont like certain things said.
Originally Posted by Beelzebub23

The reason resellers p*ss people off is because, unlike trading cards, most people who buy sneakers ARE NOT BUYING THEM FOR A COLLECTION. They're buying them to have something nice to wear. In my opinion, resellers only help JB by showing them how much they can really charge people for their product, and showing them exactly what shoes to do it with.......

Space jam '09=175$

Top 3 reasons the sneaker games is so effed up right now:

1. Resellers: Helping JB jack up prices by buying out and reselling already overpriced sneakers

2. Hypebeast: Will by any sneaker at any price (Which is just helping resellers who are just helping JB) as long as it's considered "hot".

3. Jordan brand: A money hungry company that feeds off the stupidity of the two previous mentioned reasons.

Nuff said.
Originally Posted by micheal623

Originally Posted by Beelzebub23

The reason resellers p*ss people off is because, unlike trading cards, most people who buy sneakers ARE NOT BUYING THEM FOR A COLLECTION. They're buying them to have something nice to wear. In my opinion, resellers only help JB by showing them how much they can really charge people for their product, and showing them exactly what shoes to do it with.......

Space jam '09=175$

Top 3 reasons the sneaker games is so effed up right now:

1. Resellers: Helping JB jack up prices by buying out and reselling already overpriced sneakers

2. Hypebeast: Will by any sneaker at any price (Which is just helping resellers who are just helping JB) as long as it's considered "hot".

3. Jordan brand: A money hungry company that feeds off the stupidity of the two previous mentioned reasons.

Nuff said.
too much to read in here.....
nike is one big reseller selling shoes that cost $5.00 to make for $80-$230 ........ i guess i cant really knock resellers hustling like Nike but i stillwouldnt do it. Brings shame to the game

resellers dont even wear the shoes they camp out and buy kicks just to profit $110-$200 ....kinda lame
It exists in every single aspect of this society. Its called capitalism.

People on here get upset because we happen to be passionate about shoes. Thats all.
Originally Posted by indohan

Originally Posted by ehbball88

Why all the hate, negativity, flaming, insults, bad talk, about everyone on here who makes a comment in regaurds to value of shoe now, in the future, how its doing on ebay right after its released, or RESELLING. I understand where people are coming from, but I do not think it is justified. I do not understand how anything of the things I listed makes somoene any less of a collector or air jordan fan.

I can not lie I am young and I can not afford to pay full price for every jordan release that comes out that I want to buy so I take a shot, an investment, there is risk involved, and buy a few pairs to resell hoping to profit and put that towards the pair for myself.

The reason why I dont understand why all the hate towards this happens on here is and why people think resellers are not true collectors is because of my history in collecting SPORTS CARDS. I collected sports cards for many many years, esp basketball cards, and all people sell and trade them all the time. Part of collecting sports cards is looking them up in price guides asking others what they think they are worthe so you know what you could get in a trade or to sell them. People are always talking about how a player is doing and how it will effect the value of his cards and discussing how a rookie is doing and the potential value the cards have if he gets better in the future. A lot of determining the value of a card is also how popular a player is. The more people want a persons cards the less available they are making them more valuable. This goes the same way with jordan releases. The more poeple want a shoe the more its gonna resell for. People do all this in sports cards to build there collection and make it better. The same thing happens with air jordans but it is hated on and not accepted. WHy is that? It makes no sence at all.

Anyways I do not understand all the hate and flaming on here about that in regaurds to jordans. It is the same exact thing although its accepted in the sports cards world and not in the Jordan world. To me all of the reselling and determing value of jordans now and in the future is part of the fun of collecting. In any other hobby or collectable it exists and it is accepted, why not here?

NikeTalk Give me your imput, I know there are a lot of sports card collectors on here or ex sports cards collectors on here who know what Im talkign about and could leave some imput on this topic. Maybe I am crazy. Let me know Im just curious to see what people have to say.
I only read until the bolded part and I already can give you an answer.
This thing is for collecting, not an investment so that you can earn your money.
There are people who want to own the shoes more than you do.
You want investment, go to forex trader or buy some stocks.

Don't sell because you want to; sell because you have to.
QFT, but i read the whole thing tho

the thing is, have you ever been in line for 5 hours and then the store sells the ##+*** infront of you every single pair in their inventory, jjust so he canturn around and demand double from everyone in line? Thats what reselling is. The average person wants some nice shoes they can enjoy, but resellers make ithard (or impossible) for some to get that 1 pair they have wanted and saved for, just so they can flip them for dumb profit. If you are trying to justify itfor the money aspect, you could get a real job, or work extraaaaaa hours (like me) or do some actual investing, not taking shoes from us.
this increase in price and unattainability kinda ruins the shoe game. It was fun to go into the store, pay retail and have a great time and enjoy some qualityshoes. But now they are hard to find, often 100+ over retail, (see CDPs and all other retroes) and you have to camp out for a CHANCE, not even a shoe.
people say that it keeps the people who really wanted them from getting them. i feel like they obviously didnt want them bad enough. when a shoe drops, itsyour responsibility to do your homework and find out how to get them. maybe i'm just lucky, but i've never missed out on a shoe that i had to have andi've been buying kicks for years. sometimes i feel like the majority of hate comes from people that havent stepped their game up to the level that theresellers have. however, i do agree that it probably helps the shoe companys see what people are dumb enough to spend though. wich probably results in higherprices for all of us.
You are right down my ally, I am 14 and just transitioned from cards to shoes, I am about to sell a multi-thousand dollar collection ebay.
i see yr point...
but it is a very good debate topic...
never will have a correct answer~
if reselling isn't good... it had been illegal from the market already...
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