why is my mac lagging?

Nov 10, 2007
when i open up multiple programs and even just on safari it lags a lot. Any reasons why and what should I do to make it stop free up space?
Upgrade the RAM. I still have a 2.5 year old iBook that feels great after I bumped up the RAM from 512MB to 1.5MB for like $60.
yeah im having the same problem too....maybe cause i have too much stuff on it. time to upgrade the ram cause its really annoying me

First things first get more ram. Maxing it out thats a MUST.

Or Run permissions.
Or Move stuff to an external.

My MB runs super smooth with multiple programs open (I use PS and AI a lot) and
I havent turned it off in like a month, still runs like i just turned it on.

Transintl.com is a great place for ram. Works great and for the price. Also, Crucial ram which could be bought at newegg.com.
I'm about to upgrade the RAM on my Macbook right now too. Any brand that you guys recommend?
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Kingston is cheap and good. All you need. Never get RAM from an Apple Store.

Dope! Thats just the one I was thinking of getting. Thanks.
any other recommendations to clean up macs or make it go faster?
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