Why isn't Ice Cube mentioned among the "GOATs"?

Originally Posted by KOD843

 Who's to say if Pac was still living, he wouldn't be doing family films by now? 

people mention ice cube as a GOAT along with da rest of da NWA all da time...and who da hell doesn't mention him as a legend? ya gonna let a bunch of 90's born kiddies dictate who are

among da goats?
Cube has legend status and I personally think Death Certificate is one of the dopest albums in hiphop history. The only reason he isn't mentioned as one of the GOATs is that his later bodies of work weren't up to par with the angrier/agressive Cube. Once an artist isn't "hungry" anymore, they tend to lose that edge. Anybody with any true knowledge of hiphop knows Cube deserves to be mentioned as one of the best irregardless of subjective titles.

PS: Ice Cube > pac
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by capuT

probably because he sold out

if cube sold out, what do you call what Snoop Dogg is doing? IMO Ice Cube >> Snoop
good point but cube did sell out though snoop just tryna stay relevant good thing wiz came along his way
i wish ice cube stuck to his roots like snoop though ice cube dont even try to keep it G anymore
(no pun intended)
Originally Posted by Greezee

Brolic Scholar wrote:


Because Cube never gave a consistent best effort. His newer music is laughable at times because he's become a caricature of himself. I know he still has the edge to him and still seems to be in touch with the culture and streets, but at his age, the stuff he raps about seems corny to me. "I Rep That West"??? So what. Rap about something your older audience can relate to and your younger audience will respect you for touching on.

There's so much he could say and doesn't. Let's not even mention how he could get the best production out there to make a classic and doesn't. He relies too much on pleasing a certain crowd. A true artist takes risks.
I'm addressing the first bolded part first. The stuff he raps about seems corny to you? Ok, I will take that. But "I Rep That West" addressed your following sentence. Listening
to the song is something his older audience can relate to. He's letting you know what time it is as a 42 year old and at the same time letting the younger audience know what his foundation is, West Coast gangsta rap music.

Addressing the second bolded part- There's so much he could say and doesn't? What? Ice Cube has said EVERYTHING throughout his career. What more do you want him to say?
The man is old. He's not going to be in his Kill At Will/Death Certificate mode anymore. Wanting him to be like that after 20 years is unfair and not reasonable. No flame but come on
homey. Ice Cube is one of the GOATS and to even question that is mind blowin'. Just appreciate his past work and chill. Cube was/is/always will be a G.

*Plays My Summer Vacation*

I don't expect Cube to go out and make the albums he used to make, but what I do expect is relevant material. I don't really care for anthem tracks and I get why he made a track like that, I mean he says it in the song. However, with the state of things in the African American community and how poverty has become such an issue in this country, dude could really take the opportunity to make a powerful album that addresses so much. Why doesn't he?

I know I'm no one to be telling a legend how to format his albums, but I just expect more from a G as educated and versatile as he is.
Cube is a legend!! i still remember how big his buzz was in the early 90s

Not to mention he has classic albums, classic movies and last and not least, he gave us one of the greatest rap songs of all time^^^ peep the vid

90s babies take notes
The reason is simple like most of the real GOATS Cube came out in the 80s and fell off in the Mid 90s so his impression on the game was missed by this generation. Ask anyone of the age of 30 and they most likely have him in the top 10 on the strength dude has 5 classics

NWA-Str8 Outta Compton
Amerikkka's Most Wanted
Death Certificate
The Predator
The West Side Connection-Bow Down
He's definitely legendary, penned some of the most classic albums of all time and I could put him in my top 20 MCs but he gets forgotten about a lot because his last three or four albums have been beyond forgettable and left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. And yes doing those kid movies and rip off Tyler Perry show definitely took him down a notch. 
in my top 10 off the strength of his prime alone. He's in the same boat as LL Cool J to me. Both are a shell of their former selves but to deny their impact, their skill, and the legendary status is blasphemy
Cube's best verse of this millenium...

OAN: Am I the only one still amazed at how Cube's barely aging though...

I love Ice Cube, but I'll admit I'm too young to truly appreciate him.

I respect him as a legend and love some of his music, but at the same time I could never personally consider him one of the GOATs...
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

He's like the Styles P of the west coast. He's really not that nice.
Only on NT will you hear nonsense like this. Cube might suck now but that guy knows how to write actual songs and songs that have stood the test of time. Styles P just knows how to rhyme words and very, very, very, very, very, very poorly at that.
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