Why so thirsty


Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

courtesy of my facebook newsfeed.

stay thirsty my friends

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Liqht Skin
[/h6][h6] Seriously YOUR BLOWING MINESS WITH THE COMMENTING ON EVERY STAT & EVERY PIC I GET IT U LIKE BUT U GOTTAAA CHEEEELLLLL..... DEAD %@*!!!!!!! -______- — with Terrance Green.[/h6]Like · · 29 minutes ago via Mobile ·
all these sycophantic onlookers are worse...even though i couldnt understand more than half of that
This is the narcissistic "gluttony of self" era of human evolution. Man just created a new toy that fundamental changed the landscape of how he/she communicates, shares feelings and expresses himself to the world. It only makes sense that the youth of humanity uses it to attract mates, garner attention or try to find some value in ones self through the reception of his or her peers. The internet is a tool just like any other human invention. Some use it to play and some use it to work. All it does is place a microscope on the deep social and moral issues that we currently face as a species. The gender roles are being bastardized into this really sick cat and mouse game. Now woman are expressing and displaying their sexuality openly for the world to see and for men to come running as by nature they should but its now about humiliating men. The emergence of this social media boom is altering the course of femininity and sexual dominance.Females being the more aesthetically pleasing of the two sexes is now able to visually stimulate the sexual drive in men through pics without any of the true ramifications of what consequences would have taken place in the past such as courtship, rape, peer pressure etc. This therefore allows women to dominate the medium of the internet because their looks are what most men desire from them anyway. Look no further than the appreciation threads and numerous Tumblr pages filled with nothing but mostly female dominated pics even posted by other girls. Essentially everyday women are being worshipped at a level that has never been experienced in modern culture therefore creating a paradigm shift in the dominance of the female in gender roles. This is why women are genuinely not as friendly collectively as they were in the past and average girls expect and want to be models, actresses. They have no need to be kind or humble, they are worshipped like idols. Our music is even more so than ever geared towards the aspect of providing and taking care of a woman just because she looks good. It's a very interesting part of human evolution and practically a mine field for sexual awareness. The pendulum is swinging into an era of female dominance and the rule of feminine energy.
Yo pharoah thanks for putting into words my thoughts about the subject. It's just that there's a new platform for these girls to flaunt their bodies and fish for compliments. The saddest part to me is how alot of females nowadays won't even bother lookin at a regular ol N, because they got 4000 followers on twitter and average 200 likes per pic on facebook. They think only a celebrity is good enough for them. It's a confusing time in the human timeline, but i Agree, very interesting at that. Feminine energy is definitely on the rise. Girls think theyre entitled to much more than they deserve.

The internet, although the most useful invention in recent history, has also fed a generation of confused, conceited youth.
yeah man the internet is the way for thirsty guys to express words they would never be able to get out of their mouths in person.. just feeds the e-ego but inreality they're lames
I don't.like it but I don't.blame these women...be honest guys if you 100s of women liking your photos,status's..commenting on every pic I'm sure it would eventually get to your head as well...
Ok im not gonna lie, my cousin aint the ugliest but she aint pretty also and theres this dude that stay commenting her pics, her 2 recent today and i couldnt do anything but laugh


Spec23 is your cousin the type too get mad about thirsty dudes on her FB?

She was definitely putting the bait on the hook and throwing her line into the water with that 2nd pic.
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

I hate them damn"no filter " insagram pics. how conceited are you
What are these exactly? I see them on twitter and just keep it movin
all of this #+*$ is common sense... they gas up these dumb ho and gives you a better chance of getting the P.. why do you care about the next man?! It's comedy.
Originally Posted by AEA18

Spec23 is your cousin the type too get mad about thirsty dudes on her FB?

She was definitely putting the bait on the hook and throwing her line into the water with that 2nd pic.

She's an attention %!*$#, i tell her that +*$+ all the time, I doubt she gets mad, only thing she got working for her is her butt, everything else is not in place
, so all she does is post butt pics, add her and you'll see what i mean.She gets like 100+ comments on her butt pics, but when she post pics of my lil cousin ( her son ) she gets like 4 likes and 2 comments. The thirst is alive with her
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

I hate them damn"no filter " insagram pics. how conceited are you
What are these exactly? I see them on twitter and just keep it movin

if you got a instagram u can edit the photos and apparently only the cute ones don't used the edits , seems mad dumb to meno offense spec but your cousin got them yappers
Every time I come in here, I see its going to get harder and harder by the day.

I don't even...

This thread is really discouraging, fambs.

I am dopeness personified in my eyes, so confidence isn't what's getting me down..

Its the fact that my dopeness won't even get a chance to shine thru.

I'm scared how things will be 3 years from now...

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Ok im not gonna lie, my cousin aint the ugliest
and she aint no bird either!



She prolly is, dont really care, I barely talk to that side of the fams, they live in jersey and im in NY.....as far as i know, she has a kid and a bf for the past 7 yrs....if shes a bird...oh well its her life
Originally Posted by Boi

all of this #+*$ is common sense... they gas up these dumb ho and gives you a better chance of getting the P.. why do you care about the next man?! It's comedy.
Do you truly believe that these guys gassing these chicks are smashing?
Honestly...you know who's to blame for this %*++?

We are.

We put the batteries in these #@%+ backs.
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