Wifi a Cancer Risk? (Like Cell Phones)

Aug 2, 2006
I had thought about this the other day, and tried to do some research online, but it all seemed to just go back and forth with neither side really provingwhether it is or not. I remember there was a social scare when it was said that cell phones could pose as a cancer risk, but if wifi is a cancer risk,we're all screwed--wifi is everywhere... not to arouse the conspiracy theorists, but that could be some sort of far-fetched 2012 theory, too.

On a side note, do smart phones pose a higher risk for cancer because they always have the EDGE or 3G connection going even when the phone component isn'tin use? If so, my left thigh is probably rotting from keeping my BB in my pocket.

I figured that since NT has all the answers, I'd just post this here.
The risks are relatively small though. But there are a lot of factors, especially genetics.

One word of advice, use your headphones when you talk. Or put the phone on speaker. Your exposure reduces significantly when the phone is even slightlyfurther away from your head.
just live life
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