Wildest stuff you ever seen at work vol: someone $$#$ on the floor...

Back in college when I worked at the school library, there was this dude in the 24 hour study area on his laptop looking at child porn.
 Not only that dude was like so focused on it that he was jacking off to it with no dambs given where he was and when there was others around him. Had to get security and have him arrested.

Another was during winter break my co-workers and I were clearing out shelves of loose books so we could restack them later. She finds this box and takes it out. She wants to open it and "I'm like you shouldn't, you don't know what's up in there." Opens it up any way and is like "Ohh comic books." Digs through it some more then whe hear her scream out "Ewwww, there's gay porn in here!" We end up giving the box to our  boss as a joke and instead of throwing it out he out he puts it in the lost and found.
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

I dunno what kind of gym you work at, or what you do, but you seem to frequent the locker a lot. AFAIK, a lot of gyms don't have employees walking around leisurely. Most are at the front desk check in, or personal trainer, or custodial. You said you are always going to the locker, then showering, hence the frequency of seeing this stuff? I dunno what you do, but that sounds mad suspect. LOL

Most PT don't shower there, or do strenuous exercises. YOU LIEING!!!

People have to conduct themselves orderly, and I"m shocked why no one has complained or delisted their membership.

I'm a personal trainer, so I'm at the gym 5 days a week, and if I have to use the bathroom, it's in the men's locker room, same as any other gym, so one to two trips into the bathroom a day is enough to see some of this stuff.  I've been there a few years, and yes, I have on occasion trained a few clients, worked out, and then showered before training another couple of clients.  Nothing out of the ordinary, you just seem to feel like trolling my posts for whatever reason.
And I don't know how many gyms you've been at, but people do NOT conduct themselves in an orderly fashion.  (I'm assuming that's what you meant by "conduct themselves orderly".  What country are you from?  English doesn't seem to be your first language.)  The gym doesn't discriminate, any wack-job with a checking account can join a gym and most of the stuff I've talked about is either something you can't exactly kick someone out for or they do it before anyone can catch them and cancel or "delist" their membership.  
Originally Posted by solarius49

I worked at a gym in 04 and

1. Some guy who we never caught would go in the shower, dump out the shampoo bottle and fill them up with feces and urine

2. We had a power outtage right before we closed. The only people still at the gym was an elderly man and an elderly couple. The woman of the couple asked for our maintenance man to go check on her husband..when he went in the mens locker room, he caught the husband doming up the other dude

We didnt have a locker room attendent

That happens alot in men's locker rooms.  Alot of gay men and guys in the closet who want to only be gay secretly go into the steam room and sauna to hook up.  We've even had people alert us to craigslist postings with guys saying what day and time they'll be in our or whatever gym's steam room if anybody wants to hook up to go in and say some magic password.  I had to cancel a guys membership once because he went into the sauna when one of the employees was sitting in there and he just started jerking off while he was staring at him.  One guy used to walk around in front of the steam room or sauna door in a towel and he'd look at you and open his towel pretending to adjust it but he'd have a full hard-on.  We called the cops on him.  

Now we have less of that but we have one guy who does his entire workout butt-naked in the steam room with just a pair of socks on.  I was washing my hands one day and I could see something moving really fast in the steam room.  I didn't want to look and see what I thought was two guys banging but I had to see who we had to kick out.  When I look I could see this guy just doing jumping jacks butt-naked (thank god the door was closed and it was all fogged up, you couldn't see too much.)  Then he drops down and starts doing pushups.  He does that all the time and we never kick him out or tell him to stop because it's a good way to keep guys from going in there to hookup.

That same guy is crazy OCD, he shaves his whole head and body at the locker room sink everyday and lately he's been chugging gallons of water and making himself throw up.  
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I used to work downtown and while the money was good it was completely depressing. We have a big homeless problem and downtown is their home. They doodoo and pee all over the street. My building had back entrance and the bums used it as a restroom. Every monday morning we would get to work and there would be doodoo had prints all over the door and flung on the walls. I was disgusted and hated it so much I left for a lower paying position.
In the Navy we would find Japanese men that committed suicide behind our camp in Japan. They would stab themselves in the chest. 

Lady died in my arms. I was in Guam and while driving at night and raining I saw a lady running towards the street. Streets there are made of crushed coral. We were doing 50mph. I tell the driver to to stop and just as we were stopping another car that did not see the lady hit her just as she past us. She hit the windshield and flew 30 feet on her face. I had just done a mass casualty drill and so tried to help her but the coral in her face was too much. I later found out she was pregnant and she was running away from her abusive husband. 

While on the boat (navy) I got hit with 220 voltage. He had to beat him off with wooden sticks (when 220 finds you it holds on to you not throw you off like in the movies)
you must be in San Diego
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

I dunno what kind of gym you work at, or what you do, but you seem to frequent the locker a lot. AFAIK, a lot of gyms don't have employees walking around leisurely. Most are at the front desk check in, or personal trainer, or custodial. You said you are always going to the locker, then showering, hence the frequency of seeing this stuff? I dunno what you do, but that sounds mad suspect. LOL

Most PT don't shower there, or do strenuous exercises. YOU LIEING!!!

People have to conduct themselves orderly, and I"m shocked why no one has complained or delisted their membership.

I'm a personal trainer, so I'm at the gym 5 days a week, and if I have to use the bathroom, it's in the men's locker room, same as any other gym, so one to two trips into the bathroom a day is enough to see some of this stuff.  I've been there a few years, and yes, I have on occasion trained a few clients, worked out, and then showered before training another couple of clients.  Nothing out of the ordinary, you just seem to feel like trolling my posts for whatever reason.
And I don't know how many gyms you've been at, but people do NOT conduct themselves in an orderly fashion.  (I'm assuming that's what you meant by "conduct themselves orderly".  What country are you from?  English doesn't seem to be your first language.)  The gym doesn't discriminate, any wack-job with a checking account can join a gym and most of the stuff I've talked about is either something you can't exactly kick someone out for or they do it before anyone can catch them and cancel or "delist" their membership.  

okay. Jeez.

Been here too long to troll.  Get plenty of american citizens here and immigrants and naturalized citizens that don't know or care to speak/write properly despite English being their first language.  lolz  Not sure why you srs about attacking language syntax.  Another cliche move!!

Thanks for sharing.  You need to relax.  Your post gathered attention because it took effort on your part to post more than just fragments.  You shoulda been English Teacher pharrel..s
solarius49 wrote:
I worked at a gym in 04 and

1. Some guy who we never caught would go in the shower, dump out the shampoo bottle and fill them up with feces and urine

2. We had a power outtage right before we closed. The only people still at the gym was an elderly man and an elderly couple. The woman of the couple asked for our maintenance man to go check on her husband..when he went in the mens locker room, he caught the husband doming up the other dude

We didnt have a locker room attendent


What has been read, can not be unread.
told this story a while ago, but...

Well I was working the midshift one day in the photo lab. This older, crackhead looking dude comes in acting weird and got change for a bunch of pennies. Didn't leave yet, but still acting super weird and tense. He eventually left and didn't give it much more thought. Came back maybe an hour later trying to get money from who I guess was a relative. She bought a few things and didn't really give him much money...and just left him there. By that time I turned around and started helping another customer and I heard the dude say something weird but didn't really catch it so I turned back around and he started reaching in his pocket for something...the SECOND he started doing that, like 6-7 cops just rolled deep into the store, guns drawn. Guns looked like they could pop your head off. They even brought the K9 units and everything. Pushed dude to the floor then cuffed him and took him away.

I'm literally standing there like

One of cops came up to me and told me that dude had shot/robbed somebody for their money before he came back here and that he was about to get me next.

I was just like


And immediately went home.

Was shook..no lie. 
I worked for Radioshack's cell phone kiosk inside of Target and a man passed out, people were panicking and a big crowd gathered around

2 dudes pushed a 55" tv from the back of Target out the door with the security thing still on it
I work at a pathology lab so I see a lot of nasty stuff on the regular.

When I first started off I was a courier. I would deliver reports, pick up specimens whatever. Specimens included something small in a container like tissue or something huge like a placenta
but the worst was when I was told I had to pick up a leg at the surgery center. Apparently someone had to get it amputated due to diabetic problems. I figured it was already in a container for me. No. It was in a trash bag in the specimen fridge...I had to put it in a container myself.
Tried to handle it from the top of the bag but I had to touch the leg to get it to fit in the container. Later on that week the lab got in some foreskin to test and the lab techs were pointing out that it still had hair on it. Fuuuuuu. Anyway, yeah in a nutshell you need a hard stomach to work in pathology labs.
When I was a waiter I was serving a couple and told the girl where the bathroom was. Came out to ask dude something he was gone. The ladies bathroom was empty, but I knew they didn't leave cuz their stuff was still on the table. Went to the men's room and dude was busting girl wide open on floor. Funniest thing ever was trying to serve em after the fact.
Just remembered another one of those wow moments at work and a new story

Work for a hotel in the lax area....

So about a year ago we had a man jump off the 8th floor parking structure needless to say
It was the worst feeling to have to drive over watered downed blood as I exited our parking structure.

This past Tuesday night had a man high of drugs and probably a little loose up there. Come into the restaurant.
Saying he was buying chased and needed help. An hour later that same man ran onto on coming traffic 10 feet away from our door.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by mdwst9

Originally Posted by solarius49

Tons of things when I worked at this shoe store....

We had this crackhead (Tommy) who would come in all the time and was friends with my boss. Another dude was a registered sex offender (Ben), and was always highly medicated. Every other week they would switch off taking out the trash, and my boss would pay them $10 to do so. One day they both showed up at the same time, but the trash had already been taken out. My boss offered them to split $10 if they would suck each other off......needless to say they took the money

My last deployment, this dude thought it would be funny to jack off in front of everybody with hand sanitizer...Needless to say we were not amused.  So while he was doing this, my boy snuck up on him and set his penis on fire lol!  i couldnt believe what I was seeing!

what store did u work in? crackhead sounds familiar

Ace Athletic in Pittsburgh
Hol' up....I used to live in Pittsburgh when I went to Pitt. Is this the same Tommy who was in the Ace Athletics commercials?! I used to see dude dowtown all the time!
back when i used to work in pathmark, some supermarket, i worked in the maintenance department. if there was a spill somewhere id go and mop/sweep it up. so one day im working and im pushing my cleaning cart to the trash room to throw some crap away and i see the grocery manager, short bald white guy in his 50s, FEELING up this lady from the frozen department. i mean hand under her shirt feeling up. she was enjoying it and so was he. i just kept it moving like i aint see a damb thang
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by mdwst9

what store did u work in? crackhead sounds familiar

Ace Athletic in Pittsburgh
Hol' up....I used to live in Pittsburgh when I went to Pitt. Is this the same Tommy who was in the Ace Athletics commercials?! I used to see dude dowtown all the time!

Yeah man thats Tommy.  He's clean now thank God.  He got really fat and now hes a raging alcoholic, but i guess alcohol is better than crack
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