Will I Am is sueing Pharrell "i am OTHER" brand

I understand where your coming from but in the industry suing someone and talking things out are two different things. It happens all the time, to even players bigger than will and pharell. and the tweets could have just been to save face, which is also just business as well. None of this is black and white and none of us know the whole story here because everything is not being told, but at the same time im just trying to make yall aware that trying to talk stuff out isn't always how things are done in any industry, regardless of what we think about the players involved. Everybody needs/wants dat money.

Pipe down Fergie

y u mad bro? im sorry im not joining in the "lets clown wil.I.Am" train everyone is on rite now. Im just looking at the bigger picture, and what I see here is that there is not enough information.
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I understand where your coming from but in the industry suing someone and talking things out are two different things. It happens all the time, to even players bigger than will and pharell. and the tweets could have just been to save face, which is also just business as well. None of this is black and white and none of us know the whole story here because everything is not being told, but at the same time im just trying to make yall aware that trying to talk stuff out isn't always how things are done in any industry, regardless of what we think about the players involved. Everybody needs/wants dat money.
Yes I know everything in the INDUSTRY can't be solved with a handshake and there are bigger puppeteers above all... But you can't honestly sit here and believe Will and P don't know each other( YouTube video exhibit a)
Plus like I said if you are my peer and we have chopped it up a couple of times, I would at least expect a courtesy call( P reached out) and give me the heads up... I know the entertainment business doesn't work on the morals and merits I hold as a person but this ish was foul... Dude just got sued for " plagerizing" a song and then you back door with a lawsuit of your own...How ironic... At the end of the rant we don't know the whole story( always three sides) but those tweets don't help his cause and for that it was a bish move
But no lie every time I hear pump it, I do get turnt up,.. Once again as a respected peer he could have at least gave a heads up or even when the news hit yesterday, he could have dropped a tweet instead of a 24 hr turn around"Will love the Kids" suspect *** tweet lol
Edit: like I said he saw that Despicable Me soundtrack P about to collect and got jealous lol
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I understand where your coming from but in the industry suing someone and talking things out are two different things. It happens all the time, to even players bigger than will and pharell. and the tweets could have just been to save face, which is also just business as well. None of this is black and white and none of us know the whole story here because everything is not being told, but at the same time im just trying to make yall aware that trying to talk stuff out isn't always how things are done in any industry, regardless of what we think about the players involved. Everybody needs/wants dat money.
Yes I know everything in the INDUSTRY can't be solved with a handshake and there are bigger puppeteers above all... But you can't honestly sit here and believe Will and P don't know each other( YouTube video exhibit a)
Plus like I said if you are my peer and we have chopped it up a couple of times, I would at least expect a courtesy call( P reached out) and give me the heads up... I know the entertainment business doesn't work on the morals and merits I hold as a person but this ish was foul... Dude just got sued for " plagerizing" a song and then you back door with a lawsuit of your own...How ironic... At the end of the rant we don't know the whole story( always three sides) but those tweets don't help his cause and for that it was a bish move
But no lie every time I hear pump it, I do get turnt up,.. Once again as a respected peer he could have at least gave a heads up or even when the news hit yesterday, he could have dropped a tweet instead of a 24 hr turn around"Will love the Kids" suspect *** tweet lol
Edit: like I said he saw that Despicable Me soundtrack P about to collect and got jealous lol
I never said that they didn't know each other, I had no idea if they did or didn't, im just saying for me at least, I see way too much he said she said to form any type of solid opinion. I was just commenting on how everybody in here was just bashin him because of his character, which isn't necessarily fair.
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^^^i respect your opinions IMO it was a bish move, the evidence is substantial on this one broham and yes it makes his character very questionable(even some of the BEP members had beef with the change of the group)
At the end of the day it doesn't effect my life or my girls, etc...But as a man sometimes you have to look at yourself and say "Is it worth it"
Will is paid and smart and to sit there and say this dude didnt know about his lawyers aka hounds going for this lawsuit is kinda naive.... And yes this could hurt him amongst urban artist because they might look at him sideways, because every artist he has worked with has worked with P
Ie Scott Storch went at Timbaland but that white girl and Dr. Dre machine( interscope) ate that boy up and he hasn't been ish since then
Will production will always be in demand but the side eye of death from certain artist will linger
I think I have said all I can say on this matter
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