Will NFL become the most watched sport in the world and displace soccer?

Originally Posted by bconngemini

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

And soccer will always be #1 in the world. read a book.

Why do you say this and what evidence is there to support your soccer love-in? If you actually look at the data, soccer is in a steady decline around the world, with basketball the most popular sport in China and baseball throughout Asia and South America, and with soccer falling in popularity throughout modern first world countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, France..etc. Except for England and some other Old Europe countries, soccer is only popular in very poor places (Ghana, Brazil...etc) and as these places see their GDP increase, so does the popularity of soccer decrease in those countries. Basketball may eventually become the most played sport in the world, its just as cheap as soccer except its fun to play and looks more masculine, but football will come to dominate the global TV ratings as its just the best TV product that America has ever created (and we know good TV since the whole world watches our shows).

As soon as the rest of the world understand football, they will never turn back, it's hard to argue that soccer is more exciting to watch but I'd love to see you try.
world cup  TV ratings > super bowl tv ratings.

2006 Super Bowl - 98 million viewers
2006 world cup - 260 million viewers

until the NFL puts a league in every continent soccer will always be the #1 sport in the world.

deal with it.

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by bconngemini

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

And soccer will always be #1 in the world. read a book.

Why do you say this and what evidence is there to support your soccer love-in? If you actually look at the data, soccer is in a steady decline around the world, with basketball the most popular sport in China and baseball throughout Asia and South America, and with soccer falling in popularity throughout modern first world countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, France..etc. Except for England and some other Old Europe countries, soccer is only popular in very poor places (Ghana, Brazil...etc) and as these places see their GDP increase, so does the popularity of soccer decrease in those countries. Basketball may eventually become the most played sport in the world, its just as cheap as soccer except its fun to play and looks more masculine, but football will come to dominate the global TV ratings as its just the best TV product that America has ever created (and we know good TV since the whole world watches our shows).

As soon as the rest of the world understand football, they will never turn back, it's hard to argue that soccer is more exciting to watch but I'd love to see you try.
world cup  TV ratings > super bowl tv ratings.

2006 Super Bowl - 98 million viewers
2006 world cup - 260 million viewers

until the NFL puts a league in every continent soccer will always be the #1 sport in the world.

deal with it.

That actually proves my point. World cup is by FAR the biggest soccer event and includes the entire global viewership base, which is only 260 million, your numbers for the Super Bowl is only US viewers, and doesn't include the 900 million viewers outside the states. The Super Bowl has a billion viewers, five times more than soccer's biggest event:

"An estimated one billion people tuned in to watch the Steelers clinch an unprecedented sixth title in a match full of drama that saw each team dominate periods of the game."

The only reason the world cup gets so many viewers is the same that the 100 m sprint and curling and shotput get every 4 years: because its country vs. country and casual fans find it easy to cheer for your country even if they don't enjoy watching the sport. The truth that soccer people don't tell you is that outside of the once-every-four-years world cup, soccer doesn't get many fans and never gets as many fans watching individual games as the NFL, which averages 30 million PER GAME. There isn't even a league in soccer as big as the NFL, let alone any game outside of the world cup that can generate that much buzz and viewership.
Originally Posted by bconngemini

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by bconngemini

Why do you say this and what evidence is there to support your soccer love-in? If you actually look at the data, soccer is in a steady decline around the world, with basketball the most popular sport in China and baseball throughout Asia and South America, and with soccer falling in popularity throughout modern first world countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, France..etc. Except for England and some other Old Europe countries, soccer is only popular in very poor places (Ghana, Brazil...etc) and as these places see their GDP increase, so does the popularity of soccer decrease in those countries. Basketball may eventually become the most played sport in the world, its just as cheap as soccer except its fun to play and looks more masculine, but football will come to dominate the global TV ratings as its just the best TV product that America has ever created (and we know good TV since the whole world watches our shows).

As soon as the rest of the world understand football, they will never turn back, it's hard to argue that soccer is more exciting to watch but I'd love to see you try.
world cup  TV ratings > super bowl tv ratings.

2006 Super Bowl - 98 million viewers
2006 world cup - 260 million viewers

until the NFL puts a league in every continent soccer will always be the #1 sport in the world.

deal with it.

That actually proves my point. World cup is by FAR the biggest soccer event and includes the entire global viewership base, which is only 260 million, your numbers for the Super Bowl is only US viewers, and doesn't include the 900 million viewers outside the states. The Super Bowl has a billion viewers, five times more than soccer's biggest event:

"An estimated one billion people tuned in to watch the Steelers clinch an unprecedented sixth title in a match full of drama that saw each team dominate periods of the game."

The only reason the world cup gets so many viewers is the same that the 100 m sprint and curling and shotput get every 4 years: because its country vs. country and casual fans find it easy to cheer for your country even if they don't enjoy watching the sport. The truth that soccer people don't tell you is that outside of the once-every-four-years world cup, soccer doesn't get many fans and never gets as many fans watching individual games as the NFL, which averages 30 million PER GAME. There isn't even a league in soccer as big as the NFL, let alone any game outside of the world cup that can generate that much buzz and viewership.
I think it'll be a while before the NFL has a chance of surpassing soccer, i think it could one day too, like 50 or 100 years, sure. Basketball would make more sense of going global. Look at how baseball is doing globally. And there's thousands of televised games for soccer a year....all over the world...with die hard fans...i mean c'mon son it's not gonna happen soon. it's not even close. 
I don't know where you're getting your figures from but there is absolutely no way that a SIXTH of the world tuned in to watch a sport that is ONLY played in North America.

Football will reign supreme. Your argument that American football only needs exposure in markets to grow is foolish. Football isn't loved because it's cheap and easy to get into it. Football is loved because it's a genuinely beautiful and exciting sport and in many parts of the world people grow up with it.
Basketball has a shot but still long in the future. Never understood why people get heated on arguments like this. I feel the same way with 'sport vs activity' argument. Just like what you like
So you're assuming the rest of the world will find football more interesting/exciting if it's more readily available? Okay
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

I don't know where you're getting your figures from but there is absolutely no way that a SIXTH of the world tuned in to watch a sport that is ONLY played in North America.

Football will reign supreme. Your argument that American football only needs exposure in markets to grow is foolish. Football isn't loved because it's cheap and easy to get into it. Football is loved because it's a genuinely beautiful and exciting sport and in many parts of the world people grow up with it.
It's called soccer, not football. Football is a game for men and includes things like excitement, scoring and toughness. Soccer does not.

And yes, soccer is popular because its cheap and third world accessible, not because its "beautiful" (what's beautiful about a 0-0 game and flopping?) or exciting (any sport that can end in a tie is not exciting, period). If soccer was expensive or required millions of dollars to assemble a soccer team with all the equipment and salaries...etc, it would not be popular. Yet because it requires no equipment except a ball, which can be made out of plastic bags, and some dirt to kick around a ball in, third world masses can relate to it and so it gets billed "the most popular sport in the world" by foreigners.
I don't even know why I am joining into a discussion with an obvious troll but I would like to ask him where exactly the 900 million viewers outside the US are coming from, if there were really a billion viewers. Europe in the middle of the night? India at 5:00 AM? No, it's probably at 6:30 AM in China, you know how they love nothing more than some good old tackle football to kick off their work weeks!

Seriously guys, this is silly.
Basketball is more popular worldwide than American football, so that's even another hurdle to get over. It's the next most accessible sport after soccer, and there are similarities between the two in terms of style of play.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Americans call it soccer. It's futból everywhere else. You know, because they use their feet.
Its not futból everywhere else, only in Spain and Latin America.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

I don't know where you're getting your figures from but there is absolutely no way that a SIXTH of the world tuned in to watch a sport that is ONLY played in North America.

Football will reign supreme. Your argument that American football only needs exposure in markets to grow is foolish. Football isn't loved because it's cheap and easy to get into it. Football is loved because it's a genuinely beautiful and exciting sport and in many parts of the world people grow up with it.

But the reason they grow up with it is because it is cheap and easy to get into. I'm not gonna say it is not a beautiful sport because it is. That play man u pulled off not too long ago where atleast four dudes touched it before the goal was like poetry in motion
Originally Posted by bleach

i can tell you haven't been out of the country

This, other countries think that american football is lame, It will never happen in our lifetimes.

Not even thread worthy OP.
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