Wish me luck. Breast surgery 6/17. Update V2. Pg 1


@ these pics
Dman dog good luck on that, im good on pics dog. this is one time pics arent needed in my book
Hey hey hey

I remember cracking some jokes with you in the original thread, like years ago, where you first announced you were getting the surgery but the city is payingfor it or something so it takes time or w/e

anyway congrats man
I had to get this done ASAP. One of the tissues in my chest tore in half last week, while I was working out. My girlfriend has been callin' me TitzMcFarland for some odd reason.

All the people that have PM'ed me. Thank you. I will respond in an orderly fashion.
I still have the pics I took in 2007. After I get it done, I'll post the before and after, and once again post the tissue they take out, and the stitchesetc. If you're an ISS member, this may be too mature and graphic for you. So get your parent's permission.
damn theres some funny +*@% in here

good luck though op

and SMH at me for thinking about the 6/17 Package, then large female mammaries
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Girls actually liked sucking on my nipples. It felt good. But wed always debate on who suckin who ******* first though.

oh $+@@
Big of to KJ for being able to post some personal *#* like that on here. Good to see some mature responses from cats on a sat night. Best of luck in yourrecovery duke.
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