Wizards ban Caron Butler from drinking Mountain Dew

Sep 8, 2002
Caron Butler is no longer permitted to drink Mountain Dew. How much Mountain Dew did he used to drink, you're wondering?

"A lot," he said. "Before every game at Connecticut, I drank a two-liter of Mountain Dew. I'm dead serious. Ask my wife what she would have to go get me before a game. I'd be like, 'Hey, stop by the 7-11, bring me a two-liter.' "

I had prefaced my Mountain Dew inquiry by saying I had a stupid question, but now the serious beat writers got interested. Two liters of oh-so-sweet highly caffeinated neon-yellow liquid hyperactivity, really?

"Yeah, I'd be wired," Butler confirmed. "I'd drink half [before the game], and then I'd drink half at halftime. Because, you know, it shoots you up. And then there's a down, and you're flat-lining, and you've got to go back up again. That's what I've been doing, but they don't want me to drink it any more. They done took my Mountain Dew from me."

Outrageous. Someone call Billy Hunter. The ban went into effect about two months ago. Not sure if anyone's been paying attention, but Butler is in the midst of a career, if less-artificially-flavored, season. Coincidence? No way. Still, he didn't seem too happy about the ban. He demonstrated the gravity of the situation, asking a team employee for a Mountain Dew. She told him that wasn't allowed, and offered him a water instead as media persons laughed.

"Y'all think this is just a game; it's dead serious," he said. "I've got six refrigerators in the house. I used to have Mountain Dews filled in all of them. I don't have A Mountain Dew in my refrigerator no more. It's crazy, man. Pretty soon they'll say I can't chew my straws any more."


My wife probably feels like his wife does. I've been drinking that stuff everyday since the 6th grade. I swear there's Dew in my bloodstream by now.
the man is playing lights out basketball..

if this affects his game in anyway there will be hell to pay

they better not take the straws though LOL
I ddin't read the article, so excuse me if its in there, but isn't Caron the same one who chews straws?
if it is.
Let duke do what he do, its obviously working for him.
You know what they say about Mountain Dew...

his sperm count/testies must be microscopic. (no%$!+#)
I used to go thru that in middle school and high school too...
i totally know how Caron feels. I'd go through a 2 liter of orange soda and a box of ho hos before a game.
it was kinda like a pre game ritual i guess
How can the team "ban" the consumption of a brand of soda? You've got to be kidding me.

He could switch to something with less high fructose corn syrup. I'm surprised he has his wife running out to buy him soda when, if part of his routinegame ritual, he doesn't have boxes of the stuff in his home.
Dude is a straw expert. " Cheesecake Factory got those thick blackstraws; very good quality." Got him doin an in-depth analysis on frikkin straws.
"Y'all think this is just a game; it's dead serious," he said. "I've got six refrigerators in the house. I used to have Mountain Dews filled in all of them. I don't have A Mountain Dew in my refrigerator no more. It's crazy, man. Pretty soon they'll say I can't chew my straws any more."
not the straws

damn, a two-liter! i always thought it was just a can

i dont see why washingtons doing this, its like they're trying to be his parents or something, he's a grown man, let him drink what he wants, it seemsto be working too
Man Mountain Dew is just terrible.

tartrazine (yellow Dye #5 & #6). I broke out in hives just typing that $!$% Im allergic to the stuff and dont eat or drink anything with that in it.

Tartrazine: A Real Yellow Menace

Tartrazine (also known as "FD&C Yellow Number 5" or "E-102" in Europe) is a coal-tar derivative that is used to color foods, cosmetics, and other products. It is literally industrial waste. I have a strong sensitivity to this substance, and believe there are many others out there as well who (perhaps unknowingly) have the same problem. If you get mysterious hives or sometimes wake up with swollen eyelids, this could be the culprit.

Tartrazine is also reputed to be a catalyst in hyperactivity/ADD, other behavioral problems, asthma, migranes, thyroid cancer, and lupus!

Have you noticed how many children are being diagnosed as "hyperactive" these days? There is research that shows there might be a link (and that dietary changes can help.) Many of the children on Ritalin or other behavioral drugs are probably just eating a diet rich in toxic food additives that are approved by the government as safe. Some schools have noticed a major difference in pupils' behavior after banning snacks with tartrazine.

Ironically enough, some of the drugs for these conditions contain tartrazine and are probably just making the problem worse! I stop just short of declaring it a conspiracy on the drug companies' part, but it's something to think about.

Why do food companies use it? It's simply cheaper than natural alternatives. The important nutrient beta carotene can be used to achieve a similar color, but it costs more for the manufacturer. Can you imagine having the idea to put coal tar waste into food as a coloring? As with many of the evils in this world, it all comes down to "the bottom line" (aka greed.)

What products contain tartrazine?

Here is a list of some of the things that often (but not always!) contain tartrazine:

prescription and non-prescription pharmaceutical drugs
skim milk
orange colored cheeses
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese ("Kraft Dinner")
Orange colored snacks (cheezies, Doritos, etc.)
Gelatin and pudding desserts
Ice Cream
Mountain Dew
other artificially colored drinks
boxed breakfast cereals
canned fruits and vegetables
breads, cakes, and other baked goods (especially ones that contain "candied fruit")
alcoholic drinks (especially mixed drinks like sours but also some beer!)
birth control pills

This is only a partial list of things to look out for tartrazine in. It's hiding in all kinds of places you wouldn't expect such as chocolate pudding and even caviar, so watch out and check those labels!

@ that list.

Damn, Gunna, you gotta be on a constant watch.

The Wiz need to get their own sitcom. Maybe Gil can start writing that while he's on the chillin' list...
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