Woman killed by an Illegal Immigrant

This thread tho :rofl:

Criminals get exposed everyday b, American or not, this dude just happens to be illegal, that doesn't represent all illegal immigrants....yes people should get their papers and pay their taxes like every other American does, most of them don't do it in fear of deportation, so they rather fly under the radar.

Funny How politicians wanna ride on this isolated incident of an illegal murderer to condem all immigrants but a few weeks ago was shaming Dominican Republic, talmbout boycott tourism and **** because of how they handle their immigration issues :rofl: :rofl:
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This thread tho :rofl:

Criminals get exposed everyday b, American or not, this dude just happens to be illegal, that doesn't represent all illegal immigrants....yes people should get their papers and pay their taxes like every other American does, most of them don't do it in fear of deportation, so they rather fly under the radar.

Funny How politicians wanna ride on this isolated incident of an illegal murderer to condem all immigrants but a few weeks ago was shaming Dominican Republic, talmbout boycott tourism and **** because of how they handle their immigration issues :rofl: :rofl:

Exactly, a lot of immigrants who overstay their Visa do the same thing. It all started post 9/11 as deportations rose. And this is in NYC, where deportation rarely happens unless you commit a felony since the city is so dependent on them. If you don't believe me, go to any almost kitchen of a restaurant or deli within the 5 boroughs or construction job that is non-union.

It's pointless to argue with people like OP so why waste even time or let alone acknowledge him. No matter what you say, write, or prove it'll never work since their mind is already closed.
Lol. I guess chris matthews isn't liberal enough to listen to now.

Nothing "liberal" about it. It's all corporate owned and sponsored.

Don't know why Dub is so hung up on the whole liberal and conservative BS. :smh:

Easy to shut your brain off and let someone else manufacture your thoughts for you. Objectivity is a stretch for some folks. Not being facetious, just a true observation.
I'm black papi, and these debates are useless cause arguments/stats can go both ways. I'm starting to think most of you guys are hippies or something. Let's do away with all laws/rules/regulations etc. Yes, she could have been killed by Tyrone but she wasn't. Yes, citizens commit enough crimes already but then add in the crimes committed by illegal immigrants also. Most of the crimes may be "petty" but then you'll eventually have a murder here or there. Also, let's not even get into the drug trade south of the border...

So yes in any society there's the ones who can ruin it for everybody.. Not saying that the laws could be laxed or updated but there's a whole spectrum to consider. It's tough on both sides.
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I'm black papi, and these debates are useless cause arguments/stats can go both ways. I'm starting to think most of you guys are hippies or something. Let's do away with all laws/rules/regulations etc. Yes, she could have been killed by Tyrone but she wasn't. Yes, citizens commit enough crimes already but then add in the crimes committed by illegal immigrants also. Most of the crimes may be "petty" but then you'll eventually have a murder here or there. Also, let's not even get into the drug trade south of the border...

So yes in any society there's the ones who can ruin it for everybody.. Not saying that the laws could be laxed or updated but there's a whole spectrum to consider. It's tough on both sides.

So you are cool with making immigration tighter because of a few bad apples? :nerd:
Don't know why Dub is so hung up on the whole liberal and conservative BS. :smh:

Because i post a conservative article and people comain it's biased. Then i post quotes from Rangel and Matthews and it's ohhhh whatever. They are corporate shills.

I'm not the one sticking my fingers in my ears and shouting lalalala. People need to man up and stick to their comvictions. Just say you are for open borders and stop pretendng otherwise.
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I'm not for open borders, I'm for attacking the cause not the symptoms. People come here because places hire them. They're in the drug trade because of our stupid drug laws that allows a black market to flourish. I'm for penalizing banks that launder money for these cartels. You rarely hear that part of the story. It's easier to dump on the poor and demonize them.
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I'm pretty sure Ive seen some these guys in other threads attacking other races but when it comes to their race they get sensitive

Its crazy, how some people cant show compassion to different races when it doesnt directly effect their race :lol:
I'm not for open borders, I'm for attacking the cause not the symptoms. People come here because places hire them. They're in the drug trade because of our stupid drug laws that allows a black market to flourish. I'm for penalizing banks that launder money for these cartels. You rarely hear that part of the story. It's easier to dump on the poor and demonize them.

I don't think i've said much of anything to demonize inmigrants or the poor. I don't blame them for the terrible border security or the governments lack of will or ability to enforce the law. Pretty sure people are just projecting those thoughts on me or lumping me in with other posters.
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Was speaking in general terms, never said you said those things. However, it never comes up in these discussions. It's just kick'em out.
I'm not for open borders, I'm for attacking the cause not the symptoms. People come here because places hire them. They're in the drug trade because of our stupid drug laws that allows a black market to flourish. I'm for penalizing banks that launder money for these cartels. You rarely hear that part of the story. It's easier to dump on the poor and demonize them.


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What gave these people the right to rally in major cities? Next it's going to evolve into protesting, then riots. People really really really have to stop, use their brain, and think.

Also came across this story about overstaying with expires Visas: http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-staying-in-america-20150712-story.html

Illegal immigrants potentially increase day by day, not just from the border. One day they'll be strong in numbers enough to make a huge impact.

If some of you people really cared about illegal immigration, why don't you donate your money to them? But you won't...
You're telling people to donate

Why don't you donate to rapists' bails since you think it's not their fault but the victim asking for it
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