Women and sex, question.


chick is mad ugly............and fat.

im sure this MJ dude can make her cum just by dangling a hotdog infront of her ..somethin like this:

Originally Posted by magneto621

chick is mad ugly............and fat.

im sure this MJ dude can make her cum just by dangling a hotdog infront of her ..somethin like this:

I've only had sex with eight chicks and two of them didn't cum. They were both one night stands though and were the least good looking chicks I banged :/
Also, 0.02 more: You really have to slay them...then let them go on top. I find it they cum a lot easier when they are on top. They will love you after this. Instant addition to the booty call list. They will want to go for a round two, usually I get mine in round two.
Originally Posted by magneto621

chick is mad ugly............and fat.

im sure this MJ dude can make her cum just by dangling a hotdog infront of her ..somethin like this:


Some girls are worried that it's pee coming out, because from what I've been told at first it feels similar to that sensation of peeing while they O.
Tell them to relax, get'em to relax, and tell them not to hold it back my man.
Tell'em they ain't got nothing to worry about.
*insert hat gif*
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

the fact that dude willingly walked into this trap has me 

Chick throwing out more angles than a geometry textbook

Goodnight everyone.
Originally Posted by MR23MJ


sorry guys but im not one to make up stories on the internet unlike some other NT'ers

damn shorty got some greasy !%@ hair. lookin like the Gulf oil spill hit that scalp the coldest.
my dude got that shaggy dog hair tho forreal
Man ya'll need to chill with the going hard for lulz.Its funny when its all in fun, some of ya'll just say the edgiest thing that will get you e-props.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Man ya'll need to chill with the going hard for lulz.Its funny when its all in fun, some of ya'll just say the edgiest thing that will get you e-props.

Fell right into the trap too.

I've been with both kinds of girls, the ones who climax within the first few strokes, and those that don't but really enjoy sex. Others climax off of foreplay and other kinds of sex. At the end of the day if you feel you brought it, you good.
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