Women Chooses Jail over $7.45

Jul 16, 2005
FORT PIERCE, Fla. (Oct. 21) - A woman decided to go to jail rather than pay her bill at a Fort Pierce Waffle House restaurant. The total she went to jail over: $7.45. According to a police report, Maryanne O'Neill, 66, ordered coffee and a sandwich at a Waffle House restaurant on Saturday but refused to pay the bill.

The report said an officer asked her to pay or go to jail and she refused.
A jail official said she was released Monday from the St. Lucie County Jail. She was charged with obtaining food or lodging with intent to defraud, a second degree misdemeanor.

If convicted of a second degree misdemeanor she could face up to 60 days in jail and a fine of $500.

pretty crazy. but dang $7.45 or jail pretty simple
why didnt she pay the bill
in some situations like this its deeper than the 7.45. I read strories about people goin to court over a penny
Originally Posted by Pmighty

why didnt she pay the bill
in some situations like this its deeper than the 7.45. I read strories about people goin to cout over a penny
Biased journalist doesn't care to explain the situation in detail.
Reminds me of the guy threatening to "+%#$ this place up" at BK the other day over $1.
It cost tax payers a lot more than $7+ dollars for this broad to be taken to jail SMH ...
dude its jail not prison. Watch tv all day and get free meals what is wrong with that.
Originally Posted by ChunkyBoys1

dude its jail not prison. Watch tv all day and get free meals what is wrong with that.

IDK when the last time you was in lock up was but it sure aint
after 14months in there it gets a bit old.....
Def more to this story. Be it bad service, or some random other complaint. When I was a waiter and we had people complain, they usually got somethingdiscounted or even the meal free if they had a legit claim. Only time someone would get the police called is if they tried to skip out on the bill, but itdoesn't sound like thats what happened here...
She could be in a lose-lose situation cause she may have to pay that $500 fine.

But would the court take such a rediculous case? Any legal experts here?
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