Womenfolk of NT: what is the best way that you have been approached by a dude?

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

nothing is exact tho...

two people could approach the same way but if for whatever reason i'm not feeling one or just not having a good day i won't respond the same even if they came w/complete respect

its all bad then 
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I hope more women respond, because it would be an interesting topic, but just being vague won't help us.
Telling us in detail, without revealing who it was, how someone seduced or approach you is the best way for anyone to gain anything from this.


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]they don't have the secrets to life, the key to unlock the legs, this isn't the holy grail...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]you guys kill me. clinging desperately to their short and curlys.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]be a Man, approach someone and introduce yourself. on every single "how do i get a chick vol. yes again" stupid threads i say the same thing. Approach, have a conversation. Ask their name, introduce yourself. If you are actually interested it'll show. Stand up straight, show you a confident man. Don't look like a bum. Don't have sh-t breath. When talking make eye contact, don't stare at your shoes or other females. All these are no brainers... the toughest one for some of you is to have the confidence to just walk up to a perfect stranger and see what's good. Instead of grabbing her arm on a dance floor and humping her jeans for 20 mins. Most of the time, they see a man similar to what i'm explaining they'll come up to you. Trust me gents. It's mad simple.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]or just WIO.[/color]
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Best way? I usually respond to men that come up to me and introduce themselves respectfully. That can be just saying Hi, how are you and what is your name and going from there. It is the way the guy will do it though. Usually there is this charm about a guy who will get my attention if he comes to approach me.It is also the way he carries himself, a sense of maturity, and a sense of humor that just does it for me.
NT taught me to do the opposite of what a girl says she wants/likes, though.

Originally Posted by BeautifulLoveLeal

A sense of humor...not one of those "i like to crack raunchy sarcastic jokes" kinda guys......then you are automatically seen as creepy. A man with confidence. Most women are very approachable when a man steps up with confidence (not to be confused with cockiness) and a friendly sense of humor, no matter what you look like. Women do not like to be whistled or summoned at like a dog. Nothing is more sexy than a man that has his sh*t together. Clean appearance, hopefully a car or transportation, somewhere to live, and educated (nothing fancy, just the basics).....if you do not have any of the listed then hopefully on the road to obtaining, women can only admire a hard working man trying to get his life right.
Nice 500th post.
when Silly Putty posts i usually log off NT and pick up a book...

i figure if im gunna do that kinda reading, at the very least there should be a plot.
at dudes demanding they be told how to pick up women...

it gets said in EVERY girl...

the one and only UNDENIBALE sure fire women attractor is to be so confident that not only do they think u dont need them but that u dont even want them

As many of you know i am married to a wonderful women

Anyway my female cousin that lives in NYC taught me all my game. My cousin is mad tom boyish (not a lesbian) overweight and not attractive but man she was the most popular lady in queens. Good looking guys and fine fine ladies were always wanting to hang out with her. She was cool to be around because she was confident and real friendly. It seemed like nothing ever got her down. She was always upbeat.It always seemed like she was going places and had things to do and people to see. She was funny and flirtatious at the same time. She always called me "B" lol lol. After spending the summer with her i started to emmulate her and went back to college and i was pulling females left and right.
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

As many of you know i am married to a wonderful women

Anyway my female cousin that lives in NYC taught me all my game. My cousin is mad tom boyish (not a lesbian) overweight and not attractive but man she was the most popular lady in queens. Good looking guys and fine fine ladies were always wanting to hang out with her. She was cool to be around because she was confident and real friendly. It seemed like nothing ever got her down. She was always upbeat.It always seemed like she was going places and had things to do and people to see. She was funny and flirtatious at the same time. She always called me "B" lol lol. After spending the summer with her i started to emmulate her and went back to college and i was pulling females left and right.
Because NYC > ________. 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Best way? I usually respond to men that come up to me and introduce themselves respectfully. That can be just saying Hi, how are you and what is your name and going from there. It is the way the guy will do it though. Usually there is this charm about a guy who will get my attention if he comes to approach me.It is also the way he carries himself, a sense of maturity, and a sense of humor that just does it for me.
NT taught me to do the opposite of what a girl says she wants/likes, though.
Listening to NT will ensure you a spot on a sex offender registry.
This is one of those threads where I can just skim through it, because every chick in this thread is going to be quoted. Awesome.
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

As many of you know i am married to a wonderful women

Anyway my female cousin that lives in NYC taught me all my game. My cousin is mad tom boyish (not a lesbian) overweight and not attractive but man she was the most popular lady in queens. Good looking guys and fine fine ladies were always wanting to hang out with her. She was cool to be around because she was confident and real friendly. It seemed like nothing ever got her down. She was always upbeat.It always seemed like she was going places and had things to do and people to see. She was funny and flirtatious at the same time. She always called me "B" lol lol. After spending the summer with her i started to emmulate her and went back to college and i was pulling females left and right.

The one you wanted NT to validate you for talking to another woman outside of business?
...wait, you said "women" so I guess you knew the deal then. 

past two days ive had both women ive approached tell me they have BF's... its okay, i just tell them well maybe we can kick it later because ull obviously have attractive friends.

remember if u dont try u already failed... so say hi with a smile, introduce or go off the top of ur head (whatever it was that attracted you to her in the first place)

make it short and quick, get the number and dip... call her later (dont text..thats for the kids). And if she doesnt pick up i leave a voicemail for her to CALL ME BACK.. i dont tell her my plans or anything. it eliminates those who can follow directions (what i like and find attractive) so i know im not wasting my time.

Easy. theres this movie i watched, its pretty simple concept but just take 20 seconds to talk to that cute chick that could potentially be your GF/wifey/etc.... say HI.. its not hard.

GOLDEN RULE: if you dont try.. you are failed.

70% of the time it works every time

naw but usually introduce yourself and be flirty (doesnt work if you are ugly
Originally Posted by three6mafia

Originally Posted by mrkane

Originally Posted by INS

Well this one time this dude walked up to me but we had mutual friends. So i see him and i am like damn i havent seen you in ages. Dude begins to talk about how we should link up some time. Im like yeah you know I love watching sports and drinking. So dude cuts the convo up with damn you are a good looking dude, I replied yeah thanks man i know
. Then he asked if i was gay, I was like no i am not i have a girlfriend. So dude begins to spit game like yo if you need a teacher i can show you the ropes.
. He was like but yo let me get your number and i couldn't say no so i gave him my number.
 wait........why didnt you deck this dude in the mouth? you were flattered huh?

How often do you get a compliment? 
Originally Posted by WaitWut


70% of the time it works every time

naw but usually introduce yourself and be flirty (doesnt work if you are ugly
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Best way? I usually respond to men that come up to me and introduce themselves respectfully. That can be just saying Hi, how are you and what is your name and going from there. It is the way the guy will do it though. Usually there is this charm about a guy who will get my attention if he comes to approach me.It is also the way he carries himself, a sense of maturity, and a sense of humor that just does it for me.
NT taught me to do the opposite of what a girl says she wants/likes, though.
Listening to NT will ensure you a spot on a sex offender registry.
Real life. 
It really is true though, if women don't think you're good looking your chances drop significantly
.. uhh there was this one time at the gym this guy came up and told me I was doing my bicep curls to fast( I was this was long ago when I didn't know better).
So he chatted me up about fitness, giving me tips and was nice he didn't ask me for my number, next day he chatted me up some more about healthy living, happen two more times the last day he ask me for my number.
I don't holler at strangers so he didn't get my number but I felt his approach was superb,
but I'm from Miami where all I get is "yo ma whats good" so what do I know.
He buttered me up before he went for the kill.
Obviously this wont help for people who will only get to see the person once, but it could help for a person in school.

But if someone even looks at me at the gym now, I would rip their heads off. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Why don't you just say, "I really don't know" 

yo that was so ignant I couldnt not laugh, the rolling emoticon took you from inquisitive to dirtbag
I'm saying though...Hazel is the homie though via PMs I've traded with her...but that response was full of intangibles...like how the hell is someone who even has to ask the question like OP is (a good question but hard to answer) going to helped? 
Look at what I highlighted:

Best way? I usually respond to men that come up to me and introduce themselves respectfully. That can be just saying Hi, how are you and what is your name and going from there. It is the way the guy will do it though. Usually there is this charm about a guy who will get my attention if he comes to approach me.It is also the way he carries himself, a sense of maturity, and a sense of humor that just does it for me.

I mean...
 ....If anyone was helped by that, LET ME KNOW...cause that vague as hell...and I bet she thought she was dropping jewels. 

I hope more women respond, because it would be an interesting topic, but just being vague won't help us.

Telling us in detail, without revealing who it was, how someone seduced or approach you is the best way for anyone to gain anything from this. 

No, I did not think I was dropping jewels.
I just was saying what is the best way that usually works best for me. I say usually because sometimes it could be that it is a man's good looks or cologne smell that will just attract me to him because I am horny or something rather than that other stuff I mentioned. It is different from person to person, situation to situation. 

But, like I said, it is if he comes respectfully and just starts up a conversation by being genuine, mature, and has a sense of humour and is charmful, all good in my book. Intelligence is good for me too. Those are the basics for me, everything else can be a bonus. 

I can tell you what I do not like - If a man approaches me by being all up in my grill,pushy,assertive,aggressive,arrogant,has a huge ego,brags a lot about money,cars,+$++, gives an aura of fakeness,etc. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit


yo that was so ignant I couldnt not laugh, the rolling emoticon took you from inquisitive to dirtbag
I'm saying though...Hazel is the homie though via PMs I've traded with her...but that response was full of intangibles...like how the hell is someone who even has to ask the question like OP is (a good question but hard to answer) going to helped? 
Look at what I highlighted:

Best way? I usually respond to men that come up to me and introduce themselves respectfully. That can be just saying Hi, how are you and what is your name and going from there. It is the way the guy will do it though. Usually there is this charm about a guy who will get my attention if he comes to approach me.It is also the way he carries himself, a sense of maturity, and a sense of humor that just does it for me.

I mean...
 ....If anyone was helped by that, LET ME KNOW...cause that vague as hell...and I bet she thought she was dropping jewels. 

I hope more women respond, because it would be an interesting topic, but just being vague won't help us.

Telling us in detail, without revealing who it was, how someone seduced or approach you is the best way for anyone to gain anything from this. 

No, I did not think I was dropping jewels.

I just was saying what is the best way that usually works best for me. I say usually because sometimes it could be that it is a man's good looks or cologne smell that will just attract me to him because I am horny or something rather than that other stuff I mentioned. It is different from person to person, situation to situation. 

But, like I said, it is if he comes respectfully and just starts up a conversation by being genuine, mature, and has a sense of humour and is charmful, all good in my book. Intelligence is good for me too. Those are the basics for me, everything else can be a bonus. 

I can tell you what I do not like - If a man approaches me by being all up in my grill,pushy,assertive,aggressive,arrogant,has a huge ego,brags a lot about money,cars,+$++, gives an aura of fakeness,etc. 

Look...you're not reading to what I'm trying to get across to you...

All I want to know is this:

What worked in the past on you?

Telling us what you expect to happen doesn't help. Just give us your experiences.  

I don't like anything that feels forced. I like natural flowing conversations and confidence. If through a convo you can get me to want to know more about you then that's good money. I need an easy going, fun, chill personality. It doesn't even have to be a long convo but all the guys that had me hooked in the past had something about them that I remembered because of delivery. There's like a "take it or leave it but I want you to take it" type of swag they got. I'm an outgoing person and talkative to a fault and it doesn't take much for me to get even the mute non-smiling dudes talking but if you can give it back to me on some light convo $$%+ and get me laughing then I really wanna know more about you.
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