Working out twice a day....

Dec 31, 2008
I just started working second shift (2-10) and would love to get a work out in before work, then one when I leave work.

Anybody do this? Whats your routine? Do you work 4 muscle groups a day?
Im doing it.

But I do not lift twice a day.

Weights in AM before work, cardio in PM after work.
That would be too broad a you u want to know the actual hours I budget per day for working out or do you want to know the actual hours I am doingactual physical activity?

I get up every morning at 5:30. I lift for about 30-35 mins 4-5 days per week.
I then do cardio at night at 5:30 for about 35 mins per session. 4-5 days per week.

A lot of additional time is added for travel time, warming up, stretching out, etc. Depending on what your goals are I probably see no need for you to actuallylift twice per day unless you are really strapped for time during the week (i.e. you can only lift 2 days a week or something).
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Im doing it.

But I do not lift twice a day.

Weights in AM before work, cardio in PM after work.

Same here. At the gym at 6am lift until 7am then back after work around 5:30pm and do my cardio until about 6:15pm or so.
i go to the gym in the afternoon for at most 2 hours then go for a 2 mile run at night
The hell you doin in the gym for 2 hours? Sittin in the sauna with a bunch of dudes?
F' that

although i did try it for a couple weeks....Got gassed one time, thought i was Ryan Lochte, was doing swimming and high rep lifting.5 times a week...


you gotta be on roids + supps to keep that *%*# up
Used to, but I have no need to do so anymore. If anything I'll get my workout in at the gym and do some sort of recreational exercise like sports orhiking, or something like that.
twice a day? thats OD, unless you're training for something and eating 5000+ calories a day.
My boy did that during football season. Would workout with the team and then go to the gym and lift. Dude was brolic..
worked out for 3 hours today..............i do every possible exercise for the muscle im doing at the gym, if i dont do an exercise, i feel like im slacking ormissing something.......just have to do it
Originally Posted by DottsBaller5

worked out for 3 hours today..............i do every possible exercise for the muscle im doing at the gym, if i dont do an exercise, i feel like im slacking or missing something.......just have to do it

Dude you are over training. Doing that will cause you to regress rather than progress. Working out high intensity for 45 minutes to an hour will be moreeffective.
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