Originally Posted by tupac003

I really wonder about AI...

I mean its a big name, he will come cheap and he could maybe be a spark off the bench. Allen Iverson was my favorite player as a kid. I would love to own an authentic Iverson Laker jersey.
AI is one of my favorite players of all time but no,i just don't want him on the lakers i really dont see him bringing in anything we need. Unless he starts to become a 3 point specialist i just don't see him fitting.
Originally Posted by tupac003

I really wonder about AI...

I mean its a big name, he will come cheap and he could maybe be a spark off the bench. Allen Iverson was my favorite player as a kid. I would love to own an authentic Iverson Laker jersey.

I've given up on that dream a long time ago :/
the kings really have nothing going for them (besides Evans) they should give AI a shot.
Originally Posted by tupac003

I really wonder about AI...

I mean its a big name, he will come cheap and he could maybe be a spark off the bench. Allen Iverson was my favorite player as a kid. I would love to own an authentic Iverson Laker jersey.
Same here Big A.I. fan but i see him beefing with Phil midway through the season so.... NO

I still hope to see him in the league though
Living in Portland I hear a lot of "real" Blazer fans upset that Blake went to the Lakers.. It's not that they think he's an amazing game changer but they think
dude has a lot of heart. He plays his butt off and that's cool with me. Maybe he's not the most talented PG out there but if dude gives his all every minute

I will be cool with that.. We still need Fish though regardless plus a Matt Barnes or Mike Miller would be a decent off season for the Lakers.. We NEED

shooters and Blake is a career 40% 3pt shooter and you know he will get a ton of open looks in the triangle with these players.. I feel Kupchak is getting the

 cheapest, best players that fit our offense and I am OK with that.. Just bring back Fish cause a Blake & Sasha back court is NOT a championship back court...    
Originally Posted by Kookcle

Originally Posted by tupac003

I really wonder about AI...

I mean its a big name, he will come cheap and he could maybe be a spark off the bench. Allen Iverson was my favorite player as a kid. I would love to own an authentic Iverson Laker jersey.
Same here Big A.I. fan but i see him beefing with Phil midway through the season so.... NO

I still hope to see him in the league though
If I knew AI had his head on straight and would except a bench role I'm ALL for it but dude has been a douche recently and I feel we don't need "attention getters" &
"divas" this 3rd trip. We barely did it with Artest. IMO, we should stick with safe & good players that fit the system...
Oh, and these dudes with they sly comments about bandwagon Laker fans. Just figured I'd let you guys know I've been a Laker fan since I was 7 years old.. So, 23 years homie.. It just gets too nerve racking to post stuff during the reg. season & playoffs thats all. Once the dust settles and LA wins I can talk off-season moves all day long.. FYI.. not that people give a damn..
Oh, and these dudes with they sly comments about bandwagon Laker fans. Just figured I'd let you guys know I've been a Laker fan since I was 7 years old.. So, 23 years homie.. It just gets too nerve racking to post stuff during the reg. season & playoffs thats all. Once the dust settles and LA wins I can talk off-season moves all day long.. FYI.. not that people give a damn..
you know duhon being signed by the magic for what? 15 mill over 4 years? ithas me actually feeling better about the blake signing
little better but not alot

with a guy liek iverson, tmac, etc its a small risk huge reward type scenario. how would it hurt us?? lakers have trash on the roster already that do absolutely nothing (luke and sasha) so why not gamble on one of these old dudes especially tmac or ai. hes balls on defense tho.

so if we cant get raja bell or mike miller why not sign ai?

helluva lot better than shannon or farmar...

i still prefer raja tho.... atleast for a 2 year contract
i would love to sign tmac for cheap. not sure about ai. but i would rather take a shot with tmac then raja, mike miller, etc.

him coming off the bench with LO would be nice.
Noble, you're that sold on Bell?

I like him...but his injury history the last 2 years scares me.

I hope we get Miller, but that's more like a pipe dream now...is Dorrell Wright not available? I think he'd be a decent pickup...6'8" still only 23 or so, improved his jumpshot, very athletic, and has the capability to defend.

I'm fairly confident Fish is gonna come back...Fish can't leave man...specially after the last 2 seasons? i think somewhere bet. 3-4 mil is a fair deal for him. Hope this doesnt drag out as long as the LO situation last year.
iverson on the Lakers? hmmm not happening but hey he is instant offense off the bench being that our bench is offensively challenged at times
Problem with Iverson is that he's defensively challenged, I don't think you guys would wanna do that
Originally Posted by Ratboy90

Forget AI trade for Bosh

LOL. What has bosh done that is so great that we need to break up a championship team to get him? How many times has he been out of the first round? Ummmm NEVER!

I still AI with a new attitude can fit right in. Plus the bench doesn't run the tri angle much anyway. But I doubt it happens but I can dream.

Everybody ready to play the heat X-mas day? LOL
Originally Posted by tupac003

AI with a new attitude

I normally dont rock with cliches too much but that "you cant teach an old dog new tricks" has never fit better. I like AI, but not as an NBA player anymore and def not a Laker.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by Ratboy90

Forget AI trade for Bosh

LOL. What has bosh done that is so great that we need to break up a championship team to get him? How many times has he been out of the first round? Ummmm NEVER!

I still AI with a new attitude can fit right in. Plus the bench doesn't run the tri angle much anyway. But I doubt it happens but I can dream.

Everybody ready to play the heat X-mas day? LOL

already know I'm booking that ticket.

im glad i didnt go last Christmas because that was a horrible game.
Any news on Kurt Thomas? Mitch make it happen. And I wouldnt mind Congo
Cash coming back
am I the only one worried about our size coming off the bench?

if Powell and DJ are not re-signed, then LO is our biggest guy coming off the bench

we need bigs because of Bynum's injury history

everyone's focused on Raja Bell, Mike Miller, Shannon Brown, AI, TMac.......but what about bigs?

Mitch must be working on a trade because we can't sign Mbenga, Powell and another guard/forward with our money situation
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Problem with Iverson is that he's defensively challenged, I don't think you guys would wanna do that

i  dont think thats true at all he may be small but he puts pressure on the ball and at one time was a lock to lead the NBA in steals. He can play D i just think he needs a defensive minded team to make him do it...
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

everyone's focused on Raja Bell, Mike Miller, Shannon Brown, AI, TMac.......but what about bigs?

Mitch must be working on a trade because we can't sign Mbenga, Powell and another guard/forward with our money situation
I highly doubt Mitch lets Josh (and maybe DJ) walk. Money really isn't an issue given resigning them wouldn't cut into the 1.8 mill left of the MLE and I really doubt any team is highly interested in either of them (so to Buss' approval their salaries would still be 950k, but then again teams are interested in Kwame Brown right now... so you never know).

Plus, both Kobe and the coaching staff are fond of Powell. I'm guessing Mitch is gauging whether he can pickup a second string-talent big either off the market or by a miracle sign and trade before he offers a contract.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by tupac003

AI with a new attitude

I normally dont rock with cliches too much but that "you cant teach an old dog new tricks" has never fit better. I like AI, but not as an NBA player anymore and def not a Laker.

It's like seeing a AI without a fitted and no baggy clothes at a press conference.  It's not gonna happen.
Alright..yall got me. No more mentions of AI...lol

[h3]Lakers keeping it real with Derek Fisher’s future[/h3][h4]July 6th, 2010, 1:19 am · 8 Comments · posted by KEVIN DING, OCREGISTER.COM[/h4]
For my take on Steve Blake agreeing to a four-year, $16 million contract with the Lakers, check out my latest column.

But the Lakers have had their eye on Blake for a long time now, as mentioned in my column back in late February. That column was mostly about Derek Fisher and why there was good reason to believe Fisher could bounce back from his poor regular season to deliver in the playoffs again.

Should the Lakers bring Fisher back for next season? Of course, but I fully understand the club’s desire to limit payroll and make conservative projections as to what Fisher will be doing at ages 36 and 37 at the game’s fleetest position. Smart organizations offer contracts based on what they need to pay, not what they should or anything that has to do with things in the past.

Just as no player should be allowed to hold out so as to renegotiate a contract he has signed, no club should lock itself into a future deal out of past loyalty or nostalgia.

When its all said and done fish will come back. I hope Powel comes back. I would like to see a vet big come in also but I don't know who. I just it to be October already. I am ready to defend this championship!
When has Iverson ever been good off the bench? Are you guys seirously forgetting AI has been a BUM since his little stint with Detroit/Memphis?

At the same time......We wouldn't need a true PG for the Triangle, so it would be possible for him and Kobe to play at the same time, and if Iverson could put up atleast 15 a game it would be nice.

I'm not for it, but signing T-mac would be even worse. Last thing we need is a guy who isn't a winner and injury prone to sign with the Lakers and trust me, I like T-mac.

If I had to make a choice, i'd definetly prefer Iverson over T-mac. Phil and Kobe could be the motivation he needs, but that's just an assumption.

The fact is Iverson has been trash since being traded to Detroit. And T-mac has a wheelchair trailiing him at all times.
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