"World of Warcraft changed my life" [PICS]

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Originally Posted by jeyel

to NTers that have played it.. whats so addicting about it? i havent played it but i dont see how a video game can be that addicting ..

closest thing was halo 2 .. but thats cause everyone in the dorms was playing it and it only lasted a month or two

Nah, Halo is a first person shooter. It has a role it play... kill and get first.. capture the flag, yadda yadda. It get repetitive. Basically, WoW destroys the reptitiveness factor because it's a role-playing game that constantly expands for you to better yourself, or achieve things other people haven't. Like Halo, you can communicate with others, which also is a big factor. Standard Role-Playing games are usually one player and have an ultimate goal you have to reach to beat the game. WoW is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), meaning it has those Role-Playing game elements, but it is online and you play with other people. Meaning, it allows you to play together with others, band together in a guild, and literrally, talk to these people everyday. They become your most trusted friends
They are by your side in battle, helping you get a piece of armor you need, or helping you attack opposing players who are against your kind. It's really just so many things that factor into the addiction... mainly, the want to better yourself, so you can be stronger and defeat others in battle, or bosses that drop valuable items. It's just a whole 'nother world entirely. You won't really fully understand how it is, until you try it... and then it's got you.
Word, man. And they're pretty smart with the commercials featuring celebs advertising the free trial. I saw a documentary on how a dude killed himself when he asked a girl in his team out and she said no, it was damn sad. I'm so glad that I haven't owned a video game since the N64 days in middle school. I actually know someone who's the reverse of this...dude went from a size 30 to 36 in a couple of months from staying in 24/7 playing W.O.W.
What was the name of the Doc. ? I gotta see this
I forgot, man. It was on late night TV, was just browsing because I couldn't sleep. It was kind of a life story on the kid. He was a loner in high school, moved out into an apartment afterward to live in isolation. His parents became alarm at how out of touch with society he was. They lost contact with him for a week or two. They went to his apartment and asked the manager to open it. The guy was dead on his computer desk. It's really sad, but not farfetech at all. (Not picking on anyone in particular)...but if folks on NT can refer to each other by their first name, and have never met him/her in real life...IMO W.O.W. is kinda like that x 1,000.

Goddamn. I used to play games non-stop as a kid but never got to that point.
That is just O.D
i just sold my account and i hope i can stay away.

selling accounts was actually good money back in the day when ebay allowed it. i've probably made about 1.5 G's on 3 accounts.

i hope im done until D3 or SC2 (whichever comes first)
i had picked this game up about 1.5yrs ago...played like 3 days dropped it...dont get the appeal..
Originally Posted by anDown Goes Frasier

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

anDown Goes Frasier wrote:
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos
x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

did you ever get off the cpu?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The hell are you talking about?[/color]

I was referring to the OP!

1st and and last time I quote you.

Note the quotes. That isn't me dude.

for all the NTers who dont play WoW, there a actually a lot of normal peeps who play the game, the OP's post on that dude are just extreme cases of gameaddiction (that suicide included). for me its more of a casual thing. playing a few hrs a day.getting my toons geared, 10/25man raids,dailies,lvling my alts (WoW terms ftw/ftl

anyways flame me if u guys want but its something i enjoy to do in my spare time
Im a go play wow right now. There are extreme cases of people that take the game way to far. But the game is so huge that there is always something fun foreveryone to do. Whether its killing other players, lvling up, Huge group fights. The possibilities of the game are pretty much endless and the game is alwaysexpanding so its impossible to be "done" with the game.
What are you talkin about? +1 for the suicide silence tee? Those guys are terrible generic deathcore music. Looks like he went from the war craft fad to thescene fad.
yeah, the actual story is backwards.. and has nothing to do with WoW.. but playing WoW will probably give you that same outcome
I play WoW and so do a lot of my co-workers (strategy consulting firm) people with normal lives play WoW and don't end up locked in their room for 12hours a day farming crap.

This dude OP posted is OD but I know a lot of horror sotries. My g/f's brother pretty much got kicked out of school after having a full ride at Cornell
due to his addiction to the game. I know other people personally whohave had similar experiences. It all comes down to if you have an addictive personality or not if you do it's probably best you stay away from thisgame.
WOW is a game that is the rigth balance of everything for MMO. It was made by Blizzard the People Who made a Game that before a national sport STARCRAFT.
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