World's Largest LED Installation : The Bay Lights

It was off the Embarcadero area. Forget which pier it is but it's near a firestation I believe. My lens is a wide angle, so I have to be super close.

Thanks for all the compliments. Need to shoot more.

I'm going to head to rincon park sometime to get some shots. Will probably go all the way to pier 7 since I'll be taking my 18-200mm to see what I can capture. I'd like to take some shots with you and maybe learn a few things. That would be :smokin
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Dope. Will be making the trip a few times from Sac to check it out.
Very nice. I love the Bay Bridge btw.

i love speeding thru SF at this hour.
the lights and the sceneray is so sick out here.
the ppl just suck.

I agree, my time in SF for 5 years were the best of my life - but the only problem I ever had were some of the people of SF; even family members. Just too much fakeness.

I disagree, and a lot of people I've encountered that aren't from Northern CA tend to disagree as well. The common remark I get is how friendly people in The City are and I wholeheartedly agree. Yeah there are snobby people here but it's nothing compared to other cities especially LA.
My City 
goodness that's some dopeness right there
.  I hope I take another trip to see my fam in the Bay before they take this ish down.  Just chilling out at night staring at that with your chick would be dope 
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