Worst 2 days of my life

Apr 23, 2007
These past 2 days have been the worst days of my life. Yesterday first off the ******** got trampled by the giants which sucked. Then i lost my fantasyfootball game which sucked even more. Then at night my parents got into a HUGE argument probably the biggest one ever for them and now i think they are goingto split up. Today got a tiny bit better i unds'd some new shoes but i got blue jean stains on them. Quick flashback-i got banned from my gfs neighborhoodfor a year by security for suspicous activity cause we were having sex in the back of my car but didnt get caught in the act. But we tried to lie abouteverything and got caught in our lie so it bit me in the %$$ and i got barred for a year. So i dont listen to the warning and get caught there and i find outif i am ever caught there again they will call the police on me and i will go to jail. I talk to the security lady she says i dont wanna see you here for 6months then you are free to come back. So i park somewhere close by and slicky walk to the gfs house for like 4 or 5 months. Then the security lady was nowhere to be found some other dude was rolling around on security so i started coming back. One fine day i see the security lady again but nothing happens. Backto present day- My gf gets a letter saying im still barred and everytime they see me there that my gf's family will get a 25$ fine and 100$ fine foreverytime i am caught there after the first offense. So i decided let me call this security lady and see what the deal is cause i was gone for 6 months. Someother %#@ tells me it doesnt matter what the other lady said i gotta stay away for a year. This is all happening right before my birthday which is December2nd.
where the hell does your girlfriend live , a fortress ? get a hoodrat , you can have all the sex u want in the car ........

motels ftw ........

how you get barred from a neighborhood?
If these are the worst 2 days of your life, you are in for a good one. Man up, life will throw crazier things at you!!
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Cliffnotes: OP was rapin women in the neighborhood and is now barred from there.


If those are the worst days of your life, get ready for a shock when you hit the real world. Can't believe you're freakin over not being allowed in yaGFs neighborhood. Tell her to meet you somewhere else, got damnit.
beside your parents "might be breaking up" the rest of the post sounds like a little girl complaining over nothing ...

you dont have a terminal sickness
you still have all your limbs
no one died
you have a girl
etc etc etc

so $$% are you complaining about

oh wow the ******** lost

while someone else is starving, or living in a shelter, maybe getting molested or raped, etc etc etc

you dont know *$*@ about bad ...
beside your parents "might be breaking up" the rest of the post sounds like a little girl complaining over nothing ...

you dont have a terminal sickness
you still have all your limbs
no one died
you have a girl
etc etc etc

so #%% are you complaining about

oh wow the ******** lost

while someone else is starving, or living in a shelter, maybe getting molested or raped, etc etc etc

you dont know !!+! about bad ...
Yo, on the real... By the time I was 3 years old I had had worse days than that. I understand you are a child and all, but you might want to rethink what"worst" day of your life means. Banned from your girls house? For real? Please.
At first, I thought you meant you were "barred" from the neighborhood by your everyday "no gooders". But yo, does she live in a ...Idon't even know, that doesn't sound one bit right.....that's funny to me. But in the words of Jim Carrey...

"Stop breakin' the law, !$*#+$*!"
i mean its mainly the parents splitting up which is the worst part i guess i just wrote more about the gf thing because i just finished calling that securitylady to try and lemme come back. But my parents splitting up after 17 years together just seems unreal
There are people out there who have no legs and their only means of transportation is a skateboard. They are forced to degrading themselves by begging forcoins in the NY subways and you complain that you have jean dye on your shoes??
^ yo, where do you live?? lol soo funny.. these couple had sex in the back of there car at my neighborhood and word on the street is he got kicked out of theneighborhood.
.People out there have alot worse problems than this trivial crap....mabye u should end ur life now before it gets any worse....
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