Worst Commentator in Sports?

I think Reggie Miller grew on alot of people.

Everyone on here use to talk about how he was the worst.

He provides a lot of lol's.

He is jye corny sometimes though.
Hubie Brown uses the phrase "High percentage" way too much. It irks me 
Originally Posted by erupt107th

People are gonna get mad because NT lusts over this guy but.

Hubie Brown.

IDGAF if he knows everything about basketball; he's a terrible commentator.

*player makes a 3 point shot*

Hubie:"Okay you try to tell your guys, get a hand up. Mainly because this guy is a knockdown shooter"

*player grabs rebound*

Hubie"You see you tell your guys to box out. Mainly because it will keep the other team from grabbing the rebound"

Not to mention this dude is wrong about plays all the time but he refuses to accept that he's wrong even if the replay shows that he's clearly wrong.
Reported for blatant disrespect to the game of basketball.
Originally Posted by Antidope

Hubie Brown uses the phrase "High Clip percentage" way too much. It irks me 
The most blatant homers are the most irritating:

Stacey King
Sean Elliott
Mike Rice
Tommy Heinsohn

Personally, I find Mike Breen terrible to listen to. You can basically predict what he's going to say beforehand. He also repeats, every game, the exact same background stories about players (e.g., anytime the Lakers are on, he speaks about Artest "turning his life around"; every OKC/Bulls must include discussions of Durant/Rose's humbleness/work ethic; any game with Kendrick Perkins/Joakim Noah/Andy Varajeo involves narratives about how underrated/important those type of players are). He spends half the game giving background information we've heard 1000 times and not actually calling the game. And I think we've all seen how he defends the refs whenever possible.
Originally Posted by erupt107th

People are gonna get mad because NT lusts over this guy but.

Hubie Brown.

IDGAF if he knows everything about basketball; he's a terrible commentator.

*player makes a 3 point shot*

Hubie:"Okay you try to tell your guys, get a hand up. Mainly because this guy is a knockdown shooter"

*player grabs rebound*

Hubie"You see you tell your guys to box out. Mainly because it will keep the other team from grabbing the rebound"

Not to mention this dude is wrong about plays all the time but he refuses to accept that he's wrong even if the replay shows that he's clearly wrong.

qft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally someone has said it!!!!!!!

millions of unemployed americans look at matt millen and ask why
Michael Smith & Ralph Lawler.
Blazers TV crew.
Tim Legler
Dennis Scott & Rick Kamla on NBATV

But yeah Reggie did improve a lot the past couple of years.
Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

I think Reggie Miller grew on alot of people.

Everyone on here use to talk about how he was the worst.

He provides a lot of lol's.

He is jye corny sometimes though.
Yea I guess I missed out on the Reggie hate, cause dude's funny as hell to me
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