WORST Movies You've Seen... Vol. BRUH...

Oh also that trash ***
Guardians of the Galaxy movie
Marvel dissappointed with that one
ONLY good thing was rocket and groot
And groot only had like 3 lines
Movie is beynd trash
Storyline/plot sucked
Acting sucked
Fighting scenes sucked
Thought it was super whack but people at my work messed with it hard.
Valentine's Day. In theatres. On Valentine's Day.

I don't count movies that hit "so bad, it's good" status, as there's still some lulz to be had (Batman & Robin, Showgirls, The Room, Birdemic, the Nic Cage Wicker Man...). Sharnado doesn't qualify because it was trying to make a good-bad movie.
Conjuring was terrible also literal carbon copy of every haunted house flick yet it had grown men on NT shook of a pg13 flick
My top 5 worst movies I've ever seen. Never again!!!

View media item 14686904.
View media item 14686783.
View media item 14686752.
View media item 14686761. Catwoman was the first and only movie I've ever walked out on and demanded my money back.
View media item 1468677No lies, after Catwoman, I started to look and read movie reviews and rotten tomato's before I entered a movie theater. If a movie had a kind-of iffy rating I would bring mini wine bottles in with me. Catwoman set that standard for me. IT WAS THAT BAD.
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Yea that street fighter was 
I know u ain't talkin bout that silk the shocker/no limit movie
always used to watch when it came on bet :lol:

:lol: I use to listen to a lot of No Limit so I was hyped to see it. Movie was buns and you know it :lol:
Honorable mention

 my man was wearing the 13's in his 3rd year in the league

If you haven't seen this movie,  you are missing out on life.

But also

and of course every single one of them 1,2 and especially 3


F'K You FOX! I hope they go bankrupt and hope M. Night Shyamalan catches the worst case of herpies for all his crappy movies.
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Did anyone see the movie Exodus that came out last year? Absolutely one of the worst films I've ever seen... The casting, the dialog... Everything.
Took the Wife to see Inherent Vice recently....about 6 people got up and left midway thru. As soon as it ended the Wife goes "this is  the worst movie I've seen...ever"

You really needed to be on weed and acid to appreciate the movie or for it to even make sense....(we were sober)
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