Worst Video Game Ending of ALL Time

Jan 12, 2006
FABLE 2! Waited all game for the final battle to get revenge and it was a HUGE let down.
Post yours.
legend of zelda majora's mask, all that work for homie to say thanks you and leave, i trew my n64 out the window
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Fable 1... ending crapped out on that one too, but the game was still[/color]
I was pissed when I saw this crap. Me and my older bro spent too much tyme on this hard game.
yo, the Mario Bros ending sucked...I expected at least for the princess to let my boy get some play
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Gears of war 2 was pretty disappointing.

I was just gonna say..

I thought i was only halfway through it.. but the credits showed up

Shouldnt never bought the game..
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

Kane & Lynch had a pretty wack ending, but it wasn't the worst............I don't know what game had the worst.

I just beat this game with my friend and hated the ending.
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

EA Sports. Play 82+ games and you only see confetti.
I hate that %#+@, atleast they can hold up the damn trophyor something.
Fallout 3.

In the era of modern gaming, this is the worst. Especially considering how much time and work you put in the game, and you couldn't even get a cut scene?Like, for real, picture stills?
lol my boy is a huge fable fan....he said the ending was wack but he still has beat it like 4-5 times lol
Compared to the actual gameplay, the ending for SNES' Super Metroid was very disappointing. After escaping the planet (which I consider to be the actualending), all you see is your finishing time and your item-collecting efficiency percentage. If you finish under two hours, you see Samus in a bikini.That's it. No follow-up story, no loose ends that could possibly lead to the next Metroid installment.
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