Would Obama get the same love if he was Republican?

Oct 5, 2007
Because people want to bash Republicans so much and I never seen this question asked. Would Obama still carry 92.6% of the black vote also?
Would Obama get the same love if he was Republican?
No. But think about what you're asking
well considering 90% of people dont know two things about the difference between republican and democrat, proabbly yes ... but then again, the ignorance fromthe preceeding statement leads me to believe that those same people believe there cant be any black republicans, so probably no ... ...
It's an unfair question considering that he would be a pretty different candidate if he were Republican.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

well considering 90% of people dont know two things about the difference between republican and democrat, proabbly yes ... but then again, the ignorance from the preceeding statement leads me to believe that those same people believe there cant be any black republicans, so probably no ... ...

...? Please point out where I said that. Cause there are definitely black republicans, but truthfully No, he wouldn't get as much love. Point blank. Ifhe was a republican, as you may have guessed his standpoints on several issues would be VERY different.
...? Please point out where I said that. Cause there are definitely black republicans, but truthfully No, he wouldn't get as much love. Point blank. If he was a republican, as you may have guessed his standpoints on several issues would be VERY different.
i was talking about my previosu statement ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ............ relax jahova
hmmmm..........good question.

you know not all Republicans are known to be staunch conservatives? Maybe if he was Republican in name only.
The Republican party is the down fall of this country.

That said Republicans have different political ideologies than Democrats, from smaller government, lower taxes, anti-abortion and etc. Its actually kinda funnythat alot of black Americans share some the same ideals as some conservatives & moderates especially in the aspect of religion and illegal immigration, itsjust many blacks oppose republican's economic policy. If the Republican party put forth more effort to dealing with issues in the urban community in termsof poverty, education & emphasis of social programs im sure they would get a good 30-35% of the black vote.

I believe if Colin Powell had ran for President this election he could have potentially gotten a large percentage of the black vote... he's very respectedin the black community. I would actually prefer him more so than a Barack Obama.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

...? Please point out where I said that. Cause there are definitely black republicans, but truthfully No, he wouldn't get as much love. Point blank. If he was a republican, as you may have guessed his standpoints on several issues would be VERY different.
i was talking about my previosu statement ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ............ relax jahova

Buttcheeks unclenched.
Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

The Republican party is the down fall of this country.

That said Republicans have different political ideologies than Democrats, from smaller government, lower taxes, anti-abortion and etc. Its actually kinda funny that alot of black Americans share some the same ideals as some conservatives & moderates especially in the aspect of religion and illegal immigration, its just many blacks oppose republican's economic policy. If the Republican party put forth more effort to dealing with issues in the urban community in terms of poverty, education & emphasis of social programs im sure they would get a good 30-35% of the black vote.

I believe if Colin Powell had ran for President this election he could have potentially gotten a large percentage of the black vote... he's very respected in the black community. I would actually prefer him more so than a Barack Obama.

Oh, and the Democratic party isnt?
well black people were historically black because of lincoln, with that said i do think he would get the same love. Now if he was apart of a third party thatwould be a different story, third parties gets no love in this day and age
why sugar coat it? what you really mean to ask is "could/would a black republican carry 92.6% of the black vote?" if you were concerned withthe way "people like to bash republicans" you wouldnt have thrown in how much of the black vote the guy carries.
Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

The Republican party is the down fall of this country.

That said Republicans have different political ideologies than Democrats, from smaller government, lower taxes, anti-abortion and etc. Its actually kinda funny that alot of black Americans share some the same ideals as some conservatives & moderates especially in the aspect of religion and illegal immigration, its just many blacks oppose republican's economic policy. If the Republican party put forth more effort to dealing with issues in the urban community in terms of poverty, education & emphasis of social programs im sure they would get a good 30-35% of the black vote.

I believe if Colin Powell had ran for President this election he could have potentially gotten a large percentage of the black vote... he's very respected in the black community. I would actually prefer him more so than a Barack Obama.

What the hell are you talking about? Both parties are doing terrible. The Republicans that aren't doing a good job are the staunch conservatives.That's why McCain has my vote because he's more of a moderate in the Republican party. His stance has lost him a lot of support from conservatives.

OP: You can't ask this question because Obama's political ideology would be totally different.
Republicans would rally behind Obama with force as a their sole candidate and wouldn't resort the same intra-party mudslinging and condescending tacticstheir Democrat counterparts always seem to fall victim to with one another during campaigns. Republicans have a better ability (ie: they're more conciseand to the point) at marketing their party's ways and strategies to their prospective voters/constituency even if they're not necessarily being fullyforthcoming about their intentions, but then again when have the Democrats ever been honest?
Originally Posted by NYelectric

It's an unfair question considering that he would be a pretty different candidate if he were Republican.

Exactly. If he were Republican he would have different views on the issues so obviously there would be a huge difference there.
well black people were historically black because of lincoln,

Republicans wish! hahhaha--repubs are so out of touch with society. Let them continue to carry the donkey up the elephant but.

BTW, Republicans are not panicking. Hillary has exposed all there is to Obama (thankfully) and now Obama has been completely vetted. All his baggage is outthere.

Now on to McCain. ACtually, McCain is a joke and will use his "hero" status to hopefully keep up with Obama's bi-partisan status.
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