Would you be okay with your teenage daughter going out wearing this?

The real question should be ,would you be comfortable with your teenage son wearing what the girl is wearing?
You do realize this is an inevitability. Sure I'd prefer it happens when she's of adult age but you're never going to be at peace with it. Some arbitrary imaginary line between 17 and 18 isn't going to change what she means to you.

As a father with a daughter, it's just something you have to accept. Want her to choose good men? Then be a good man. Show her what a good man is.

I would pray to zeus that she's a lesbian.
I would pray to zeus that she's a lesbian.

No you don't. You want grandkids. I love my daughter. I'm in no rush to see her grow up but you know what? People grow up, they get out, they meet others, form relationships and have kids.

Maybe, if we're lucky, before we die we get our kids back, in the form of grandchildren.
You gotta realize after a certain age, teenage girls will do what they want to do regardless and behind their parent's back. Obviously I wouldn't approve her stepping out of the house looking like that especially to a mall and not a gym, but I wouldn't make a big deal about it either which would just make it her challenge. You have to educate em young and hope those lessons stick so she would know better.


once you make her feel like she's powerless is when she's gonna rebel even harder from my observation of girls w strict parents
Question for my fathers with daughter do y'all be checking women while you with your daughter? I felt like a wild scumbag today with my daughter in the backsit.
That outfit isn't even that absurd. I've got lots of opinions on this topic, but I'll leave it at this: the way you dress determines how you are addressed. Women don't understand how men's hormones work and don't realize how mass and monkey prints in yoga pants can drive a man crazy. They just know they'll get attention and want attention from a guy that she likes. Hopefully I don't have girls.
Question for my fathers with daughter do y'all be checking women while you with your daughter? I felt like a wild scumbag today with my daughter in the backsit.

I've checked out women while with a woman. I'm sure we all have. A daughter's nothing.
This is a battle you will lose regardless. She is going to dress how she wants to, whether it's in front of you or behind your back.

The best you can do is educate her on how men will approach her with thirst depending on how is dressed.

With that said.....I hope my kids are all boys
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