Would you buy these custom chains/necklaces

Nov 25, 2011
I was wondering if any of you would be interested in buying these for around $50-70 I wanna see the feedback thanks!

(not mine, but kinda know the guy i wanna see if he will deal with online consumers cause he is only dealing locally if i can get enough people to say they want them then i can get them)
Originally Posted by noname27


I was wondering if any of you would be interested in buying these for around $50-70 I wanna see the feedback thanks!

([color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not mine, but kinda know the guy [/color]i wanna see if he will deal with online consumers cause he is only dealing locally if i can get enough people to say they want them then i can get them)

Anyways I'm not buying a bootleg product.
How did you get the NHL and MLB licenses? Supreme and TISA too? How?
Is there something special about the materials used? Why 50-$70? The pic makes them look like $20 plastic necklaces.
I wouldn't, tell your friend to be careful selling those logos. He won't be in business long
Bahaha.... i rather stick with the GoodWood. And they are even lucky they get my money.
Yeah I agree the prices are too high, I'm thinking $30 dollars would be the most people would be willing to pay. With that said, this
is not my style but as mentioned I could see people purchasing this. Good luck
No but there is a market for this nowadays, I wouldn't put it on the net though unless you have permission to use those logos...
Yep after I saw the pic I see why he wont sell online.

Cease and Desist is in your friends future. I predict.

SMH at you trying to piggy back off his hustle.

YES, I see you.
LMAO...70 bucks for copyrighted refrigerator magnets attached Mardi Gras beads. Ohhhk. Business is not for everyone.
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