would you date a woman with a child?

Ya'll dudes must be young. Once you hit the late 20s messing with women around the same age, it's gonna happen unless you're already locked down.
Yeah. I got one myself so why not. She can relate to me not having time to see her all seconds of the day. I'd actually prefer it. I've had bad experiences with girls in the past getting sick of me having a kid. It's cool I just fire them and move on. Met a dope girl with a kid. She's older than me but I swore she was like 22. We got a ton in common and she's super cool. I'm with that.
Currently in this situation myself. I'm 22, been with my chick almost a year and a half, lil man almost 2, we even live together. I couldn't be happier. She a lot like what you listed. Mature, independent, making her $, knocking out school, don't give me ANY problems. Even though I love her son and treat him like my own, at no point did she ever force him on me or expect anything from me. I say go for it homie. If I had the same way of thinking as some of these cats I wouldn't have met my other half. I know for a fact if I broke it with her I'd never find another chick who I connect with on our level and will hold me down like her. So again, give it a shot. If it aint for you or she aint what you thought she'd be, bounce. But from my experience I got me a keeper.
I have been blessed to date/sleep with/be in relationships with very attractive women from all walks of life.  I have dated a girl that has one multiple Emmys while in college for mass communications all the way to a girl who was a nuclear engineer/lieutenant/officer/college athlete in the Navy making over 100K.

I have even been in a relationship with a women who has her degree and is a GS 12 in the Government making 80K+ and will go far and she has a kid.  It is all about someone's character and value.  Not every woman with a child is a scumbag.  I get along great with her and the child's father because we are all mature adults.

Most people on NT are immature and still think every girl is a virgin and if they have had sex before they are mega +@*%%+. 

It takes a real man...a real mature man to date a woman with a child and I recommend it to those who are ready, the right age/maturity level and are comfortable with it. 


She is just as bad as the girls I have dated without children....but alas, to each their own.  I have posted a few times in these threads every so often when they come up. 
the father just busted a load in her and something came out 9 months later.. no big deal
I did it for a year or so when I was 25-26. Chick was cool. She has twin boys.

Baby daddy was not around so no drama as far as that was concerned.

I learned a lot about myself during the time and would most likely do it again with the right woman.

The tough part is getting over your selfish ways though and realizing the kid(s) come first. We shouldn't be selfish anyways. Give more. Expect less.

I say go for it OP.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Touche. How do you like your crow?  No need to lie over the internet.  It is what it is. 

No one said you were lying, homie. That was a "say whaaaaa".

Originally Posted by ricky409

Sounds like Jesus shuttlesworth is the greatest NTer of all time.

Oops, I thought that was a duck or some other moniker used for sarcasm on here. I just know folks on here don't believe anything without pictures. I am far from great, just another common person who has a pretty entertaining 27 years on earth so far. I have been blessed. Best wishes.
All depends on the girl and the situation.

I'm currently in a relationship with a woman with a child, and it's been great - she's my best friend, and I've raised her daughter as my own for the entirety of our relationship. If I sidestepped it based on the fact that she had a kid, I would have missed out on two of the most important people in my life
That depends on ones definition of 'dating'. If its fun 'dating' (hangin etc) why not. If it's relationship 'dating' then you have a lot of questions to ask YOURSELF. If you're serious and shes got a kid then you'll have a kid. If you're serious and y'all decide to do it and have another kid you gotta treat them kids as equals. Some real grownup $+%% you getting into. I work with child services and you wouldn't belee how $!%*!# up some cats can be to the 'other' kid once mami has his child...
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