Would you let a stranger use your restroom?

Dec 29, 2005
So some weird lady pops up at my door as soon as I'm about to walk my dog. She asks if she can borrow my bathroom. I said no but I feel kinda bad cause shewas walking away with her stomach crunched up like she was bout to !$$% her pants. You never know what to expect when you let strangers into your house so Ijust played it safe this time. What would you do?
i watch to many scary movies...and thats how most of them start
no to answer ops question
I woulda been like, "Hahaha naw man." and just went about my business. Not even to be mean, but I don't just lend my bathroom out to strangers.

No. We have underwear for a reason.
HELLLLLLLLLL NAW, but if she had walked up and said. "Come on Praise, I'm a NT'er I love your posts." Then by all means, enjoy.
Hell no. My restroom is a sacred sanctuary for me. It's the place where I dump my unwanted kids, the place where I relieve myself, the place where the poowater splashes back on myself. I can't let no damn stranger taint it for me.

On the other hand, if this was Megan Fox or some other hot girl then she can use it.
Originally Posted by socluis90

So some weird lady pops up at my door as soon as I'm about to walk my dog. She asks if she can borrow my bathroom. I said no but I feel kinda bad cause she was walking away with her stomach crunched up like she was bout to !$$% her pants. You never know what to expect when you let strangers into your house so I just played it safe this time. What would you do?

that's funny and %!$# no i say hell naww with a quickness and plushaving some stranger taking a %#$+ in your restroom thats really gross.

But if it was


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