Would you let your lil bro play GTA?

Jun 16, 2007
My little brother is 5 years old. So i'm in the room doing homework and he comes in, wanting to play. I feel bad because I can't play but I turn on the360, and put on GTA San Andreas. It's his first time playing. Within 5 minutes he's stabbing girls and stomping out Ballers... Dude is having the timeof his life... I can't help but think he'll grow up and emulate everything he sees on here, but at the same time dude is loving every minute....

So should I turn off the 360 and tell little man to skiddadle...
or let him keep playing, letting a 5 year old bust %%% in San Andreas....
as long as he learns the difference between right and wrong he will see the game as entertainment.
it'll be cool. i played GTA when i was little and i turned out ok

*goes out to murder and rape children*
just explain to him thats its just a game and actions as such should not be carried out in reality
Sometimes thats how it starts, lil man plays a game or sees a movie and the ideas portrayed in those things stick to him. I say no IMO
No, my nephew use to always come in the room when i was playing GTAIV and i would always pause the game and tell him to leave.

But he plays Liberty City Stories on PSP from time to time, not my fault though.
5 years old man? Come on man
lol at the picture. kids are like sponges, they soak in everything and the images they see are engraved in their brains.

with that being said, i wouldnt let them watch me play let alone play gta.
I would say no it is not going to make a killer. I would think it would be detrimental. Why you read a book with him play some sports with him.
@ you letting a 5 year old play that....it's a shame as to what KIDS are subjected to outside of the home, and it's even more of a shame as to whatthey are subjected to inside of the home. You have total control of this situation, and it's pathetic that you have to come to NT for advice as to whetheror not you should let a 5 year old play GTA
Just because the kid is more than likely not gonna grow up to be a killer, doesn't mean he should be exposed to that type of stuff. Let the kid keep hisinnocence.
He gotta learn sooner or later no???

na im j/p but my lil bro is 5 also I let him play any games on ps3/360 just as long as he knows right from wrong and that its only a game.....he should begood.
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