Would you struggle on $350,000 a year?

Originally Posted by moneymike88

"I can't imagine what I'm going to do," Schiff said. "I'm crammed into 1,200 square feet. I don't have a dishwasher. We do all our dishes by hand."

Poor guy

Got them living like savages out there...LIKE SAVAGES
Originally Posted by Jking0821

I am sorry dude makes more then 99% of america......I can not have any sympathy for you.  Completely agree with Monstar....his pride is the only thing he is going to have to give up.  
Imagine if his kids had to do the unthinkable........attend public school

Let me ask you this, and keep it real. If you made 350k you'd put your kids through public school?...or would you give them the best education possible that you can afford?...c'mon you guys are lying to yourselves, I'm not saying dude doesn't sound like a spoiled diva, but you guys act as if given the opportunity and the money, you wouldn't make the same moves, buy that sportscar, look into those fancy duplexes...specially if you have a family to look after, you'd want to give them the best life possible.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I am sorry dude makes more then 99% of america......I can not have any sympathy for you.  Completely agree with Monstar....his pride is the only thing he is going to have to give up.  
Imagine if his kids had to do the unthinkable........attend public school

Let me ask you this, and keep it real. If you made 350k you'd put your kids through public school?...or would you give them the best education possible that you can afford?...c'mon you guys are lying to yourselves, I'm not saying dude doesn't sound like a spoiled diva, but you guys act as if given the opportunity and the money, you wouldn't make the same moves, buy that sportscar, look into those fancy duplexes...specially if you have a family to look after, you'd want to give them the best life possible.
I would send them to private school if it was financial feasible given my income.  But my issue isn't with how he is currently living his life.  Its the spoiled diva part.  He gave no solutions to his "struggle" he came out and spoke on this for no real reason other then to get other rich people to feel bad for him and to humble brag to the rest of society that he makes a lot.
A good human would have said i only made 350k when i was used to way more.  So now I have to make some lifestyle adjustments but at least we will still have a roof over our heads and food on the table.  In stead he is "struggling" and given his income level still only 1% of americans know what that 350k a year struggle is really like.  
How good could the best education possible be at the age of 10?? You're still lerning the english language at the age. 32k/year on learning the differences between there. Theyre., and their is just stupid.
Yeah I'm not defending his attitude, I said it from my first post...the point in trying to defend is that is not as easy as some of you make it sound to adjust to live with half of your regular salary, no matter what that is...you could be making a million a year for the past 5 years, cut you down to 350k a year and even if you saved up for a rainy day, your 1 million dollar a year lifestyle expenses eventually will eat up at those savings and you will have to readjust your priorities and give up those luxuries and that a what people struggle with and I'm farrrr from making that type of money, but I understand the feeling that if one day I'd have to give up the little luxuries I've earned due to a salary cut I'd be stressed, obviously I won't go on a diva rant like he did though
Originally Posted by the coolness

Originally Posted by moneymike88

"I can't imagine what I'm going to do," Schiff said. "I'm crammed into 1,200 square feet. I don't have a dishwasher. We do all our dishes by hand."

Poor guy
Got them living like savages out there...LIKE SAVAGES


I must of missed that line. Dude is definitely trolling
Originally Posted by three6mafia

How good could the best education possible be at the age of 10?? You're still lerning the english language at the age. 32k/year on learning the differences between there. Theyre., and their is just stupid.

Not sure if serious....Early child development... building a foundation..
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

This should be a lesson to MANY on NT, that spending beyond your means isn't strictly attributed to the poor. There are people in EVERY tax bracket that struggle with making good decisions w. their finances.
SO some actually put the bonus amount into their actual "salaries" and felt things would never change.

That's taking things for granted, if I have ever see it.
That's still a lot of money, even with the high cost of living here in L.A. No way I would be struggling with that amount of money.
The reality is that most of us are not making that type of money, so is easy to say how well
We would manage more money than what we already do...this is a very biased discussion
Originally Posted by ksteezy

The reality is that most of us are not making that type of money, so is easy to say how well
We would manage more money than what we already do...this is a very biased discussion
Hit the nail on the head. To the majority in here 350k is an upgrade, so if you could live on your 40k salary you can def live off more comfortably. Now lets say your 40k is slashed to 20k, most of you would react the same way. Things like mortgage, school, automobiles, etc. are committments and cannot go away just because you make less money so the guy is feeling the pressure now. Now saying I feel bad for him, but I can understand to a point. Not to mention, if most of you dudes recieved a 350k salary you would be blowing way worse than this guy, whole room of sneakers/gear, fleet of cars, crazy crib, and you are the same ones throwing stones for how much he spends on his dogs.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

The reality is that most of us are not making that type of money, so is easy to say how well
We would manage more money than what we already do...this is a very biased discussion

Its clear that the more you make the more you spend.  And you will make lifestyle improvements.

But to sit around and let this clown off the hook is a crime.  His kids can stay in private school.  All he has to do is get rid of one his dogs and maybe sell the "summer home".  He can still golf at the Trump club and do other things.  I mean how hard is it to have the maid only come once every two weeks instead of regularly.  These aren't cutbacks that would change your lifestyle. 

If you went from 75k to 35k your whole lifestyle is going to change.  You would have to give up certain things that are borderline needs.  You have to move and change cars more than likely.  You would have to budget down to the dollar and go forbid you have any debt.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by ksteezy

The reality is that most of us are not making that type of money, so is easy to say how well
We would manage more money than what we already do...this is a very biased discussion
Hit the nail on the head. To the majority in here 350k is an upgrade, so if you could live on your 40k salary you can def live off more comfortably. Now lets say your 40k is slashed to 20k, most of you would react the same way. Things like mortgage, school, automobiles, etc. are committments and cannot go away just because you make less money so the guy is feeling the pressure now. Now saying I feel bad for him, but I can understand to a point. Not to mention, if most of you dudes recieved a 350k salary you would be blowing way worse than this guy, whole room of sneakers/gear, fleet of cars, crazy crib, and you are the same ones throwing stones for how much he spends on his dogs.


Dudes need to visit the jewelry and high end designer shoes threads before discussing priorities on NT

No shots fired but I was just in that thread yesterday and noticed an NTer post up about 6 pairs of Balenciaga's and you could tell homie lives in a dingy %%+ apartment (if that's his place where the pics were taken)...we all prioritized different and NT is certainly one of the last places to place judgement.Sorry for the blanket statement and I apologize in advance who actually keep their priorities in check....more power to you.
Andrew Schiff related to Peter Schiff?

Should just ask him for some money

Overall though dudes need some perspective

I will say 350k gets you much less in nyc then almost anywhere ese in the country
Originally Posted by joegolfdad

Andrew Schiff related to Peter Schiff?

Should just ask him for some money

Overall though dudes need some perspective

I will say 350k gets you much less in nyc then almost anywhere ese in the country

this is true but its more than enough to live an amazing fun comfortable life full of vacations and luxury material things.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

SO some actually put the bonus amount into their actual "salaries" and felt things would never change.

That's taking things for granted, if I have ever see it.
then you dont understand how the industry works.  Its the case for a lot of guys in the banking/finance sector.  Going out on a limb here, but i'm gonna say that the majority of people who work in that industry account for their bonus when they plan out their annual expenditures and their earnings.  When you hear about wall street guys making half a mill a year, the majority of that money is from the bonus, not from their salary.  If they didnt have the bonus structures they have, no one would want to be a banker or trader working 100 hour work weeks for $100K a year.

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