WOW. i just got offered $300

Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

Damn if my dad offers me money to help him out I won't even be able to take it.
Congrats though. $12.50 an hour ain't bad for a quick 3 day job.
well considering ill be lugging bricks pushing wheelbarrows and helping build a 50 foot brick wall for 8 hours/3 days. i was glad to take themoney. plus i do all the work around the house
Originally Posted by HELMETONMYHEAD

Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

Damn if my dad offers me money to help him out I won't even be able to take it.
Congrats though. $12.50 an hour ain't bad for a quick 3 day job.
well considering ill be lugging bricks pushing wheelbarrows and helping build a 50 foot brick wall for 8 hours/3 days. i was glad to take the money. plus i do all the work around the house
eff that!...Google up how much construction workers get paid, print it out and show it to your father and demand more money....sounds like daddy isbeing cheap
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