WOW Im Really Bothered By This...... [Creflo Dollar Related]

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Stuff like this is the reason I can't go to his church, he they knows how blind his their followers are.. shortie people see's nothing wrong with what is going on. Its really bothering me.

religion is a scam.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

i mean i could see if he was taking the $ from them to "invest" or was trynign to sell them on certain stocks or something...but thats basic advice that cant really hurt-

That and the fact that most cats in here missed that is PROPHETIC meaning this may or may not have been a word from God sent through man. Cats quick to tellother people to read, but don't do enough of that themselves
OP, do they really do tithes via direct desposit? In other words, does Creflo take money directly out of your paycheck lime an IRA or Union membership would?

Also, does Creflo really audit his church members and require you to sumbit your tax documents?

I swear his Church resembles a Financial Institution from those looking from the outside in. I wouldn't be surprised if the Church had a stock/bondportfolio which it managed.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

NostrandAve68 wrote:

^^^ alot of Gold investors aren't idiots...most actually own gold to hedge against inflation and with government spending in the trillions, inflation
won't be too far behind so its actually a good investing tool especially in a slumping global economy. But I know what your talking about, the people who
see the ads on TV and blindly follow not understanding why they invested in it.

When 60+% of the people purchasing gold futures contracts on the COMEX are speculators who agree to cash settlements instead of taking delivery of gold,
there's something wrong. Gold IS a good inflation hedge and that reasoning is a correct rationale for purchasing gold. However, it's like there's
an asset bubble the way everyone decided to purchase gold. If people were really worried about inflation, they'd hold physical gold BUT THEY DON'T. I
don't see the difference between this and oil when it was above $120 a barrel. Everyone said it was going to $200, the same way everyone is saying gold is
going to $2000.

BTW, I'm a day trader. I'm watching /YG (Mini Gold futures) and /GC (Gold futures) right now (with positions in /YG). IMO, gold has peaked for now.

Watch /DX (dollar index) as gold is correlated with the dollar for your above reasoning.
Did you go to school to get your knowledge or did you read any books on it? If you read books can you tell me which ones?

I'm still in school but I don't believe there's any school in the US that focuses on trading. I'm a finance major with a math minor. I'mfocusing on the math part because I'm trying to go the quant route (hopefully going to get a Masters in Financial Engineering after college) plus thefinance part is easy. I've read a ton of books, basically anything I can find. I use mostly a TA, quant type method which probably makes sense to very few.All technical analysis books are basically the same, you just have to gain experience to understand how to use them well. I suggest you check out a couple ofthem and trade paper money if you're trying to test out TA. IMO, to be good at trading you have to learn that ALL financial information is biased (if GSputs out a buy rating on a stock, they're covering their $+#, not trying to put money in your pocket) and only price pays. Meaning only that chart of thestock and the charts of other stocks that are correlated or related in some way, matter. Everything else is noise. So if you hear someone talking aboutApple's new product, who cares? If someone thinks MW2 is gonna boost Gamestop's stock, stop playing. Only price pays and only money talks. Everyonetalks about gold being a great investment and I understand the rationale, but inflation fears isn't going to put money in my pockets. That chart of goldprices and what I can get from that chart will.

If you're looking for some sites I'm always reading,,, among others. PM me if you have any otherquestions.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]This dude preaches bout sin, poverty, all the bad things in life but is living like a king....hebrainwashes his congregation....idk howmpeople cant see his lies and treachery? You cant be in that position and living like that when you have followers inbad conditions[/color]
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]This dude preaches bout sin, poverty, all the bad things in life but is living like a king....he brainwashes his congregation....idk howmpeople cant see his lies and treachery? You cant be in that position and living like that when you have followers in bad conditions[/color]

I think the funniest think is his last name is DOLLAR. How do people not expect him to be focused only only on his dollars.
^I was just about to say that kicksfiend!

There is a saying.........and that is that "a good name is better than gold".There is absolutely NOTHING positive about having a name like that!
It may sound silly to someone who is ignorant,but there are people who actually live up to their names and he is living proof of that!
Originally Posted by DMoney82

OP you wana hear something? My sister friends (husband and wife) both attend his church. They had a baby so they decided to upgrade to an SUV. Mr. Dollar finds out about it. Has a private meeting with the couple and goes over their finances and what not. Tells them that car note they are paying they can not afford. They asked why and he tells because it will interfere with their Tithes. So they take the truck back and get a mini van with a smaller payment.

You should see this mans property..It's huge. Son has a private jet and all. I'm talking GulfStream
I'm a christian and the that story DMoney shared bothers me. Just because they have a better vehicle to transport their family doesn'tmean that the tithes they give will be less. GOD asks for people to tithe 10% to a ministry..............................nothing more. If you don't havethe money to tithe, then you can tithe your time to GOD...via performing community service with the church, volunteering to teach Sunday school, etc. I hopeCreflo gives back to his congregation and community if he has the mansion and PJ. As the saying goes: "With great wealth comes great responsibility"
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