WOW Momz Vol.Shut the hell up

Originally Posted by Wreckinkickz

So here I am chillin in my room and im playin my early mornin tracks. Ive been playin the music for 4 hours and even said yo 20 mins ago to this broad and so here she comes hittin the door and being annoying so im like "da hell is wrong with you" shes like TURN IT DOWN im like um? Srsly? shes like ITS TOO LOUD then I go out side my room and you cannot hear it at all with the door shut.

So then she comes @ me with some BS calling me a son of a #!#$ in spanish when that literally means that Im the son of a !#$!@ and since i only have one mother I think shes dissin her self.

So then she threatens with kickin me out then I hit her back with im calling immigration then shes liek DO IT THEN I CAN LEAVE HERE N DISAPEAR THEN IM LIKS " Y SO SRS" THEN SHE GOES ON N ON ABOUT HOW IM a piece of @#!# and goes on n on Dissin the kid.....


!@% kind of son are you...calling immigration? Then what, since obviously you don't have your own place. I have really heard it all. What is wrong withkids today...don't appreciate anything or respect anybody.
STEP YOUR GAME UP!....if you want to achieve anything worth while in life!
Did you do anything prior to this because that sounds like a situation where she had hidden problems or something.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Did you do anything prior to this because that sounds like a situation where she had hidden problems or something.

looks like ur trying to make the issue bigger than it really is, imma call immigration on your $+#..

i kid i kid..
Wait did I just read this right? You threatened to call immigration on your mother because you were mad you couldn't blast your music in the AM?

Ok, first off... You do realize when you grow up and finally move out of mommys house you are going to have neighbors right? I can't tell you the amount oftimes a neighbor has stopped by my place and asked me to turn the music down. I could have went wild on them every single time, but being a rational humanbeing I realized that we all have to share space and I turned the volume down a little bit. I could still hear my music, so it really wasn't hurtinganyone. I don't see how you fail to pay your mom even the modicum of respect you would show a neighbor.

With that said, telling your mom you are going to get her deported is WAY out of line. I would have kicked you out then and there, but apparently your momloves you enough to stay supporting your ungrateful &%$, maybe you should be grateful for a change.
Wreckinkickz wrote:
So here I am chillin in my room and im playin my early mornin tracks. Ive been playin the music for 4 hours and even said yo 20 mins ago to this broad and so here she comes hittin the door and being annoying so im like "da hell is wrong with you" shes like TURN IT DOWN im like um? Srsly? shes like ITS TOO LOUD then I go out side my room and you cannot hear it at all with the door shut.

So then she comes @ me with some BS calling me a son of a #!#$ in spanish when that literally means that Im the son of a !#$!@ and since i only have one mother I think shes dissin her self.

So then she threatens with kickin me out then I hit her back with im calling immigration then shes liek DO IT THEN I CAN LEAVE HERE N DISAPEAR THEN IM LIKS " Y SO SRS" THEN SHE GOES ON N ON ABOUT HOW IM a piece of @#!# and goes on n on Dissin the kid.....


You are so !@#@#++ lucky you not black! Let you said some %%#* like that to my mom

It would of been a knock on the door then ...

and after that she would of said she did it because she loves you!

You need to really think about how you disrespect your moms yo! you only get one mom so you need to chill out and show some respect she carried your $## for 9months.
brandonb2005 wrote:

It would of been a knock on the door then ...

and after that she would of said she did it because she loves you!


OP is not comin back in this thread
son though he was going to leave NT with a 6 page print out of hate mail towards him Moms to tape to her bedroom door.
u sound like my brother..

i hate my brother


blasting music early in the morning like people wanna hear that..nobody wanna hear that %$$%
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

OP is not comin back in this thread

he's only coming back under a new sn. this dude's NT life is over. ppl are gonna be brining this up 3 years from now if he posts under the same sn
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